Why Iran never retaliates

Ah...Iran directly attacked Pakistan this year after which Pakistan retaliated. It was pretty unprovoked.

So, that kind of negates this entire thread.

Iran didn't attack Pakistan, Iran attacked a terrorist organisation inside Pakistan.
In the last 20 years, Iran never attacked Iraq, Iran attacked PJAK inside Iraq.

This thread is about Irans conflicts with states.
If you let Israel 🇮🇱 strike and don't respond then Israel will continue to strike anywhere in the middle east and USA will support their actions unconditionally.
Its almost possible that Hamas started this conflict, without informing Iran. Its even possible that (totally wild I know) Israel might have known and allowed this Oct 7 thing to happen (maybe unaware of the scale, but its assumptions totally), to go after everyone they deem enemies.

Once the ball was set rolling, there is no stopping it.. as its out of hands.

As for Iran not retaliating - self preservation is the default setting in any human, so making fun of Iran is not right. Given the entire West's support to Israel, they have multiple ways to keep tabs on their opponents.

Live now and fight another day
If that day ever comes!!!
Hi Mr. X,

Iran has nothing to respond with---just talk---.

As Hulugu Khan did to iran centuries ago---israel will do to iran---slowly and calmly---one leader at a time---.

There is no disprespect meant---but leadership in Iran is runing scared---no place to save themselves---waiting to see if it will come hunting them and if they would know when they would die---.

Totally senseless bravado of my iranian members over here---.

Remember what I told you guys over here at start of Yemen war---build a military in the GCC---far from the base---that would provide security---.

All the shia spectrum in pakistan parliament was against it---menerts said we are not a mercenary army---let arabs do their protection---.

As much as it pains me to say the time to die has come very close now---.
I would only say that there is no honor in living like beggars. You are only suggesting Pakistani people and Pakistani government to pick up a begging bowl and go to beg Arab kinglets, the ones that owe their own kingdoms to USA and west and they keep their sheikhdoms by enabling western intelligence to curb revolutionary forces of their own country. Sauds have been promised to be defended against their own people when the need arise. That is beyond pathetic to beg such weak and dpendent kinglets.

And do not pretend as if self-esteem only belongs to Shias of Pakistan. Sunnis are majority in Pakistan and they can change direction of country's foreign policy. So the Sunnis also opposed begging sheikhdoms that only look for Pakistani women in their bedrooms.

Therefore, you can shove your suggestion where sun does not shine. Muslims are honorable people regardless of their sects.
Its almost possible that Hamas started this conflict, without informing Iran. Its even possible that (totally wild I know) Israel might have known and allowed this Oct 7 thing to happen (maybe unaware of the scale, but its assumptions totally), to go after everyone they deem enemies.

Once the ball was set rolling, there is no stopping it.. as its out of hands.

As for Iran not retaliating - self preservation is the default setting in any human, so making fun of Iran is not right. Given the entire West's support to Israel, they have multiple ways to keep tabs on their opponents.

Live now and fight another day

I have stated multiple times that Israel knew what was coming.

Technically it is not possible for israel not to know such a large movement right next to its border---.

Jews have sacrificed the lives of other jews " for a greater good " over the centuries---so this was nothing new---.

Even the US has done that multiple time.

As for Iran---it is going to get what it asked for---.

Everything is sitting naked in the day light now---. Israel has provedit and done it that it can take out iranian protected / supported leadership anytime---anywhere they want to and iran would be standing helpless---.
I would only say that there is no honor in living like beggars. You are only suggesting Pakistani people and Pakistani government to pick up a begging bowl and go to beg Arab kinglets, the ones that owe their own kingdoms to USA and west and they keep their sheikhdoms by enabling western intelligence to curb revolutionary forces of their own country. Sauds have been promised to be defended against their own people when the need arise. That is beyond pathetic to beg such weak and dpendent kinglets.

And do not pretend as if self-esteem only belongs to Shias of Pakistan. Sunnis are majority in Pakistan and they can change direction of country's foreign policy. So the Sunnis also opposed begging sheikhdoms that only look for Pakistani women in their bedrooms.

Therefore, you can shove your suggestion where sun does not shine. Muslims are honorable people regardless of their sects.
Hi youngman,

You have no choice living your life on your own---. Your life is at the mercy of israeli strike forces---.

40 years ago---I told your "grandfathers" going to university in utah that iran is buying equipment from israel---they got mad and wanted to kill me---. They could not believe that their esteemed leader---The Great Ayotollah would do such a blasphemous act to make a deal with israel---.

I had to find ways to avoid them---.

When Col. Oliver North and iran contra affair came to light---in shame---your grandfathers would not show their faces to me---.

If they saw me coning on the univ walkways---they would change directions & go different way---.

Son---I know about these issues a little more than your would.

I have stated multiple times that Israel knew what was coming.

Technically it is not possible for israel not to know such a large movement right next to its border---.

Jews have sacrificed the lives of other jews " for a greater good " over the centuries---so this was nothing new---.

Even the US has done that multiple time.

As for Iran---it is going to get what it asked for---.

Everything is sitting naked in the day light now---. Israel has provedit and done it that it can take out iranian protected / supported leadership anytime---anywhere they want to and iran would be standing helpless---.
The way things are unfolding , it is highly likely that Israel after finishing with Hezbolla might go after Iran.

This whole thing (in totality) is a unfinished project of West (Britain and France, as they were the powers back then) around World War 1 time somewhere. Even the US has done a exercise (a retired Army general in 2006 or around)on re-drawing of Middle Eastern map, that extends up to Pakistan even.

People seem to think its for Oil but Oil is just 'finder's keeper's' stuff, the real aim is power and influence.

One has to perhaps say that, certain Middle Eastern nations might be supporting this whole thing. At least those who benefit from all this shake up.
To me the inexplicable is: Why does the Iranian leadership risk their whole society on expelling 7 million Jews from a small part of what was Jordan? It makes no logical sense. If there is logic it seems it must be theo-political. (1) Iranian mullahs believe Allah wants them to do this and/or (2) by doing so they earn so much prestige from the Muslim world that they will be seen as the legitimate replacement for the Saudis, winning first place as Allah's guardians of His holy places.

Are the Palestinians, themselves, worth this kind of sacrifice by the Iranian people and their Shia clients in Lebanon and Yemen?
You have no choice living your life on your own---. Your life is at the mercy of israeli strike forces---.
Iran bombed Nevatim airbase and destroyed F-35 fighters without Israel response. That is the contrary to what you said, they are still alive at oir mercy. However the Resistance axis has a long term strategy that does not depend upon persons and hemce won't be destroyed by removal of special personalities.

40 years ago---I told your "grandfathers" going to university in utah that iran is buying equipment from israel---they got mad and wanted to kill me---. They could not believe that their esteemed leader---The Great Ayotollah would do such a blasphemous act to make a deal with israel---.
Iranians are highly reasonable people, what you claim is a made up story. No one would harm you for asking questions, on the contrary, overseas Iranians are mostly liberal people and neutral to revolutionary standards.

Iran contra was a deal between Iran and USA in which we exchanged Americam hostages with military equipment.
To me the inexplicable is: Why does the Iranian leadership risk their whole society on expelling 7 million Jews from a small part of what was Jordan? It makes no logical sense. If there is logic it seems it must be theo-political. (1) Iranian mullahs believe Allah wants them to do this and/or (2) by doing so they earn so much prestige from the Muslim world that they will be seen as the legitimate replacement for the Saudis, winning first place as Allah's guardians of His holy places.

Are the Palestinians, themselves, worth this kind of sacrifice by the Iranian people and their Shia clients in Lebanon and Yemen?

Conflating Jews and Zionists is a ploy by the zionists to cry nazi when they're hit. The entire middle east (non-leadership) would expel all zionists at whatever cost necessary. I'm sure you'd say the same if zionists of any religion wanted a piece of the USA to claim as their own. Iran is merely the last one in the middle east upholding he principle. All lives sacrificed for this goal are worth the sacrifice. If you ask the Taliban who kicked NATO out they will agree.

Just out of curiosity how do you feel about sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukranian lives to keep Russia out of 4 Ukranian oblasts?
Iran didn't attack Pakistan, Iran attacked a terrorist organisation inside Pakistan.
In the last 20 years, Iran never attacked Iraq, Iran attacked PJAK inside Iraq.

This thread is about Irans conflicts with states.

That's a very cute israeli trick. Pakistan should bomb the IRGC facilities in Iran since IRGC is labeled a terrorist organization. That'd be fine right?
I would only say that there is no honor in living like beggars. You are only suggesting Pakistani people and Pakistani government to pick up a begging bowl and go to beg Arab kinglets, the ones that owe their own kingdoms to USA and west and they keep their sheikhdoms by enabling western intelligence to curb revolutionary forces of their own country. Sauds have been promised to be defended against their own people when the need arise. That is beyond pathetic to beg such weak and dpendent kinglets.

And do not pretend as if self-esteem only belongs to Shias of Pakistan. Sunnis are majority in Pakistan and they can change direction of country's foreign policy. So the Sunnis also opposed begging sheikhdoms that only look for Pakistani women in their bedrooms.

Therefore, you can shove your suggestion where sun does not shine. Muslims are honorable people regardless of their sects.
Your premise itself is wrong. The Arab kings have promised peace and prosperity to their people and they deliver on that. That is the social contract between their rulers and people. Iran doesn't promise peace and prosperity to its people. It's social contract is not for prosperity, it is to spread the 'revolution'.

Thanks to the choices by their rulers, Saudi/UAE citizens therefore have a much much higher standard of living and global opportunities than Iranians.
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To me the inexplicable is: Why does the Iranian leadership risk their whole society on expelling 7 million Jews from a small part of what was Jordan? It makes no logical sense. If there is logic it seems it must be theo-political. (1) Iranian mullahs believe Allah wants them to do this and/or (2) by doing so they earn so much prestige from the Muslim world that they will be seen as the legitimate replacement for the Saudis, winning first place as Allah's guardians of His holy places.

Are the Palestinians, themselves, worth this kind of sacrifice by the Iranian people and their Shia clients in Lebanon and Yemen?
Why shouldnt the whole world agree to expel colonisers so the indigenous Palestinians can live in freedom. Yes the Palestinians are worth this just like hitler had to be stopped so does this modern nazis lookalike state of Israel. Jews can live in Palestinian statewhere all have equal rights, not this aparthied setup. Until there isnt freedom for Palestinians the aparthied state will never be safe.
That's a very cute israeli trick. Pakistan should bomb the IRGC facilities in Iran since IRGC is labeled a terrorist organization. That'd be fine right?
If terrorists based in Iran carry out attacks in Pakistan like the Pakistan based terror group had been carrying out attacks in Iran, go for it!

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