Why Iran never retaliates

Thanks to the choices by their rulers, Saudi/UAE citizens therefore have a much much higher standard of living and global opportunities than Iranians.

You assume the people are happy with this "arrangement"?

KSA itself cannot even trust its military so much that it wants US protection both from external threats and also internal threats.

Look at the military hardware and military budget of KSA and they still have US bases on their soil and are now begging for "security guarantee" from the US for their Al-Saud regime.

Puppets like Gulfie rulers are disrespected by even their own people as most people have something called honour.
You assume the people are happy with this "arrangement"?

KSA itself cannot even trust its military so much that it wants US protection both from external threats and also internal threats.

Look at the military hardware and military budget of KSA and they still have US bases on their soil and are now begging for "security guarantee" from the US for their Al-Saud regime.

Puppets like Gulfie rulers are disrespected by even their own people as most people have something called honour.
Not every country needs to maintain a military. If the relations between KSA and USA work it out, there is no issue to have US bases on their soil.

It seems the only people getting triggered by this fact are non-Saudi citizens like you and that Iranian. Your opinions, along with that of the Iranian are absolutely...irrelevant.

Every country has an implicit social contract between the people and the government. In cases where the social contract gets broken, the country undergoes civil war. KSA and UAE provide their people unparalleled prosperity and safety. Certainly far more than Iran provides its people.
If you want to answer this question, ask and answer the basic questions first. How do they retaliate? How do you (Iran) retaliate in such a way that it prevents Israel from escalating further.
Apparently, Iranians have no deterrent against Israel. The only weapon systems Iranians thought would suffice for cowing down the opponents consisted of tactical missiles and drones. The first line of defense Iranians erected was the proxies. Both the weapons and proxies that Iranians relied on are rendered ineffective. It seems that Zionist war criminals will now keep hitting Iran directly (overtly and/or covertly) until they ensure that Iran is incapacitated enough not being able to repeat what it has done in the past.

Heck Iranians could not even develop/deploy long rang guided rocket systems for saturation attacks. Iranian touts have been celebrating a lot whenever Iranian/Hezb drones hit like 30 or 40 km inside Zionist territory. A guided rocket system can have hundreds of KM range. Cheap and very effective weapon system. Iran/Hezb could have hit very deep inside the Zionist entity.
Iran didn't attack Pakistan, Iran attacked a terrorist organisation inside Pakistan.
In the last 20 years, Iran never attacked Iraq, Iran attacked PJAK inside Iraq.

This thread is about Irans conflicts with states.
Stop that bullshit!

Should we have wiped out Chah Bhar with missiles after we caught Indian terrorist Kulbhushan who killed scores of Pakistanis in terrorist attacks and was operating from that Iranian city?
Not every country needs to maintain a military. If the relations between KSA and USA work it out, there is no issue to have US bases on their soil.

It seems the only people getting triggered by this fact are non-Saudi citizens like you and that Iranian. Your opinions, along with that of the Iranian are absolutely...irrelevant.

Every country has an implicit social contract between the people and the government. In cases where the social contract gets broken, the country undergoes civil war. KSA and UAE provide their people unparalleled prosperity and safety. Certainly far more than Iran provides its people.

Your opinion is worthless as the KSA armed forces are also worthless with more money spent on it than the rest of the region combined. They should be a regional superpower with some of the best weapons that money can buy like F-15s and Typhoons and so should have no need to be afraid of Iran which does not even have a modern airforce.

KSA citizens simply would not fight for the Saudi ruling dictatorship and they are kept hostage with the support of the US/west. Ruling regime knows this and that is why they beg the US for "security guarantees".

There is no consensual "social contract" but one of let us rule or else we will torture and kill you, as happens to any dissenters to Saudi regime. Look what they did to that journalist in their embassy on Turkey some years ago.

Improve the quality of your posts if you want me to reply to you in future.
To me the inexplicable is: Why does the Iranian leadership risk their whole society on expelling 7 million Jews from a small part of what was Jordan? It makes no logical sense. If there is logic it seems it must be theo-political. (1) Iranian mullahs believe Allah wants them to do this and/or (2) by doing so they earn so much prestige from the Muslim world that they will be seen as the legitimate replacement for the Saudis, winning first place as Allah's guardians of His holy places.

Are the Palestinians, themselves, worth this kind of sacrifice by the Iranian people and their Shia clients in Lebanon and Yemen?

Why did Saladin try so hard to defeat the crusaders after the 100 year occupation??

It is now 800 years later and Saladins name is legend

Israel will never be accepted into the middle east, so whoever finally removes it against multiple enemies and the western order will have earned their place in history and Muslim history in particular

And I will reaffirm it's a constant case of chipping away at the Jews and BECAUSE demographics favour the Palestinians and the Palestinian population will expand regardless of what the Jews do
You almost have a crystal ball into the future and can determine that the battle will just go on continuously just like it did against the crusaders
If terrorists based in Iran carry out attacks in Pakistan like the Pakistan based terror group had been carrying out attacks in Iran, go for it!

There are several reasons why this is not a good idea. Could you think of a scenario where a zionist would stage a terrorist attack like the one at Soleimani's funeral? If a state responds to a staged attack that could easily escalate into a war.

Iran should not have attacked Pakistan. The attacks on Pakistan and Iraq really damaged Iran because they were meant as a deterrent for the zionists and the zionists called Iran's bluff. In the end those attacks raised the suspicion of Iran's neighbors and Iran lost credibility by coordinating attacks with the enemy's handler when it didn't do so with Pakistan.
Air defences of the Zionist entity are not that good - maybe around 50% against modern SRBM/MRBM as demonstrated by Hezbollah/Houthis/Iran from previous attacks.
The question really is do you want to find out how good Israeli defences are? That's their deterance, and from what I see they seems to have surprises up their sleeves.
The question really is do you want to find out how good Israeli defences are? That's their deterance, and from what I see they seems to have surprises up their sleeves.

We already know from attacks already carried out.
I think the Iranian leaders need a re-think with their strategy unless they are absolutely fine with the groups they support being attacked constantly and taking big losses themselves.

IMO a different approach needs to be taken, one where Iran can develop become industrially, economically much stronger and then is able to throw its weight properly in the world stage with support from other countries. Right now its isolated and can not achieve what it wants in respect to independence of Palestine, other occupied lands.

With its large young population, highest in world reserves of oil and gas and other natural resources it has so much potential which is not being realised right now. If that means changing policies to become less in the spot light that might be the way forward. Iran shouldn't abandon its nuclear program however and should continue to build its military.
Just out of curiosity how do you feel about sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukranian lives to keep Russia out of 4 Ukranian oblasts?
In the case of Ukraine, I think that, at present, it is Ukrainians themselves who are doing the fighting and dying, albeit with weapons and economic support from NATO. It is the Ukrainians themselves who want to fight and die for 4 Ukrainian oblasts, not NATO citizens, including me, who are asking for this sacrifice. In the case of Iran and Israel, what I am getting at is Iran not having a direct stake in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. If it were just the Palestinians, themselves, fighting, with Iranian weapons and economic assistance, I would see it as the same situation as Ukraine and NATO. However, Iran is risking its own IRGC people right now, and its civilians and economic infrastructure if it provokes an Israeli direct strike. I don't believe Iranian society at large is in favor of that stance. I think that the theo-political leadership of Iran is deciding such things for theo-political reasons. Iran does not function as a democracy, unless one sees Iran's hesitancy to engage Israel now as a recognition that the Iranian people do not support such a sacrifice for Palestinians.
I would see it as the same situation as Ukraine and NATO
NATO advisors are in Ukraine and out of Ukraine assisting with the war against Russia. So actually what Iran is doing visa versa Hezbollah and Hamas is the same.

You just scored an own goal.
We already know from attacks already carried out.
Only what they have shown us. Why would anyone want to poke the hornets nest. I don't understand this idea of sending more rockets or missiles to Israel hoping one would eventually have a mass casuality event. Their response has been escelatory which their adversaries cannot match up. Guy lived his luxurious life in Qatar under Arab protection, nope, pulled him to Iran got him killed in heart of Iran under their nose, pager blast of Hezbollah & killing entire leadership. All this looks like some kind of movie. And what's the greatest idea to counter that? "Maybe we can send a missile and most probably Israel cannot defeat it". 🤷
Iran bombed Nevatim airbase and destroyed F-35 fighters without Israel response. That is the contrary to what you said, they are still alive at oir mercy. However the Resistance axis has a long term strategy that does not depend upon persons and hemce won't be destroyed by removal of special personalities.

Iranians are highly reasonable people, what you claim is a made up story. No one would harm you for asking questions, on the contrary, overseas Iranians are mostly liberal people and neutral to revolutionary standards.

Iran contra was a deal between Iran and USA in which we exchanged Americam hostages with military equipment.

There was no reasoning in 1984-85---. There were lunatics.

But you were not even born at that time---so your comments about iranians is worthless.
NATO advisors are in Ukraine and out of Ukraine assisting with the war against Russia. So actually what Iran is doing visa versa Hezbollah and Hamas is the same.

You just scored an own goal.
The topic of this thread is ??Why Iran's retaliation against Israel is limited. I merely said I can't understand why Iran would sacrifice its society for the Palestinians unless it is for a theo-political calculation of the leadership that I, as a Christian westerner, can't fathom. I agree that NATO trainers in the Ukraine equivalent to IRGC advisors in Gaza. But NATO democracies have not committed to being attacked by Russia and would not if allowed to vote on it. similarly, I believe that the Iranian civilian population would not commit to being attacked by Israel if allowed to vote on it. It is possible that the Iranian hesitancy being discussed in this thread is a recognition of this lack of Iranian popular support for pushing Israel to the point of attack. It is possible that the Iranian theo-political leadership fears loss of "legitimacy", with their own people, if they drag their society into a destructive war with Israel, merely to pursue Hamas goal of pushing the Jews into the sea.

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