Xinjiang Uyghur war heros in the China-India 1962 border war


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Nov 4, 2011
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Xinjiang Uyghur war heros in the China-India 1962 border war​


In 1962, during the self-defense counterattack on the Sino-Indian border, the Third Cavalry Regiment of the Xinjiang Military Region had already gone to the Karakoram Mountains to participate in the anti-encroachment struggle. This ethnic group of heroes from Xinjiang, in order to protect their homeland and the country and demonstrate their military prowess, they performed bravely in the battle, and the fighting heroes Sima Yi Maimaiti and "Shencannon Platoon Leader" Maimaiti Tuohu emerged. Mention heroes and figures who have made meritorious deeds.
Xinjiang Uyghur language channel TV show pays tribute to Uyghur veterans of the 1962 Sino-Indian War
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Retired Uighur PLA soldier taking care of his fellow Uighur fallen PLA comerades from China India war for 47 years



In 1962 Sino India border war, Xinjiang garrison was the first PLA unit engaged with advancing Indian troops, PLA Xinjiang garrison troops didn't have strength in number and heavy guns, but they fought bravely and many died in fighting superior enemies, Uighur PLA soldier Aimaier Yiti was there in the fighting and witness many fellow Uighur PLA soldiers and officers sacrificed their lives in the battle, he himself was seriously injured and was saved by fellow soldiers, he believes that his was given a sencond life by his fellow fallen PLA comrades so he decided to use the rest of his life to take care of their graves.

Everyday lots of People come to pay tribute to the fallen heros in the cemetery and Aimaier Yiti volunteers to be their guide.



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Xinjiang Kargilik County China-India war heros cemetery and museum​

Real footage from the 1962 China-India border war

Aimaier Yiti passed away couples of years ago, now his son takes over his job , taking care of the fallen war heros and other heros who sacrificed their lives defending China

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18 years old Uyghur boy Kamili joins PLA and submits request to ask to serve at China-India border after seeing another 18 years old PLA soldier Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 died defending China against Indian agressors.

Kamili was a senior in high school and he decided to joined the army and request to serve at the frontline where fallen hero Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 used to fight. Kamili keeps a Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 's portrait on his bed and solutes to Chen, he said Chen's heroism and bravery always motivate and encourge him and he will learn from Chen and is always ready to fight or even die to defend the motherland.

After China-India border conflict, many college students suspended college ( new law allows college students to suspend their study and serve in the army and go back to college) and joined PLA border force. Being a soldier is a whole new different role from a college student, they have to learn from the basics.

PLA Xinjiang new recruite throwing grenades for the first time

Uyghur PLA girl Mahlia Saramu serves at the China-India border defending China from Indian aggressors while her older sister serves on the China aircraft carrier Liaoning. Mahlia Saramu was a college student and suspended her college as a sophomore after learning the China-India border conflict and applied to join PLA border guard unit.



Mahlia Saramu's older sister serves on the Chinese first aircraft carrier Liaoning. Their parents are so proud of their two daughters.
Inspired by the heros of China-India border clash, girl quits college and joins PLA and becomes female PLA boxing champion

After watching China- India border conflict and one single China PLA officer fearlessly holding his ground and stretching his arms to stop hundreds of Indian intruders, Uyghur college girl Fei Luore 菲罗热·司坎旦 decided to quit college and joined the PLA. She was a college student when the border conflict broke out,

She studied in a police college and won the national champion of free style boxing in Chinese police championship and everyone thought her would pursue an athletic career and her next goal would be the national champion, but she quit it and joined the army, she is so inspired by the courage shown by the Chinese soldiers in the Chinese-Indian border conflict and determined to become a PLA soldier just like the border conflict heros to defend China.

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1962 Sino-India War Hero Cemetery and Museum in Xinjiang Kargilik County

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Xinjiang Kargilik County China-India war heros cemetery and museum​

Real footage from the 1962 China-India border war


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