Yet another Chinese rocket booster landing on a village

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Hamartia Antidote

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Nov 17, 2013
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June 22: the booster of a Long March 2C fell into a village — most likely in Guiding County (贵定县), Guizhou — after the SVOM X-Ray Telescope was launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan. The Long March 2C launch vehicle uses highly toxic hypergolic propellant containing unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) and nitrogen tetroxide (NTO)…
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I don't know why they don't launch from Hainan Island. They can launch over the sea as well as get a centrifugal boost.
Gravity causes grief to humans😔

Whether it is your favourite Cup at home or a Rocket
Yeah - own people safety should be first
Even without own people safety, launching closer to equator gives savings on rocket fuel. That is why U.S. rockets are launched from Florida and European rockets are launched from French Guiana. India launches from Southern part. Russians started first and did not have any convenient equatorial location. So, they picked the best they could in Baikonur (now in Kazakhstan). I never understood why China picked in northern interior. My best guess is, it started as an offshoot of missile launch program (as all space programs are) and hence needed to be secret.
Chinese rocket debris VS US rocket debris on Wetern Media

I don't know why they don't launch from Hainan Island. They can launch over the sea as well as get a centrifugal boost.
How much space junks US created, how much China did?





Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
Yeah - own people safety should be first
Yes, US should really do something about it.

TAMPA, Fla. — SpaceX called on the Federal Aviation Administration to correct a report to Congress warning that, by 2035, falling debris from U.S.-licensed constellations in low Earth orbit (LEO) could injure or kill someone every two years if they deploy as planned.

How much space junks US created, how much China did?





Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
SpaceX is like Walmart of space business; Elon Musk goes for the cheapest in everything. He also launches something like a thousand rockets a year. If you shoot a thousand, some of them will fall back without decay. But Chinese rocket program is national program. You don't see NASA launches falling on people's houses.
You don't see? who are you?

You are talking about a small cylinder. The picture above shows half burnt boosters the size of trucks. There is a difference between accidental debris leftover and carelessly reentering boosters. Boosters fall off at low altitudes. They are not like space junk from ISS. The guy who has a hole in his roof will sue and get a nice compensation from U.S. Government. Will the villagers whose house gets destroyed get to sue Chinese government?
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