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052D destroyers is expected to reach 60, and the new batch will be equipped with advanced phased array radar systems, which will be improved.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2024
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bro. I'm serious. can you tell me: when does the CCP give you the right to choose?


I'd rather my country not run by clown popularity contest, I prefer competent meritocracy. If you like to participate in some clown popularity contest that gives you some illusion of choice then I suggest you to move elsewhere(Assuming you're an actual Chinese and not some pathetic Indians), don't pretend your view matters to the rest of us
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Full Member
Jan 6, 2024
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Longer VLS tubes can enable the PLAN to “share” the Type 055’s radar and fire more capable missiles, similar to the US’s CEC: Cooperative Engagement Capability.

CEC has been featured in PLAN vessels for a long time, not just information shared between ships but also from airborne and spaceborne ISR, otherwise they can't fully utilize long range missiles like YJ-21. The most needed upgrade is actually quad pack missiles which is still lacking from current platform, it is known to be in development for quite some time now


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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lol, someone from Greece try to convince us we have bad government.... You get to elect some politician to run your country into bankruptcy, should I envy you?

You do realize you're hilarious right? Someone from a literal failed state trying to convince me that they actually have the better government?
You do realize that one of the main factors your State is succesful,as opposed to ours,is because of the cheap labor you provide? :)

And also the fact you have a huge country with the biggest or second biggest population?

And yet you talk about Greece and call us a failed State.

Back on topic,how do you think you are building such ships so fast? Because you masses of workers.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2024
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You do realize that one of the main factors your State is succesful,as opposed to ours,is because of the cheap labor you provide? :)

And also the fact you have a huge country with the biggest or second biggest population?

And yet you talk about Greece and call us a failed State.

Back on topic,how do you think you are building such ships so fast? Because you masses of workers.

So? Lots of countries have cheaper labor than China. In fact, judging by per capita GDP Greek labor is almost as cheap as China's now.

You should know your country better, do you think your economic problems can be solved by cheap labor? Your politicians keep trying to win popularity by promising higher and higher social spending to the point your entire country is living beyond your means and had to constantly beg for money from EU and beyond. China even loaned your country a couple billion dollars, I hope it is not wasted.

All this problem from the failure of democracy and you have the audacity to preach it to us? If you have the slightest bit of shame you should look toward your own country and try to solve your own problem in stead of pointing fingers at country way more successful than yours.
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Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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So? Lots of countries have cheaper labor than China. In fact, judging by per capita GDP Greek labor is almost as cheap as China's now.

You should know your country better, do you think your economic problems can be solved by cheap labor? Your politicians keep trying to win popularity by promising higher and higher social spending to the point your entire country is living beyond your means and had to constantly beg for money from EU and beyond. China even loaned your country a couple billion dollars, I hope it is not wasted.

All this problem from the failure of democracy and you have the audacity to preach it to us? If you have the slightest bit of shame you should look toward your own country and try to solve your own problem in stead of pointing fingers at country way more successful than yours.
Our politicians may be dumbfucks,but you think your politicians are better? At least we can elect. Can you get rid of the Party? Can any other political party take power?


Full Member
Jan 6, 2024
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Our politicians may be dumbfucks,but you think your politicians are better? At least we can elect. Can you get rid of the Party? Can any other political party take power?

Yes, I know for a fact our leaders are better. They're not politicians for starters, our system work on the principle of meritocracy.

If you think democracy is so great then you should answer the question of why you keep electing dumb fucks? I don't know about you but I'd rather not ruled by dumb fucks


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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huh, you keep harping about being able to elect blah blah blah and now you tell me you're a royalist? haha ok, I bid you good fortune then my excellency the great king of Greece
Ok commissar


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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CEC has been featured in PLAN vessels for a long time, not just information shared between ships but also from airborne and spaceborne ISR, otherwise they can't fully utilize long range missiles like YJ-21. The most needed upgrade is actually quad pack missiles which is still lacking from current platform, it is known to be in development for quite some time now
But do they share track and engagement quality radar locks between ships, as it is becoming possible on US ships?
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Full Member
Jan 6, 2024
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But to they share track and engagement quality radar locks between ships, as it is becoming possible on US ships?

Yes, CEC is not a new naval development. A long time ago there is mention of using 052C/D AESA radar to coordinate air defense missile from 054A


Full Member
Dec 24, 2023
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You do realize that one of the main factors your State is succesful,as opposed to ours,is because of the cheap labor you provide? :)

And also the fact you have a huge country with the biggest or second biggest population?

And yet you talk about Greece and call us a failed State.

Back on topic,how do you think you are building such ships so fast? Because you masses of workers.
Starting with real purchasing power per capita, we have about the same numbers for both countries. But Greeks are ranked among the best in the world in terms of working hours. Who is really the cheap labor?



Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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You do realize that one of the main factors your State is succesful,as opposed to ours,is because of the cheap labor you provide? :)

And also the fact you have a huge country with the biggest or second biggest population?

And yet you talk about Greece and call us a failed State.

Back on topic,how do you think you are building such ships so fast? Because you masses of workers.
That is BS here is the stat for monthly wages


Full Member
Jul 1, 2024
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I'd rather my country not run by clown popularity contest, I prefer competent meritocracy. If you like to participate in some clown popularity contest that gives you some illusion of choice then I suggest you to move elsewhere(Assuming you're an actual Chinese and not some pathetic Indians), don't pretend your view matters to the rest of us
So you think CCP is elite politics? I think the CCP is a feudal bureaucratic dictatorship. And they now make no secret of their greed for this power.

The CCP has spent 40 years brutally cracking down on China's private sector. Then the CCP knelt down to Western private enterprise. Is this the elite politics?

i 'm sorry. I have no other meaning. Just. Since when did you think you chose CCP? Since when did you consider CCP to be elite politics?

CCP's children are all mocking you. "小蜘蛛"。

Do you still remember why the Chinese launched the revolution in 1911?
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Full Member
Jul 1, 2024
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Let's talk about 052D. Don't say things like "the Chinese people choose CCP" or "CCP cares very much about the Chinese people". It's ridiculous.

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