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052D destroyers is expected to reach 60, and the new batch will be equipped with advanced phased array radar systems, which will be improved.


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Jan 6, 2024
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So you think CCP is elite politics? I think the CCP is a feudal bureaucratic dictatorship. And they now make no secret of their greed for this power.

The CCP has spent 40 years brutally cracking down on China's private sector. Then the CCP knelt down to Western private enterprise. Is this the elite politics?

i 'm sorry. I have no other meaning. Just. Since when did you think you chose CCP? Since when did you consider CCP to be elite politics?
View attachment 53411
CCP's children are all mocking you. "小蜘蛛"。

Do you still remember why the Chinese launched the revolution in 1911?

I'm gonna skip all your nonsense and ask other actual Chinese member, guys have you ever seen anyone in Chinese internet insult people by calling them "小蜘蛛"? lol this moron can't even insult in the right way

Man....China has 1.4 billion population, we have our fair share of morons and crazies, but I have never seen a Chinese pretend to be someone from another nationality, not once. So far I've only seen Indians do it, quite pathetic really


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Jul 1, 2024
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I'm gonna skip all your nonsense and ask other actual Chinese member, guys have you ever seen anyone in Chinese internet insult people by calling them "小蜘蛛"? lol this moron can't even insult in the right way

Man....China has 1.4 billion population, we have our fair share of morons and crazies, but I have never seen a Chinese pretend to be someone from another nationality, not once. So far I've only seen Indians do it, quite pathetic really
Ignore all your nonsense. Just a reminder to you. You are insulted by the granddaughter of CCP officials. Of course, it is also possible that the granddaughter of CCP officials is insulting 1.4 billion Chinese people.

It is meaningless for you to suspect that I am Indian. This cannot solve China's current problems.

just like you defending the Qing Dynasty in 1911 and defending the KMT in 1949. Your current behavior is ridiculous and meaningless.


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Jan 6, 2024
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You are insulted by the granddaughter of CCP officials. Of course, it is also possible that the granddaughter of CCP officials is insulting 1.4 billion Chinese people.

lmao, for someone pretending to care about democracy way to go insult all of 1.4 billion people who don't hold your view.

"granddaughter of CCP officials".....lol, as if it'll lend more credence to your pathetic lie. Real Chinese don't give a shit, we're not some pathetic cast based society where you bow down to your higher cast like a fucking slave

China is not perfect, China does have issues, and morons like you have no ideas what those are. Real Chinese work on these issues for the betterment of the nation, we don't waste our time bitching about it in PDF of all places, do you even understand why you got exposed so fucking soon now?


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Jul 1, 2024
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lmao, for someone pretending to care about democracy way to go insult all of 1.4 billion people who don't hold your view.

"granddaughter of CCP officials".....lol, as if it'll lend more credence to your pathetic lie. Real Chinese don't give a shit, we're not some pathetic cast based society where you bow down to your higher cast like a fucking slave

China is not perfect, China does have issues, and morons like you have no ideas what those are. Real Chinese work on these issues for the betterment of the nation, we don't waste our time bitching about it in PDF of all places, do you even understand why you got exposed so fucking soon now?
bro, It's pointless to deceive yourself here.

I still said that sentence. Just like you defended the Qing Dynasty in 1911. Just like you defended KMT in 1949. Your current behavior is ridiculous and meaningless.

75 years. It's already enough. Leave yourself a dignified farewell. Okay?


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Jan 6, 2024
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bro, It's pointless to deceive yourself here.

I still said that sentence. Just like you defended the Qing Dynasty in 1911. Just like you defended KMT in 1949. Your current behavior is ridiculous and meaningless.

75 years. It's already enough. Leave yourself a dignified farewell. Okay?

Mr Self proclaimed "granddaughter of CCP officials", I'm not your "bro", please I have better standard then that. Are you still spewing non sensical talking point that probably sound good to a moron? Why do you keep pretending people care about what a lowlife like you say? I'm just having fun trolling you here


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Jan 6, 2024
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Man I'm trashing this pathetic little shit so hard I almost feel bad about it..... almost lol


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Jul 1, 2024
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Mr Self proclaimed "granddaughter of CCP officials", I'm not your "bro", please I have better standard then that. Are you still spewing non sensical talking point that probably sound good to a moron? Why do you keep pretending people care about what a lowlife like you say? I'm just having fun trolling you here
ah?bro, do you know what you're talking about?


i 'm sorry. I am just stating this fact. The granddaughter of CCP officials said that Chinese people are 小蜘蛛。

I don't know why you are so sensitive to me? Because I oppose the brutality and brutality of CCP officials?

PS: Do not destroy this thread. You can open another thread. I am always waiting for your debate.


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Jul 1, 2024
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Of all the possible fake identities to pick, you pick the granddaughter of a corrupt Official? You have no real photo of "yourself" you had to clip one from the internet? Seriously have you checked your IQ?

Man oh man you're the gift that truly keeps giving, man I didn't think there're people this dumb but apparently there is
Sort out the sequence of events first. If the granddaughter of the CCP official does not insult the Chinese. No one will know that this CCP official is corrupt....

Or. If the granddaughter of CCP officials does not insult Chinese people. This CCP official can continue to be corrupt. The fact is that. CCP condones his corruption.

Or is the attack on me personally the only way you can defend the CCP?


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Jan 6, 2024
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Sort out the sequence of events first. If the granddaughter of the CCP official does not insult the Chinese. No one will know that this CCP official is corrupt....

Or. If the granddaughter of CCP officials does not insult Chinese people. This CCP official can continue to be corrupt. The fact is that. CCP condones his corruption.

Or is the attack on me personally the only way you can defend the CCP?

No I don't insult that fair lady, I'm insulting you, why can't you understand this simple fact?


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Jan 6, 2024
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oh. I know. You support the CCP official's granddaughter calling you 小蜘蛛.

Mr "granddaughter of the CCP" still haven't learnt how to properly insult people in Chinese, I've been called many things before but never 小蜘蛛?! What are you? Some pathetic imposter?


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Jul 1, 2024
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Mr "granddaughter of the CCP" still haven't learnt how to properly insult people in Chinese, I've been called many things before but never 小蜘蛛?! What are you? Some pathetic imposter?
emmm, probably. CCP fans have higher IQ than the Chinese people. 😄😄😄😄😄


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Jan 6, 2024
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I only remember that you supported the CCP official's granddaughter calling you a 小蜘蛛。

Only in your moronic mind I'm afraid. Have you given up the charade already? you're calling this "CCP official's granddaughter" in third person now? Give up so soon? aw man I was planning on playing you for a bit longer, be a toy will ya?

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