16 years old Bangladeshi Hindu girl killed by BSF

Go ahead and kill every Indian who tries to enter Bangladesh illegally.

We can but that would lower us to subhuman category. Religiously and culturally we do not believe in killing unarmed civilians.

However, BD riffles will take down an armed BSF when it crosses the line.
I cannot believe that anyone can be that ignorant.

Does the BSF not have access to searchlights? You can even use cheap drones with infrared sensors and identify any trespassers clearly by the searchlights on them.

Again note that no country apart from N Korea does this and so try to think for yourself than what Hinduvta turds like Modi and the Indian media tell you.
Please give a link saying all 4000 km border is covered by searchlight.


Well, this makes it even more heart breaking. They actually shot her at point-blank range after she pleaded for her life.

Well, this makes it even more heart breaking. They actually shot her at point-blank range after she pleaded for her life.

If this is actually true, then the BSF is worse than human animals.
If this is actually true, then the BSF is worse than human animals.

Utterly sick!

No wonder 90% of Bangladeshis hate India!!

In reality, most Indians, I have met in India, are humble and generous people. I go to India frequently.

British Indians are unfortunately the Hinduvta variety!! But they aren’t true Indians as they migrated from Africa.

Given the demographics (80% young) - the memory will last a long time.

India has created a needless enemy in Bangladesh!

I cannot see this changing in my lifetime.

I think Bangladeshis will be even more hostile towards India than Pakistan!

@Joe Shearer

Btw, guys, why was I banned by the stasi?
Utterly sick!

No wonder 90% of Bangladeshis hate India!!

In reality, most Indians, I have met in India, are humble and generous people. I go to India frequently.

British Indians are unfortunately the Hinduvta variety!! But they aren’t true Indians as they migrated from Africa.

Given the demographics (80% young) - the memory will last a long time.

India has created a needless enemy in Bangladesh!

I cannot see this changing in my lifetime.

I think Bangladeshis will be even more hostile towards India than Pakistan!
One more feather in Jaishankar's cap.

Btw, guys, why was I banned by the stasi?
Normally, you would have been given a brief explanation by one of us Stasi, the one who actually banned you. If you haven't got one, it (again, normally) means that you gathered so many 'points' that a brief exclusion from the forum became automatic, not an act by any individual.
One more feather in Jaishankar's cap.

Normally, you would have been given a brief explanation by one of us Stasi, the one who actually banned you. If you haven't got one, it (again, normally) means that you gathered so many 'points' that a brief exclusion from the forum became automatic, not an act by any individual.

So much for freedom of speech from our newly minted democrats lol

One of them also deleted my post because I called out his frequent salivating over mob justice.

Again! No explanation!

I don’t think the “new Bangladesh” will be different from the old Bangladesh.

Just different names of the autocrats!

South Asians are genetically programmed to be intolerant of plurality of thought!
@Joe Shearer

What does the average Indian think of this "shoot to kill" policy or is this something that is rarely discussed?
@Joe Shearer

What does the average Indian think of this "shoot to kill" policy or is this something that is rarely discussed?
Can't say much about the shoot-to-kill part. That is something internal to the BSF, and when it comes into a newspaper account of a hawk-like talk by a prominent figure, normally does not attract any attention. I don't think it is top-of-the-mind stuff for Indians, but when they think about it at all, what comes across is the impact created by a relentless barrage of negative propaganda and hatred from the ruling party and its peripheral organisations.

The Home Minister talked about termites; the Prime Minister, after making an outrageous remark about Muslims, sidestepped the storm of criticism by claiming that he was talking about Bangladeshi infiltrators, and the furore died down. So, apparently, referring to infiltration by Bangladeshis is acceptable.

One of the most critical locations is Assam, and the mainstream Assamese, particularly those who do not live in the three districts south of the Brahmaputra, closest to Bangladesh, are downright hostile. Their Chief Minister, a Congress politician who shifted loyalties to get (and stay) in power, never lets a free moment go without saying something about the Muslims in those three districts, or about Bangladeshis.

In sharp contrast, the atmosphere in West Bengal is quite different. While the middle class, particularly in Calcutta, that resents both the decline in the state's finances due to bad administration by the political party in office (first the CPI-M, and now the Trinamool Congress) is one side, the working classes - in Calcutta and in the districts are lukewarm to the BJP's propaganda.

There is also low to absent hostility in Cachar and in Tripura. My information and perceptions about these areas are now a decade old, as I stopped travelling there (on work) around 2014.

In the rest of India, especially in the big cities, there are numbers (not huge, but present and visible) of Bengali maid-servants and security guards. The moment they are found to be Muslim, as some of them happen to be, they are immediately assumed to be Bangladeshis.
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I don't think it is top-of-the-mind stuff for Indians, but when they think about it at all, what comes across is the impact created by a relentless barrage of negative propaganda and hatred from the ruling party and its peripheral organisations. The Home Minister talked about termites; the Prime Minister, after making an outrageous remark about Muslims, sidestepped the storm of criticism by claiming that he was talking about Bangladeshi infiltrators, and the furore died down. So, apparently, referring to infiltration by Bangladeshis is acceptable.

One of the most critical locations is Assam, and the mainstream Assamese, particularly those who do not live in the three districts south of the Brahmaputra, closest to Bangladesh, are downright hostile. Their Chief Minister, a Congress politician who shifted loyalties to get (and stay) in power, never lets a free moment go without saying something about the Muslims in those three districts, or about Bangladeshis.

In sharp contrast, the atmosphere in West Bengal is quite different. While the middle class, particularly in Calcutta, that resents both the decline in the state's finances due to bad administration by the political party in office (first the CPI-M, and now the Trinamool Congress) is one side, the working classes - in Calcutta and in the districts are lukewarm to the BJP's propaganda.

There is also low to absent hostility in Cachar and in Tripura.

In the rest of India, especially in the big cities, there are numbers (not huge, but present and visible) of Bengali maid-servants and security guards. The moment they are found to be Muslim, as some of them happen to be, they are immediately assumed to be Bangladeshis.

Room service staff of Marriotts, in Bangalore , seem to be staffed by Assamese. The girls look Chinese and boys look Bengali. Both speak in Assamese accent.

Both sets are extremely nice.
Eh! Did I demand your post be deleted and you be cancelled?

I don’t think you quite understand how this freedom of speech lark works!
I know how the moderation team on this forum works.

More relevant, don't you think?

And you might want to watch your own tolerance of different points of view about posts made.😊
I know how the moderation team on this forum works.

More relevant, don't you think?

And you might want to watch your own tolerance of different points of view about posts made.😊

Did I hurt you by being critical / excessive even?

Snowflakery has to stop!

Man up!

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