32,000 Africans earn scholarships from India

this is a sad news but we it rare happen. we have a news in post# 4 also.....
Hopefully it's rare, but with the people whipped up into a xenophobic frenzy by the likes of Modi and his ilk, and that trend not looking end, we fear this was what India was going to become, where pogroms could happen at the drop of a hat. This is why Jinnah went from a vehement supporter of a united India to one that couldn't see safety for Muslims being assured, necessitating the creation of Pakistan.
"Jinnah was right" in a tread about african students in India. Go figure...
Hopefully it's rare, but with the people whipped up into a xenophobic frenzy by the likes of Modi and his ilk, and that trend not looking end, we fear this was what India was going to become, where pogroms could happen at the drop of a hat. This is why Jinnah went from a vehement supporter of a united India to one that couldn't see safety for Muslims being assured, necessitating the creation of Pakistan.

we heard, Indian government now offer "OCI"-Adhar Card to Pakistani and Bangladeshi applicants, which include Afghan nationals also.
if its true, now we are related to each other like Australia-New Zealand relation. means, South Asians can now apply for 'Rashan Card' subsidies in India with "OCI" application, which provide Adhar Card. means, it open door for Government Jobs in India also. but we do have voting right back in our native country, as per the law of India :)

there was a time when only Adnan Shami and Taslima Nasreen type people could get Adhar Card in India. while now we have a big number of South Asian neighbours in India, who are eligible for Adhar Card-Rashan Card in India :)

i heard, daughter of PM Sheikh Hashena also work in India on "OCI"-Adhar Card..........

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