40 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2022

China r&d spending must mean in fact reverse engineering spending.

Original cutting edge military tech by USA
China Aliexpress cheap clone

Check the date of every thing and you'll notice a gap of 12 years among them.
China only started entering reusable spacecraft while the US has been doing for a longer time. There are things that China is already ahead on. Just because something is resemble doesn't mean it's the same lmao The fact they now have a reusable spacecraft just by itself shows how far they have come (and) the fact it was up for so long, and returned safely,” said Brendan Mulvaney, director of the China Aerospace Studies Institute, a US Air Force think tank, noting the Chinese claim of mission success earlier this month.

“All of that means they are putting in the time, effort, and investments, to make it work. China is the undisputed No. 2 space power and is aiming to close the gap with the US in military, commercial, and scientific realms, all at the same time,” he said.
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one dollar in china military produce more things than one dollar in USA.

half USA military budget must go straight to the bank accounts of owners of industrial-military complex, producing nothing but keep alive a parasite ruling elite.
It actually didn't go this way. whatever China can spend on 1 USD is going to be the same because they don't actually spend USD, they spend RMB. The purchasing power only put into factor if and when you have the American buying stuff from China that mean that same USD that American had can spend more in China than when they were spending in the US.

Otherwise, 1 RMB always going to be the same as 1 RMB just because they convert it to USD does not make the power index higher or lower.


Ridiculous, Soudi Arabia is not powerful than Israel. Canada is not a military power. Iran is much powerful than above from 16th place. Why can't these people write simple facts.

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