45,000 Afghans applied for Asylum in Europe in 2024:


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Mar 21, 2007
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45,000 Afghans applied for Asylum in Europe in 2024: EUAA​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) reported on Monday that 45,000 Afghans sought asylum in European countries during the first half of 2024.

The report, published on Monday, September 16, stated that by the end of July, a total of 513,000 people had applied for asylum in European countries.

The EUAA noted that while the total number of asylum applications remained steady compared to the first half of 2023, some regional variations were observed.

During this period, 71,000 Syrians made asylum requests, making them the most significant applicants in Europe.

The report also highlighted that Afghan asylum seekers predominantly applied in countries like Germany, Greece, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and others.

The number of Afghan asylum applications to European countries decreased by 18% compared to the same period in 2023.

Additionally, the report emphasized that European Union member states accepted approximately 65% of Afghan asylum applications.

However, it is worth noting that many European countries have recently tightened their immigration policies to reduce the number of illegal entries, leading to stricter regulations and fewer approvals for asylum seekers.

The continued migration of Afghans to Europe underscores the ongoing humanitarian crisis, even as the number of asylum applications has declined. The tightening of immigration policies in European countries poses new challenges for Afghan migrants seeking safety and stability in the region.
I spoke to an afghan in dubai once.

He was employed by the gift shop.

I asked him his long term plans. He said he was going to Germany to study at university.

I asked him if he spoke German. He said no.

I asked him if he could read or right anything. He said no.

I said OK, and walked off
I spoke to an afghan in dubai once.

He was employed by the gift shop.

I asked him his long term plans. He said he was going to Germany to study at university.

I asked him if he spoke German. He said no.

I asked him if he could read or right anything. He said no.

I said OK, and walked off
I spoke to an afghan in dubai once.

He was employed by the gift shop.

I asked him his long term plans. He said he was going to Germany to study at university.

I asked him if he spoke German. He said no.

I asked him if he could read or right anything. He said no.

I said OK, and walked off

45,000 Afghans applied for Asylum in Europe in 2024: EUAA​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) reported on Monday that 45,000 Afghans sought asylum in European countries during the first half of 2024.

The report, published on Monday, September 16, stated that by the end of July, a total of 513,000 people had applied for asylum in European countries.

The EUAA noted that while the total number of asylum applications remained steady compared to the first half of 2023, some regional variations were observed.

During this period, 71,000 Syrians made asylum requests, making them the most significant applicants in Europe.

The report also highlighted that Afghan asylum seekers predominantly applied in countries like Germany, Greece, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and others.

The number of Afghan asylum applications to European countries decreased by 18% compared to the same period in 2023.

Additionally, the report emphasized that European Union member states accepted approximately 65% of Afghan asylum applications.

However, it is worth noting that many European countries have recently tightened their immigration policies to reduce the number of illegal entries, leading to stricter regulations and fewer approvals for asylum seekers.

The continued migration of Afghans to Europe underscores the ongoing humanitarian crisis, even as the number of asylum applications has declined. The tightening of immigration policies in European countries poses new challenges for Afghan migrants seeking safety and stability in the region.
When you decide everyone in Afghanistan deserves asylum everyone in Afghanistan is going to apply for asylum. Not rocket science.
When you decide everyone in Afghanistan deserves asylum everyone in Afghanistan is going to apply for asylum. Not rocket science.
Pakistani duffer dictators are frontline dogs of the colonial empires and yet hundreds of thousands are still leaving this colonial utopia...If and when the duffers lose international recognition a la the Taliban, forget 45K, but 250MN will apply for asylum the very next day.
Pakistani duffer dictators are frontline dogs of the colonial empires and yet hundreds of thousands are still leaving this colonial utopia...If and when the duffers lose international recognition a la the Taliban, forget 45K, but 250MN will apply for asylum the very next day.
250 million Pakistanis. 9 million Pakistani diaspora. 27.7 times smaller than original population.

35 million Afghans. 9 million in Iran and Pakistan alone. Forget everywhere else. 5-10% of afghan population lives in Iran and Pakistan each. Even after afghan dictators being the front line dogs of first the Soviet union then the soudi warlords, then the Americans and reciveing HUNDREDS of billions of dollars for such a small economy. Even know they receive a bi weekly stipend from the West which form a massive percentage of their budget. And yet, 30% of all afghans are abandoning or have abandoned the "Islami" emirate and want to move to the Pakistan ruled by duffers instead.
250 million Pakistanis. 9 million Pakistani diaspora. 27.7 times smaller than original population.

35 million Afghans. 9 million in Iran and Pakistan alone. Forget everywhere else. 5-10% of afghan population lives in Iran and Pakistan each. Even after afghan dictators being the front line dogs of first the Soviet union then the soudi warlords, then the Americans and reciveing HUNDREDS of billions of dollars for such a small economy. Even know they receive a bi weekly stipend from the West which form a massive percentage of their budget. And yet, 30% of all afghans are abandoning or have abandoned the "Islami" emirate and want to move to the Pakistan ruled by duffers instead.
Ratio is lopsided because of a small matter of being invaded by two super powers within the span of 20 years and being at the burnt of massive death and destruction that came along with it.
Ratio is lopsided because of a small matter of being invaded by two super powers within the span of 20 years and being at the burnt of massive death and destruction that came along with it.
That's because the ruble/royal/ dollar khori of their duffers leaders who invited invasions, whether afghan Communists or afghan Taliban.
Now in Europe or Iran they are shown their true place. First if they ever get asylum.
But here in pakistan they leeched on us for decades and were treated like guests but yet at the end namak harams barked on us. Glad we are finally kicking them out.
Now in Europe or Iran they are shown their true place. First if they ever get asylum.
But here in pakistan they leeched on us for decades and were treated like guests but yet at the end namak harams barked on us. Glad we are finally kicking them out.
They get beaten up like dirty dogs in iran over the slightest infraction, and they stay in the realm of law reasonably well over there. They dare not do anything over there in Iran. However in our country these mofo’s act like they own the place and totally disrespect us and shit all over us.

This bullshit needs to stop!

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