A GIDS Shahpar II UAV of the PAF broke midair and crashed near Darya Khan, Punjab

There was one Indian type that the Indians managed to crash every single one.

Yes I don't get why this is news. The most advanced drones have crashed;


Yes I don't get why this is news. The most advanced drones have crashed;

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View attachment 62166
Actually I posted those news earlier of another Gem by the Indian airforce, so the desparate Dorothy needed something to counter this. And as Indians benchmark is always Pakistan so you can guess the intention of this loser.

Our drones, helicopters and aircrafts are operating in some of the most challenging conditions on Earth. We’re talking about flying in the freezing heights of the Himalayas, navigating through the scorching deserts, tackling monsoon storms and the treacherous, rugged terrain of Arunachal Pradesh. Each mission is a battle against nature, and our assets are logging insane flying hours in these brutal environments.

Meanwhile, the PAF is sticking to much more controlled conditions, and they still can’t keep up.Your air force doesn’t even come close to the challenges we face. You want to talk about crashes? Sure, we’ve had some, but we’re pushing the limits every day, dealing with terrain that would make your pilots sweat bullets.

Your own air force is struggling to keep it together in easier conditions. Your whole act of mockery is just weak. It’s like a spectator trying to take shots at a pro athlete from the stands—pathetic and out of touch. Maybe focus on your own backyard before you try to diss ours. Your attempts to belittle us are as misguided as they are laughable. Keep watching from the sidelines while we handle the real challenges.
I guess that's the reason your aircraft, helicopters, missiles and drones often end up on Pakistani side. Hell we must have the perfect weather and conditions that only our spy pigeons end up in India. Lol
I guess that's the reason your aircraft, helicopters, missiles and drones often end up on Pakistani side. Hell we must have the perfect weather and conditions that only our spy pigeons end up in India. Lol
Actually, it’s your Pakistani drones we’re shooting down daily. The BSF has been quite busy taking out Chinese-origin Pakistani drones that cross into Indian territory. And guess what? India has perfected its anti-drone systems, which are now being deployed en masse with proven effectiveness.

As for missiles, your Chinese-origin air defense systems have been thoroughly exposed. That incident have revealed just how poorly they perform under real combat conditions, showing glaring weaknesses in your defenses. This kind of exposure isn’t just an embarrassment; it’s a serious vulnerability.
It was a trial/test flight so not an operational accident. The focus is now to move to Shahpar-III so good to see that testing is being done to improve the subsystems.
I guess that's the reason your aircraft, helicopters, missiles and drones often end up on Pakistani side. Hell we must have the perfect weather and conditions that only our spy pigeons end up in India. Lol
Moron is listing Himalayan mountains, scorching deserts, etc as if Pakistan doesn’t have that terrain where it operates military assets 😂
Actually, it’s your Pakistani drones we’re shooting down daily. The BSF has been quite busy taking out Chinese-origin Pakistani drones that cross into Indian territory. And guess what? India has perfected its anti-drone systems, which are now being deployed en masse with proven effectiveness.

As for missiles, your Chinese-origin air defense systems have been thoroughly exposed. That incident have revealed just how poorly they perform under real combat conditions, showing glaring weaknesses in your defenses. This kind of exposure isn’t just an embarrassment; it’s a serious vulnerability.

If your BSF or any other force was that efficient then it wouldn't be glorifying capturing Pakistani Pigeons or weather balloons and as for your mighty missile BS, the less said the better.
And don't confuse everything with your sorry backside as that has been fired many times but you know well your losing streak just to have any voice on a Pakistani forum.
Worry about your own missiles, they seem to have a mind of their own ve it BrahMos, Spyder or anything else.

Obviously a fake India account. UAV crashes are not a big deal. US has lost 5 Reapers in Yemen and when they were in Aghanistan they would lose an average of one per month. Coming from Indians, a so called super power, who don’t even have their own operational MALE UAV and were begging Pakistan to return their jammed UAV recently and they forget about the Indian Heron shot down by Pakistan many years ago.

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