Afghanistan situation would get ‘very bad, very fast’: Miller


Mar 21, 2007
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Afghanistan situation would get ‘very bad, very fast’: Miller​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): The former commander of US forces in Afghanistan warned Congress that he had repeatedly cautioned Biden about the “very bad” consequences of withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Scott Miller told the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “I did not predict a bright future for Afghanistan after the withdrawal.”

Scott Miller testified behind closed doors last month to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He is one of 20 witnesses who testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee following the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. According to the newspaper, Miller’s statements are available in The Washington Post, which provides fresh political ammunition to Biden’s foreign policy critics.

Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a critic of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, told the newspaper that Miller’s testimony shows how Biden’s order of “rapid withdrawal to the last man” hastened the fall of Afghanistan and the subsequent tragedy in the country.

Miller, who commanded US and NATO forces in Afghanistan from September 2018 to July 2021, told lawmakers that when he received the order to withdraw all foreign forces in 2020, he saw that “Afghanistan was burning.”

According to experts, the Doha agreement with the Taliban in February 2020 weakened the Afghan government significantly, ultimately resulting in the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan without consulting the Afghan government. The Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban in February 2020, sidelining senior Afghan officials. Later that year, Trump ordered the reduction of troops first to 4,500 and then to 2,500.

After taking office, Biden implemented Trump’s government agreement with the Taliban to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, but before the last American soldier left, the Afghan government collapsed with the president fleeing on August 15, 2021.
It gives me great satisfaction when a US general cries about Afghanistan.

Now the US will continue to plead for a working relationship with Pakistan because they have no other option.

Afghanistan situation would get ‘very bad, very fast’: Miller​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): The former commander of US forces in Afghanistan warned Congress that he had repeatedly cautioned Biden about the “very bad” consequences of withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Scott Miller told the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “I did not predict a bright future for Afghanistan after the withdrawal.”

Scott Miller testified behind closed doors last month to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He is one of 20 witnesses who testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee following the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. According to the newspaper, Miller’s statements are available in The Washington Post, which provides fresh political ammunition to Biden’s foreign policy critics.

Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a critic of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, told the newspaper that Miller’s testimony shows how Biden’s order of “rapid withdrawal to the last man” hastened the fall of Afghanistan and the subsequent tragedy in the country.

Miller, who commanded US and NATO forces in Afghanistan from September 2018 to July 2021, told lawmakers that when he received the order to withdraw all foreign forces in 2020, he saw that “Afghanistan was burning.”

According to experts, the Doha agreement with the Taliban in February 2020 weakened the Afghan government significantly, ultimately resulting in the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan without consulting the Afghan government. The Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban in February 2020, sidelining senior Afghan officials. Later that year, Trump ordered the reduction of troops first to 4,500 and then to 2,500.

After taking office, Biden implemented Trump’s government agreement with the Taliban to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, but before the last American soldier left, the Afghan government collapsed with the president fleeing on August 15, 2021.
Hmm, Afghanistan does not appear to be faring any worse than the last forty years. Anyway, why is it the general's concern? Afghanistan is not a threat to U.S. or allies by any stretch. Their focus seems to be on surviving than on waging war on anyone. If he wants to worry about something, may I suggest that things are quite bad in Haiti, Sudan, Somalia etc.,
It gives me great satisfaction when a US general cries about Afghanistan.

Now the US will continue to plead for a working relationship with Pakistan because they have no other option.
His concern here is to cultivate these bhangi afghani terrorists into Daeshi terrorists and use them against our country.

No other reason for this dude to say all what he did.
When a top US commander publicly states such a definitive statement it means time may be over for the Taliban. They shouldn't have betrayed Pak, and that too on behalf of Bharat. They must have learnt by now the Pak Deep State is like that Pied Piper of Hamilon. It has got many tunes to play with its pipe, and not always to your favor....

Given the all out efforts from the West to beat Russia in her most secured backyards, the US's renewed interest in Afganistan is quite predictable. The West is already stirring up the Caucasus via Armania. The CA should be next.....

It's the time to balkanize Afganistan....
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It gives me great satisfaction when a US general cries about Afghanistan.

Now the US will continue to plead for a working relationship with Pakistan because they have no other option.
Its good to see Afghan Taliban won the war.

Afghanistan situation would get ‘very bad, very fast’: Miller​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): The former commander of US forces in Afghanistan warned Congress that he had repeatedly cautioned Biden about the “very bad” consequences of withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Scott Miller told the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “I did not predict a bright future for Afghanistan after the withdrawal.”

Scott Miller testified behind closed doors last month to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He is one of 20 witnesses who testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee following the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. According to the newspaper, Miller’s statements are available in The Washington Post, which provides fresh political ammunition to Biden’s foreign policy critics.

Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a critic of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, told the newspaper that Miller’s testimony shows how Biden’s order of “rapid withdrawal to the last man” hastened the fall of Afghanistan and the subsequent tragedy in the country.

Miller, who commanded US and NATO forces in Afghanistan from September 2018 to July 2021, told lawmakers that when he received the order to withdraw all foreign forces in 2020, he saw that “Afghanistan was burning.”

According to experts, the Doha agreement with the Taliban in February 2020 weakened the Afghan government significantly, ultimately resulting in the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan without consulting the Afghan government. The Trump administration signed a deal with the Taliban in February 2020, sidelining senior Afghan officials. Later that year, Trump ordered the reduction of troops first to 4,500 and then to 2,500.

After taking office, Biden implemented Trump’s government agreement with the Taliban to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, but before the last American soldier left, the Afghan government collapsed with the president fleeing on August 15, 2021.
Can't be more tragic than being occupied by a colonising force and have daisy cutter and cluster bombs being dropped on them- " and the subsequent tragedy in the country."
Its good to see Afghan Taliban won the war.
No, Trump gave it to them. "These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America's founding fathers" after all. Taliban accepted Trump's conditions so there is no issue between Republicans and Taliban at least.

There was indeed a plan for the Intra-Afghan Dialogue, the commander is alluding to it. Afghanistan is a diverse society and Taliban does not represent it on the whole. People are free to comment on it. Taliban isn't any better for Pakistan from the looks of it. They are all the same. Some in our establishment bet on them and thought that it will be all good, no it isn't. Pakistan continue to face similar incidents across the border. Focus should be on having a working relationship with Afghanistan in which our borders are respected, this require fencing and watching on our part. This issue will continue for indefinite period. Perhaps WE need to find some Pakistan-friendly Afghans in remote areas and pitch them for the Intra-Afghan Dialogue. ;)
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The time is near folks when Pakistanis will start lynching afghani soon…….150k Pakistanis are dead because of Afghani terror.
I remember a bhangi afghani in Lundon jiving on non stop about how great his wahabbi/ deobandi religion and culture is, and how its superior to all other religions and societies and what not.

So I asked him that What Da Fuq was he doin in Lundon?

There was nothing but silence,........he understood his position then.
Yeap, been saying this for some time now. Both American establishment and Pakistani generals are itching for WOT 2.0. Bad terrorists, good war economy, generals minting money, with the tiny little matter of few thousands innocent dead on both sides of the border.

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