Another giant ship from China has been unveiled. It is expected to be commissioned into the navy this year, and the number to be built may exceed 30.


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Another giant ship from China has been unveiled. It is expected to be commissioned into the navy this year, and the number of ships to be built may exceed 30.​

2024-09-20 01:27 Source: Three Golden Weapons Theory
Published in: Zhejiang Province

China has unveiled another giant ship. It is even expected to be commissioned into the navy this year, and the number of construction may exceed 30. This is the Type 054B frigate.


The Type 054B frigate is a new generation frigate of the Chinese Navy, which is further upgraded based on the previous Type 054A frigate. It is a multi-purpose frigate in active service of the Chinese Navy and is widely used for offshore defense, long-sea escort and other tasks. The Type 054B will achieve higher technological improvements and combat capabilities on this basis.

Next, let’s take a look at: the basic situation of this frigate.

Stealth design and integrated mast technology


One of the highlights of the Type 054B frigate is its more advanced stealth design. By optimizing the hull structure and reducing the radar reflection area, a smaller signal can be presented to enemy radar, making it more difficult to detect.

The enhancement of stealth capabilities is crucial to modern naval operations, especially when performing missions in high-threat environments. Stealth capabilities can gain more strategic initiative for ships.

In addition, an integrated mast design is adopted, which is a relatively rare innovation among frigate-class ships.

The integrated mast integrates radar, electronic countermeasures equipment, communication antennas and other equipment into one structure, reducing equipment exposure and further enhancing stealth. It also optimizes the ship's space utilization and electromagnetic compatibility.

This design not only improves the ship's electronic warfare and communication capabilities, but also effectively reduces maintenance costs and improves combat effectiveness.


Improvement of comprehensive combat capabilities

The Type 054B frigate has also undergone comprehensive upgrades in its weapon system. Compared with the Type 054A, the Type 054B frigate is equipped with more advanced radar systems and weapons and equipment, making it perform better in anti-submarine, anti-ship, and air defense operations.

Especially in terms of air defense systems, the missile vertical launch system of the Type 054B frigate can carry multiple types of missiles, such as anti-aircraft missiles, anti-submarine missiles and anti-ship missiles, giving it a full range of combat capabilities.

At the same time, it also has good long-range combat capabilities and sustained combat capabilities.

Its endurance and self-sustainability have been significantly improved compared to previous models, and it can perform long-term missions in the open sea. This has a great supporting role for the Chinese Navy's increasingly expanding ocean strategy.


With the global deployment of the Chinese Navy, the Type 054B frigate will play a key role in safeguarding China's maritime interests, protecting the safety of ocean waterways, and performing international missions.

The number of my country's Type 054B frigates is expected to exceed 30, which far exceeds the number of general frigates built. So, what prompted the Chinese Navy to build it on a large scale?

Reason one. The needs of ocean strategy: from offshore defense to ocean warfare


In recent years, the strategic focus of the Chinese Navy has gradually shifted from traditional "offshore defense" to "offshore operations." In this context, the Type 054B frigate, as a multi-purpose frigate, has the ability to perform a variety of ocean missions.

Its anti-submarine, air defense and anti-ship warfare capabilities enable it to operate independently or as part of a formation in an ocean environment. The Chinese Navy needs to build a large number of Type 054B frigates to form a sufficient scale to ensure continued military presence and combat capabilities in various important sea areas around the world.

Reason two. The needs of diverse missions: from escort to international cooperation


The Type 054B frigate is not only a combat ship used in traditional naval battles, it can also perform a variety of non-traditional missions.

In recent years, the Chinese navy has performed well in missions such as Gulf of Aden escort and international rescue. In the future, as China's participation in global affairs continues to increase, the demand for similar missions will continue to increase.

And it also has strong multi-task execution capabilities and can cope with different maritime security challenges.

From escort, anti-piracy to humanitarian relief, to joint military exercises with other countries, the design of the Type 054B frigate enables it to flexibly cope with various tasks. In addition, the long-range deployment capabilities and sustained combat capabilities of the Type 054B frigate are particularly suitable for performing long-term missions in complex and changeable international environments.

Reason three. Improving regional deterrence capabilities: coping with the global competitive landscape

At present, competition in global maritime power is increasingly intensifying, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, where the naval forces of many major powers are developing rapidly.

In this context, the Chinese navy needs to have sufficient regional deterrence capabilities to deal with possible threats and challenges.

The large-scale construction of the Type 054B frigate will provide the Chinese Navy with a powerful medium-sized combat force that can respond quickly and deploy flexibly to form an effective deterrent force. These ships can not only form a powerful defense network in China's offshore waters, but also have the ability to suppress and deter potential threats in the distant seas.

Reason four. The rapid development of the shipbuilding industry: driven by both production capacity and technology

China's shipbuilding industry has developed rapidly in recent years, especially in the field of warship construction, with the capability of large-scale and rapid construction. This provides a solid industrial foundation for the mass construction of Type 054B frigates. By pooling its resources and technological advantages, China was able to complete the construction of a large number of frigates in a relatively short period of time and put them into service quickly.

In addition, the technical design of the Type 054B frigate is relatively mature, which makes mass production possible. Through continuous technological iteration and optimization, China's shipbuilding industry has accumulated rich experience, which has enabled China to build a large number of advanced ships at lower costs and higher efficiency.

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