Attack on Pakistan Parliament on 9th September: A Black Day for Democracy

Little by little from petty crimes to heinous crimes, from hurling threats to assaults' and kidnapping, Pakistan's pillar of democracy, the core values of right to vote and freedom of speech and expression are crumbling.

When rogues attack and kidnap parliamentarians, it's an attack on democracy and the people of Pakistan, both symbolically and functionally. Pakistan's democracy is supposed to be built on the rule of law, which ensures that everyone, including law makers, are subject to legal processes and protections.

Attacking or kidnapping parliamentarians shows a blatant disregard for these principles, suggesting that power or violence, rather than law, can determine political outcomes. This undermines citizens' trust in the justice system and government institutions. The fact that those who are supposed to protect failed in their primary duty is a damning indictment of behind the scenes nefarious actors.

An attack on Pakistan's parliamentarians , whatever their views and alignments, is an attack on the People of Pakistan and a challenge to their fundamental right to vote and elect and choose who they deem fit to represent them. Normalizing such heinous crime on democracy isn't going to bode well as such actions will only divide and contribute towards a downward spiral of anarchy and chaos. If foreign hands are involved then they need to be chopped, if internal criminals are involved then they need to be caught and incarcerated. We must all cherish and uphold the democratic values of Pakistan else we will slip into dictatorship and civil war.

PML-N, PPP and the generals have set a new precedent here and they shouldn't think they are above the law. What today is happening to PTI can and will happen to these thugs. Karma is a bitch.
Little by little from petty crimes to heinous crimes, from hurling threats to assaults' and kidnapping, Pakistan's pillar of democracy, the core values of right to vote and freedom of speech and expression are crumbling.

When rogues attack and kidnap parliamentarians, it's an attack on democracy and the people of Pakistan, both symbolically and functionally. Pakistan's democracy is supposed to be built on the rule of law, which ensures that everyone, including law makers, are subject to legal processes and protections.

Attacking or kidnapping parliamentarians shows a blatant disregard for these principles, suggesting that power or violence, rather than law, can determine political outcomes. This undermines citizens' trust in the justice system and government institutions. The fact that those who are supposed to protect failed in their primary duty is a damning indictment of behind the scenes nefarious actors.

An attack on Pakistan's parliamentarians , whatever their views and alignments, is an attack on the People of Pakistan and a challenge to their fundamental right to vote and elect and choose who they deem fit to represent them. Normalizing such heinous crime on democracy isn't going to bode well as such actions will only divide and contribute towards a downward spiral of anarchy and chaos. If foreign hands are involved then they need to be chopped, if internal criminals are involved then they need to be caught and incarcerated. We must all cherish and uphold the democratic values of Pakistan else we will slip into dictatorship and civil war.
Oh there is a democracy in Pakistan?

I am surprised to hear that.

Pakistan is a colony of establishment (albeit incompetent) who took over from the British, post edited…

I have accepted the reality and moved on with it.
Oh there is a democracy in Pakistan?

I am surprised to hear that.

Pakistan is a colony of establishment (albeit incompetent) who took over from the British, post edited…

I have accepted the reality and moved on with it.
We realised late but we will not allow this to happen with our kids

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