Azerbaijan Armed Forces ( News - Discussions )

Ghatak drone to outgun AKINCI in future

We are talking about current situation
and Armenia has nothing

on the other hand Azerbaijan has TB-2 and AKINCI UCAVs to destroy everything including AD Systems like AKASH , S-300

btw GHATAK is 1 ton tinny System
Azerbaijan gets 8,5 tons KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet from Turkiye

-- Stealth Design and composite material for very low RCS
-- Internal Weapon Bays for stealth Flight capability
-- Turbofan Engine with afterburner for supersonic speed
-- AESA Radar + IRST + EOTS
The world's first unmanned stealth Fighter Jet with afterburner
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Armenia can any day join AMCA program.....

You are talking about hypothesis again
1 -- AMCA is still a paper project
2-- Armenia doesnt have money to get and operate 5th gen Fighter Jets

but I am talking reality
Rich Azerbaijan joined Turkish KAAN 5th gen Fighter Jet program


so Countries like India and Iran can not change balance of power for Armenia against Azerbaijan which is working with Turkiye , Pakistan and Israel
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Guys please stay on topic, this thread has nothing to do with India or Armenia.
I can reply but moderator has asked to not to go off topic so let's focus on thread....
Azerbaijani Air Force .. AKINCI and MIG-29

Turkish defense industry products in the Azerbaijan Air Force

— Bayraktar KIZILELMA
— T129 ATAK
— Bayraktar TB2

Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci

“Deliveries of the SOM Cruise Missile to the Azerbaijani Armed Forces will begin soon. SOM, which will be used by both AKINCI and SU-25 platforms, will add strength to the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.”

While exports were blocked due to the French embargo, because of using French TRI-40 turbojet engine
And Turkiye has developed its own KTJ-3200 turbojet Engine to power the SOM Cruise Missile

SOM Technical Specifications

Length : 4 m
Weight : 600 kg
Range : 250 km
Guidance Modes : INS/GPS/TRN/ GRNS/ATA
Warhead Weight : 230 kg
Seeker : IIR

Low Radar Cross Section
High Precision Terminal Phase via Imagining Infrared Seeker [IIR]
Operable in all Weather Conditions
Selectable Impact Parameters
Autonomous use
Resistant to Countermeasures
3D mission planning
Re-Attack Mode
Target Update, Re-Attack and Mission Abort Capability via Data Link
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Azerbaijani Army announced that it received the first batch of 70 DITA 155mm self-propelled Howitzers ordered from Czech Company Excalibur Army

The Azerbaijani Army has the 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika, 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm 2S19 Msta-S and 152mm Dana-M1M Howitzers

Azerbaijan aims to increase the compatibility of the Turkish Armed Forces' doctrines and continues to turn to NATO-standard weapon systems.

One of them is DITA 155 mm Howitzer
If needed , Turkiye can give 155 mm amunitions to Azerbaijan in a conflict
Azerbaijan introduces KEMANKES-1 and TOLUN into service

Azerbaijan's TB-2 UCAVs used only 8-16 km MAM-L laser guided munitions in Karabakh War

Now Azerbaijan's TB-2 and AKINCI UCAs are capable of hitting targets from long range

-- 80 km TOLUN
-- 150 km KEMANKES-1

Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR , BUK , TOR , AKASH are easy targets for the Azerbaijani Armed Forces

KEMANKES-1 mini intelligent cruise missile

-- Operational range of 150 km
-- AI assisted EO Camera
-- Durable against any attempts of electronic jamming due to its Anti-jamming capabilities.


TOLUN Guided Munition

-- Range of 80 km
-- Guidance : GPS , INS , IIR seeker
-- The pilot is kept in the loop via POD


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