Azerbaijan President Visits PAC/JF-17 Facility!

It may be off topic. Armenia is being armed to the teeth by the West, India etc. Iran may support them too! Objective is to re-Armanize Karaba'. Another objective is to stir up Russia's backyard (Ukraine-like). Azerbaijan is on a tight spot. She needs serious defense related support, by keeping a balance b/w the West and Russia, from all available sources to maintain the deterrence. Pakistan comes second to Turkey. The list ends there for, thanks to the current ME crisis, Israil is now out....

Undercurrents of the middle East politics are quite difficult to fathom ...I hope you are right.
It may be off topic. Armenia is being armed to the teeth by the West, India etc. Iran may support them too! Objective is to re-Armanize Karaba'. Another objective is to stir up Russia's backyard (Ukraine-like). Azerbaijan is on a tight spot. She needs serious defense related support, by keeping a balance b/w the West and Russia, from all available sources to maintain the deterrence. Pakistan comes second to Turkey. The list ends there for, thanks to the current ME crisis, Israil is now out....


India is the biggest supplier of arms to Armenia---and they are shipping them thru Iran---. Both Turkiye & Azerbaijan are taking too long to decide on the aircraft they want to buy.

Turkiye should have gone for the eurofighter straight away---if no go then the J10's. The BLK 70 wasted another year.

India is the biggest supplier of arms to Armenia---and they are shipping them thru Iran---. Both Turkiye & Azerbaijan are taking too long to decide on the aircraft they want to buy.

Turkiye should have gone for the eurofighter straight away---if no go then the J10's. The BLK 70 wasted another year.
Eurofighter is blocked by Germany. Turkey is upgrading the existing F-16s via OZGUR program. KIZILEMAs are going to production by next year....

India is the biggest supplier of arms to Armenia---and they are shipping them thru Iran---. Both Turkiye & Azerbaijan are taking too long to decide on the aircraft they want to buy.

Turkiye should have gone for the eurofighter straight away---if no go then the J10's. The BLK 70 wasted another year.
Honestly, i disagree. The J-10 would have been an entirely new aircraft for them to learn with a weapons ecosystem they arent familiar with or have an ounce of in their stockpile and would have taken a tremendous amount of time to acquire in numbers,especially as they would be behind China and Pakistan in getting their jets. Then when they have them, would needa huge length of time to integrate them into their fighting force (as you yourself always point out, integrating a new fighter type takes up to 3-5 years). By the time they negotiate a deal for J-10,acquiring it and integrate it into their forces in an effective manner, the KAAN will be almost ready for production. And these fighters are meant to be a stopgap between the fleets current conditions and the arrival of a FGFA to hold the line against Greek F-35.

With block 70,they not only integrate near instantaneously, but they get to upgrade their own existing fleet with Ozgur radar, dramatically increasing their fighter capabilities in a much shorter period. Additionally they would face increasing isolation, especially in NATO for operating non-NATO equipment. Currently they still have a great deal of cooperation in NATO despite the S400 issue.
Honestly, i disagree. The J-10 would have been an entirely new aircraft for them to learn with a weapons ecosystem they arent familiar with or have an ounce of in their stockpile and would have taken a tremendous amount of time to acquire in numbers,especially as they would be behind China and Pakistan in getting their jets. Then when they have them, would needa huge length of time to integrate them into their fighting force (as you yourself always point out, integrating a new fighter type takes up to 3-5 years). By the time they negotiate a deal for J-10,acquiring it and integrate it into their forces in an effective manner, the KAAN will be almost ready for production. And these fighters are meant to be a stopgap between the fleets current conditions and the arrival of a FGFA to hold the line against Greek F-35.

With block 70,they not only integrate near instantaneously, but they get to upgrade their own existing fleet with Ozgur radar, dramatically increasing their fighter capabilities in a much shorter period. Additionally they would face increasing isolation, especially in NATO for operating non-NATO equipment. Currently they still have a great deal of cooperation in NATO despite the S400 issue.

Well---if the Paf had bought the Mirage 2000's ordered by jordan---pak army would not have that many losses at Kargil---because the Mirages would be BVR capable.

KAAN will not be combat ready for another 10 + years---.

And why is Turkiye keen on getting the eurofighter---.
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Seems like integrating and operationalizing Turkish weapon systems to JFT would be good progress path specially since Azerbaijan is interested in the platform and they are familiar with Turkish systems. Another possible step towards cementing the JFT deal.

Well---if the Paf had bought the Mirage 2000's ordered by jordan---pak army would not have that many losses at Kargil---because the Mirages would be BVR capable.

KAAN will not be combat ready for another 10 + years---.

And why is Turkiye keen on getting the eurofighter---.
Sir jee, the looses suffered were due to the unilateral withdrawal announced by musheraf without negotiating a secession of hostilities.
As the whole withdrawal took place under fire.
Some sources claim that some of the JF-17 without squadron markings that escorted the Presidential plane are actually destined for other words they were presented to the President as he entered Pakistani airspace.
Will China/Turkey allow the weapon integration
Pakistan independently operates Avionics & Weapons Integration Lab for JF-17, btw these labs were established with block-1 and used for integration of indigenous weapon and Turkish targeting pod, ACMI pod with blk-2.
Apart from on PAF's fleet , Turkish Aselpods have already been integrated on Nigerian JF-17s.

Sir jee, the looses suffered were due to the unilateral withdrawal announced by musheraf without negotiating a secession of hostilities.
As the whole withdrawal took place under fire.

That is incorrect---. If Paf had bvr capable MK2's---the battle would have a different result---.

It was the army that started the war---but it was the Paf that was a NO SHOW---.

The moment the indian M2K locked onto the Pak F16 from BVR range---the F16's tucked their tails in and ran away never to return to the battle field---.

The army had achieved its primary goal---it had conquered the land that originally belonged to pakistan---.

It lost because Paf could not hold its position needed to manage it position---.

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