Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Mahmudur Rahman is just an intellectual plagiarist and madcap who thought he could ignite a revolution by getting arrested but instead wasted several years in jail without anyone really caring or doing anything about it. He doesn't belong to the American panel and so has been discriminated against.

His being sent to jail does differ from how others have been treated and raises the question about the sincerity and competence of the Interim Government. For some reason the IG has retained all the corrupt and controversial judges of the High Court which suggests that Asif Nazrul, Md. Asaduzzaman and CJ Rifat Ahmed are actually doing politics rather than trying to reform the judicial system.

The reform agenda currently looks like a joke. People are fast losing faith in the IG and becoming frustrated at its slowness and broken promises.

@LeonBlack08 @Alter_Ego @Bengal71
Take two third of what he said. But there is no doubt that this is absolutely shameful for this government. As pinaki said, except for martyrs, there is no one with greater sacrifice and contribution than Mahmudur Rahman. Lots of people came later when they saw a movement already in motion. But he stood alone for a long time against the facist regime. He stood for our sovereignty and our democratic rights against internal and external enemies.

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I will keep quiet until January. So far we don't want to cause division for enemies to exploit against the Interim government. However, when Yunus has a better control, we must voice our worries and dissatisfactions in the strongest terms possible. If neccessary we must take it to the streets again. This revolution is incomplete without him walking free among us.

Will watch it later but it disturbed me too that he was put to jail on the fake charge laid by Hasina regime.

Another concerning news came out that a small team of army men arrested an individual who ran the organization Ma er Daak. The same organization who exposed Hasina's secret prisons. Looks like there is no appetite to shut these facilities down. Will post more on it after work today.
Mahmudur Rahman is just an intellectual plagiarist and madcap who thought he could ignite a revolution by getting arrested but instead wasted several years in jail without anyone really caring or doing anything about it

What a disrespectful nonsense.
"জানা গেছে জনৈক মেজর সাখাওয়াতের নেতৃত্বে একটি সেনাদল বাংলাদেশ সময় দুপুর তিনটার সময় মায়ের ডাক সংগঠনের Sanjida Islam Tulee'র বড় ভাই সাইফুল ইসলাম শ্যামলকে তুলে নিয়ে যায়। এবং ওই বাসার সিসিটিভি ডিভাইস খুলে ফেলার চেষ্টাও করে।

সেনা সদরদপ্তরে কথা বলে জানতে পারি অস্ত্র আছে এমন অভিযোগ পেয়ে ওই বাসায় অভিযান চালানো হয়। কিন্তু যেহেতু কোন অস্ত্রই ওই বাসায় পাওয়া যায়নি, তাহলে কি কারণে শ্যামল'কে তুলে নিয়ে যাওয়া হলো? সেনাসদর সূত্রে জানানো হয়েছে জনাব সাইফুল ইসলাম শ্যামলকে দ্রুত ছেড়ে দেয়া হবে।" @LeonBlack08


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