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BJP-Taliban Ties and Their Implications

Hakikat ve Hikmet

Think Tank Analyst
Nov 14, 2015
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The introduction of the Taliban took out the Indian and Northern alliance threat, plus everything the Americans could do and did do.

That's the removal of well resourced hostile actors causing havoc with impunity.

This has been replaced with a different type of challenge but it's still a challenge and you could argue a potentially existential one, still a headache, the solution is not military
Understood. But, when you soften your tone you need to have a hardened stick ready hidden at your back. And, periodically you need to oil that stick....

Given the circumstances, carrying out IBOs with a full "robotic" support may be the best option to go forward. Having done that, the Taliban leadership also needs to be compelled to do the cost-benefit analysis for themselves. The recent SCO meeting at Astana should be an eye opener for them. The Sino-Russo axis appears to be dead determined to take it to the next level. And, a tacit support from the Pak Deep State would be always welcome. The Bharat-style lowly tricks may not have much room in this once-in-a century Great Game....


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Understood. But, when you soften your tone you need to have a hardened stick ready hidden at your back. And, periodically you need to oil that stick....

Given the circumstances, carrying out IBOs with a full "robotic" support may be the best option to go forward. Having done that, the Taliban leadership also needs to be compelled to do the cost-benefit analysis for themselves. The recent SCO meeting at Astana should be an eye opener for them. The Sino-Russo axis appears to be dead determined to take it to the next level. And, a tacit support from the Pak Deep State would be always welcome. The Bharat-style lowly tricks may not have much room in this once-in-a century Great Game....
Well you can't do nothing, therefore you have to do something.

These Taliban guys though, different level of resilience, different level of stubbornness, battle hardened and confident


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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@r3alist why do you consider the Northern Alliance to be a bigger more existential threat to Pakistan than the Taliban?

The recent interview of the CIA lady by the ex Seal gave me the impression that the Taliban were a proper mid sized European army in term of boots. Way way way bigger than ISIS, and twice the size of Al Qaeda.

Thats a serious threat.

Cheers, Doc


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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@r3alist why do you consider the Northern Alliance to be a bigger more existential threat to Pakistan than the Taliban?

The recent interview of the CIA lady by the ex Seal gave me the impression that the Taliban were a proper mid sized European army in term of boots. Way way way bigger than ISIS, and twice the size of Al Qaeda.

Thats a serious threat.

Cheers, Doc

The American lady doesn't know what she is talking about. Half of her claims were ridiculous and exaggerated.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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The American lady doesn't know what she is talking about.

Bro she seemed extremely capable and was rattling off names and figures that had my head spinning.

Regardless of what I feel about America vis a vis India historically, those guys are a fighting nation. They have a fighters steel core.

If she is CIA, she damn well knows what shes talking about. Especially as this (Taliban and Kashmir) was what she was working full time.

What was the number? 200,000? Damn!


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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@r3alist why do you consider the Northern Alliance to be a bigger more existential threat to Pakistan than the Taliban?

The recent interview of the CIA lady by the ex Seal gave me the impression that the Taliban were a proper mid sized European army in term of boots. Way way way bigger than ISIS, and twice the size of Al Qaeda.

Thats a serious threat.

Cheers, Doc
They are serious indeed.

But it was northern alliance plus Indian support and ingress into Afghanistan under the umbrella of USA cover that was very potent.

India could pincer attack Pakistan with impunity, it could not.

The us always wanted Indian boots on the ground, India refused, they denied Pak the opportunity to strike back.

So optimal for India, risk reward ratio, the reward being pain to Pak.

That's gone now

New set of problems


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Bro she seemed extremely capable and was rattling off names and figures that had my head spinning.

Regardless of what I feel about America vis a vis India historically, those guys are a fighting nation. They have a fighters steel core.

If she is CIA, she damn well knows what shes talking about. Especially as this (Taliban and Kashmir) was what sge was working full time.

What was the number? 200,000? Damn!

Bro, no CIA spy is allowed to spew such secrets in the open. To me it seemed more of a personal research and hearsay than actual facts.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Bro, no CIA spy is allowed to spew such secrets in the open. To me it seemed more of a personal research and hearsay than actual facts.

Ya I agree. It was quite a lot of info. A lot of it did not make the current administration look good either. 70,000 allies killed, injured, incarcerated, or plain disappeared.

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