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BJP-Taliban Ties and Their Implications


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Your mistaken

I don't see potential in any Afghan

The Afghans have been our enemies from day one , regardless of what we did, how many we took in, who we helped them against, they are enemies who seek our destruction

Their is NO wavelength or common ground, they are too rock headed to change

So once you understand that, the BEST you can do is try to manage the problem as opposed to try and find a solution that does not exist

Is the Taliban dangerous? - YES, they are Afghans after all, they will cause fassad and they will try to hurt Pakistan regardless of what we do


iS it better to have a isolated Taliban and Afghanistan
Or is it better to have a Afghan Republic just as hateful as any Afghan, supported by the U.S, NATO and India and accepted by the world?

I'd go with dumb fcuk isolated Afghans

If the Taliban Afghanistan shows zero interest in economic development, even worse than Pak, how do you manage the relationship.

Its a really unique problem Pak has, you have a hostile expansionist population who are also really backward and want to go further back.

If you fight them you risk loss because you will lose the will

You invite economic discourse you risk crime

You offer peace you are weak

Do you just pay them off but then maintain the right to respond to bad behaviour?


Full Member
Feb 3, 2024
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The Taliban is a isolated bunch of fighters

A Afghan republic funded by the U.S and NATO, with both India and the west planning and with multiple bases was a MAJOR LONG TERM STRATEGIC THREAT

The defeat of these multiple enemies was a incredible, absolutely incredible act of Pakistani subterfuge

Has their been and is their a fallout with the Taliban that has to be dealt with, of course but it's not on the same level as with Afghan Republic, India, USA and NATO

Defeating so many powers was one of the greatest Pakistani victories
Your every post is like "a begger is thumping chest for having a big katora". No One can answer that. Ignoring is the best option with a smile. 😊


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Iranis keep quiet because engaging on their past forces them to also engage on the millennial spiritual and mental gymnastics of explaining their Muslim present. That is the bottom line.

I've engaged with generations of conflicted Iranians on the old forum. Many reached out off the forum wanting to know more about Zoroastrianism and how they could revert.

There was one shameless ungrateful twat who was settled in the Netherlands. Trying to pass his qualification exam to become a English teacher for international translators. Basically he had ro reach English to different nationalities.

There was an online exam where he spent 3 hours with me in the phone (WhatsApp) sending me the questions one by one as they appeared online, and I told him the answer.

The results come instantaneously and he scored in the low 90s, obviously qualified this very difficult exam, and in fact was the top percentiles as I recall.

Anyways, long story short, I blocked him a few months later.

In London, at Holland & Barrett's, their over 150 year old pharmacy chain, I went with a long WhatsApp list of Bach flower remedy medicines my wife wanted me to pick up.

The very sweet girl serving me, took nearly 3 hours sitting on the floor with hundreds of vials spread all around, with two junior helpers, to get all in my list, and then also make sure all had at least 2 years of shelf life remaining.

She was wearing a cream hijab.

She looked like a Parsi. So I got talking to her and asked her where she was from. She said, you guessed it, Iran. I was delighted. And told her I was a Parsi Zoroastrian. She gave me a big beaming smile, especially when I showed her my Faravahr around my neck.

But she then said something really really melancholic, that shook me to the roots of my being. I told my wife and kids when I got back to India too.

She said, You people have such a glorious history.

I was a little confused. I told her, WE people have the same glorious history.

To which a really sad hopeless look passed across her face, and sge looked down , and gesticulated with her hands as if swatting something away. And shook her head and saud in a sift low voice, Oh we, no, anyway ... trailing off.

Cheers, Doc

Holland and Barrett is good, but a mainstream chain, options are more and more conventional

Btw, before you ever help anyone, always think, if this guy screws me how upset will I be that I gave my time and secondly do you think they would help you back

Its often your own who take the worst liberties


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Your every post is like "a begger is thumping chest for having a big katora". No One can answer that. Ignoring is the best option with a smile. 😊

And your is in denial of the reality that India has been humiliated repeatedly over the last few years, yet here you are on a Pakistani forum beating your chest


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Holland and Barrett is good, but a mainstream chain, options are more and more conventional

Btw, before you ever help anyone, always think, if this guy screws me how upset will I be that I gave my time and secondly do you think they would help you back

Its often your own who take the worst liberties

I helped him with inordinately more of my time (spanning work and home) frankly more than I would have any equally unknown fellow Indian.

Just because I could. And I said, let me help a young Iranian Muslim as an act of forgiveness and good faith.

But they have a long way to go sadly. We Parsis wouldn't know where to start to reverse 1400 years of brainwashing and falsehoods.

The Kurds, our distant cousins, are easier to deal with. And more accepting of their ancestral guilt

Probably because they have been shafted a lot worse by other alien blood Muslims than the Iranians have.

Cheers, Doc

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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And your is in denial of the reality that India has been humiliated repeatedly over the last few years, yet here you are on a Pakistani forum beating your chest
OK Bhai maan liya ki India was Humiliated by Afghans and china and pakistan in last few years even then what changed

Now same afghans are making so called DIWALI when India won T20 World Cup or want India back in afghanistan but not pakistan

China which pakistanies are over joyed humiliated India in Galwan is now asking time and again that India should forget past and restart buissness as usual and its said by there foriegn minister to President himself so much so in one of the meeting Chinese foriegn minster camedown frompedestal leaving everyone to greet Indian Foriegn Minister .... WHY and what do you call this

when same china is time and again refused to restart work on kew CEPC projects and other DAMS until earlier LOAN payments are done ... arent they your best friends . ;) :p

asfor Pakistan and its foriegn policy well look how Saudiya or UAE or even Indonasia to malasiya or USA to UK to Europe all are working with indian and investing in India while none of them is even giving proper entry VISAs to Pakistanies forget what and how they treat pakistanies on arrival at there airports.....;) :p

..If thats not Humiliation i wonder what is ;) :p


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Iranis keep quiet because engaging on their past forces them to also engage on the millennial spiritual and mental gymnastics of explaining their Muslim present. That is the bottom line.

I've engaged with generations of conflicted Iranians on the old forum. Many reached out off the forum wanting to know more about Zoroastrianism and how they could revert.

There was one shameless ungrateful twat who was settled in the Netherlands. Trying to pass his qualification exam to become a English teacher for international translators. Basically he had ro reach English to different nationalities.

There was an online exam where he spent 3 hours with me in the phone (WhatsApp) sending me the questions one by one as they appeared online, and I told him the answer.

The results come instantaneously and he scored in the low 90s, obviously qualified this very difficult exam, and in fact was the top percentiles as I recall.

Anyways, long story short, I blocked him a few months later.

In London, at Holland & Barrett's, their over 150 year old pharmacy chain, I went with a long WhatsApp list of Bach flower remedy medicines my wife wanted me to pick up.

The very sweet girl serving me, took nearly 3 hours sitting on the floor with hundreds of vials spread all around, with two junior helpers, to get all in my list, and then also make sure all had at least 2 years of shelf life remaining.

She was wearing a cream hijab.

She looked like a Parsi. So I got talking to her and asked her where she was from. She said, you guessed it, Iran. I was delighted. And told her I was a Parsi Zoroastrian. She gave me a big beaming smile, especially when I showed her my Faravahr around my neck.

But she then said something really really melancholic, that shook me to the roots of my being. I told my wife and kids when I got back to India too.

She said, You people have such a glorious history.

I was a little confused. I told her, WE people have the same glorious history.

To which a really sad hopeless look passed across her face, and sge looked down , and gesticulated with her hands as if swatting something away. And shook her head and saud in a sift low voice, Oh we, no, anyway ... trailing off.

Cheers, Doc

I know exactly how she felt, we have the same problem with the Hindus, always trying to connect us to some old weird pagan crap

As of we are going to say 'oh yeah, hundreds of years ago one of my ancestors might have worshipped a idol, I know I will give up my faith in God to embrace idolatry'


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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I know exactly how she felt, we have the same problem with the Hindus, always trying to connect us to some old weird pagan crap

As of we are going to say 'oh yeah, hundreds of years ago one of my ancestors might have worshipped a idol, I know I will give up my faith in God to embrace idolatry'

Ok. You must be her doppelganger.


Full Member
Oct 21, 2006
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Iranis keep quiet because engaging on their past forces them to also engage on the millennial spiritual and mental gymnastics of explaining their Muslim present. That is the bottom line.

I've engaged with generations of conflicted Iranians on the old forum. Many reached out off the forum wanting to know more about Zoroastrianism and how they could revert.

There was one shameless ungrateful twat who was settled in the Netherlands. Trying to pass his qualification exam to become a English teacher for international translators. Basically he had ro reach English to different nationalities.

There was an online exam where he spent 3 hours with me in the phone (WhatsApp) sending me the questions one by one as they appeared online, and I told him the answer.

The results come instantaneously and he scored in the low 90s, obviously qualified this very difficult exam, and in fact was the top percentiles as I recall.

Anyways, long story short, I blocked him a few months later.

In London, at Holland & Barrett's, their over 150 year old pharmacy chain, I went with a long WhatsApp list of Bach flower remedy medicines my wife wanted me to pick up.

The very sweet girl serving me, took nearly 3 hours sitting on the floor with hundreds of vials spread all around, with two junior helpers, to get all in my list, and then also make sure all had at least 2 years of shelf life remaining.

She was wearing a cream hijab.

She looked like a Parsi. So I got talking to her and asked her where she was from. She said, you guessed it, Iran. I was delighted. And told her I was a Parsi Zoroastrian. She gave me a big beaming smile, especially when I showed her my Faravahr around my neck.

But she then said something really really melancholic, that shook me to the roots of my being. I told my wife and kids when I got back to India too.

She said, You people have such a glorious history.

I was a little confused. I told her, WE people have the same glorious history.

To which a really sad hopeless look passed across her face, and sge looked down , and gesticulated with her hands as if swatting something away. And shook her head and saud in a sift low voice, Oh we, no, anyway ... trailing off.

Cheers, Doc
Bhai Irani are very secular as a nation. I have never met a mazhabi Irani…..😝

Nobody even wears hijab in the richer neighborhoods of most cities now.

Only the ghareeb Irani are subjected to Islamic rules and rituals.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Bhai Irani are very secular as a nation. I have never met a mazhabi Irani…..😝

Nobody even wears hijab in the richer neighborhoods of most cities now.

Only the ghareeb Irani are subjected to Islamic rules and rituals.

In the US maybe. Not so in the UK and EU.

Its a different type of diaspora. Education. Social strata.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Most if these non mazhabi atheist hippies you are meeting bandctalking to, disgruntled with Islam, are in a waiting area. A crop waiting for harvest. And most are turning to Christianity in the west.

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