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BREAKING: UN's Human rights group calls Imran Khan's detention illegal.


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Jan 17, 2024
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WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) - Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's detention is arbitrary and in violation of international law, a U.N. human rights working group said in an opinion issued on Monday, adding the jailed politician should be released immediately.

The Geneva-based U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said, opens new tab that the "appropriate remedy would be to release Mr. Khan immediately and accord him an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, in accordance with international law."

The U.N. working group said Khan's legal woes were part of a "much larger campaign of repression" against him and his Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI) party. It said that in the lead up to the 2024 elections, members of Khan's party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted. It also alleged "widespread fraud on election day, stealing dozens of parliamentary seats."

The Pakistani embassy in Washington had no immediate comment. Pakistan's election commission denies that the elections were rigged.



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Jan 17, 2024
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Pakistani dumb establishment made a joke out of the country and its judiciary system. They stole entire mandate of the nation in most absurd fashion in front of whole world and in daylight. The way they are exposed this time is unlike ever before. Whole world now acknowledges the injustices and crimes of Pakistani military junta. The hilarious & fake cases on a national leader, first his arrest on such cases, whole world witnessed how an ex-PM was convicted on "iddat case".

World took note of the degraded IQ level of GHQ when they made case like Cypher & Iddat. The treason of retired General at COAS position and retired General at ISI are enormous. Everybody knows there is no case against Khan and Pakistani nation has chosen him in 8th Feb.

UN group formally acknowledging Imran khan's arrest as arbitrary/ likely political and without merit and unlawful is yet another SLAP on the face of Pakistani establishment. For how long the low IQs will degrade this country and its mandate is yet to be seen.


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Jan 17, 2024
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@Oscar @Waz Can this thread come at main list ? This is important development related with Pakistan.


Dec 11, 2023
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It seems everyone is not blind what's happening in Pakistan, even United nations has had to come out and ask for IK release.

Now you wonder why nobody wants to invest in cursed Pakistan.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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Pak government and establishment has little credibility in the eyes of the world. A credible government would be able to do much more internal and externally to fix Paks economic situation.

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