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China and the Philippines have made significant progress. The Philippine military: The US medium-range missile system will withdraw from Luzon.


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Dec 11, 2023
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Negotiations between China and the Philippines have made significant progress. The Philippine military: The US medium-range missile system will withdraw from Luzon.​

20:22 2024/07/04
China Times News Network

Lu Bohua

After a series of conflicts and negotiations on islands and reefs, the Philippines decided to withdraw the US Typhon medium-range missile system from Luzon Island. (Photo/U.S. Army)

After a series of conflicts and negotiations on islands and reefs, the Philippines decided to withdraw the US Typhon medium-range missile system from Luzon Island. (Photo/U.S. Army)

  • China warns Philippines that deployment of Typhon will bring disaster upon itself
A spokesman for the Philippine Army said on the 4th that the US medium-range missile system "Typhon" deployed on Luzon Island in the Philippines for the annual exercise will be withdrawn and is expected to be returned to the United States in September. He said that although the medium-range ballistic missiles have not been used in live-fire exercises, Philippine forces have learned how to use and maintain the missile system. This latest development shows that China and the Philippines are likely to reach an agreement in recent negotiations to reduce conflicts over islands and reefs in the South China Sea, and the Philippines has also decided to make major concessions.

The Philippines, which has only had maritime frictions with China over several disputed islands and reefs, suddenly decided to withdraw the US Typhon medium-range missile system, which is very surprising. Philippine Army spokesman Louis Louie Dema-ala told foreign media that "the US military is currently shipping out the equipment we used in the Balikatan and Salaknib exercises." He said that according to the plan, the missile system will be shipped out of the Philippines "in September or earlier."

"Voice of America" reported that at the same time, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Romeo Brawner told the media on Thursday that Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. had instructed the military to de-escalate the conflict in South China. sea tensions. This is consistent with the direction of recent consultation conclusions between Chinese and Philippine officials.

In recent months, the Philippines and China have frequently clashed in the South China Sea. China has continuously strengthened its territorial claims in the South China Sea and taken provocative activities in the waters, especially targeting Philippine ships. China has repeatedly criticized the Philippines' missile deployment.

The report pointed out that after high-level talks on Tuesday (July 2), diplomats from China and the Philippines agreed on the need to "restore and rebuild trust" to better handle maritime disputes and ease tensions. The Philippines also stated that it will spare no effort to defend its interests in the South China Sea.

Washington did not elaborate on the reasons for halting the deployment of powerful intermediate-range missile systems.

Reports indicate that in April this year, the United States deployed the Typhon missile system on Luzon Island to participate in the annual US-Philippines joint military exercises. The system can launch Standard 6 (SM-6) supersonic missiles with a range of approximately 450 kilometers, and Tomahawk cruise missiles with a maximum range of 2,500 kilometers.

This is the first time since the Cold War that the United States has deployed a medium-range missile system in Asia. It is deployed in the northern part of Luzon Island on the first island chain. Its range covers not only the entire Taiwan Strait and Luzon Strait, but also most of China's eastern coast. Important cities and military bases. By all accounts, the move greatly angered Beijing. Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun warned at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in June that Beijing's restraint on the deployment of ballistic missiles in the South China Sea and the Asia-Pacific region was "limited" and that the deployment of medium-range ballistic missiles It has seriously undermined regional security and stability, and this approach will eventually "set you on fire."

The United States officially withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty signed with Russia during the Cold War in 2019. The treaty prohibits both parties from developing and deploying medium- and short-range conventional and nuclear missiles with a range between 500 kilometers and 5,500 kilometers. China's unfettered development and deployment of weapons prohibited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty has made the United States feel threatened. The Typhon system is considered to be used to make up for the firepower gap of the US military within this range after the United States withdrew from the treaty.


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Dec 11, 2023
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Philippines Says US Mid-range Missile System To Be Pulled Out​

By AFP - Agence France Presse July 4, 2024

A US mid-range missile system deployed in the Philippines for annual joint military exercises -- to the annoyance of China -- will be pulled out of the country, a Philippine Army spokesman said Thursday.

The US Army said in April it had deployed the Mid-Range Capability missile system which can fire the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) and the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile in the northern Philippines.

Philippine troops have been taught how to use and maintain the Typhon missile system, but it was not used in live-fire exercises, Colonel Louie Dema-ala told AFP.

"As per plan... it will be shipped out of the country in September or even earlier," Dema-ala said.

"The US Army is currently shipping out their equipment that we used during Balikatan and Salaknib (exercises)."

The presence of the mid-range missile system on Philippine soil had angered Beijing.

Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun warned in June there were "limits" to Beijing's restraint on the South China Sea and over the deployment of ballistic missiles in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dong's remarks at a security forum in Singapore were a clear reference to the Philippines and the United States, which have been boosting defence ties in the face of China's growing military might and influence.

The deployment of "medium-range ballistic missiles" was "severely damaging regional security and stability", Dong said.

"Acting in this way will ultimately burn oneself."



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Dec 28, 2023
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I dunno, these Pinoys seem a lot smarter than the dirty Viets occupying the SCS.

With the recent struggle in the SCS, if China was dealing with Vietnam, the Viets would have already fired a shot leading to armed altercation with many casualties on the Viet's side by now...

In this respect, the Pinoys seem a lot more restrained towards China (hence smarter) than Viets or Indians when dealing with territorial issues.


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Dec 11, 2023
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I dunno, these Pinoys seem a lot smarter than the dirty Viets occupying the SCS.

With the recent struggle in the SCS, if China was dealing with Vietnam, the Viets would have already fired a shot leading to armed altercation with many casualties on the Viet's side by now...

In this respect, the Pinoys seem a lot more restrained towards China (hence smarter) than Viets or Indians when dealing with territorial issues.
Maybe you are right, but they don't keep their words often too.


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Nov 21, 2018
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The result is clear to everyone





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Dec 11, 2023
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The result is clear to everyone



China has been sending fleet of ships near the shores of Filipin lately.

Nan Yang

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Jan 7, 2024
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I dunno, these Pinoys seem a lot smarter than the dirty Viets occupying the SCS.

With the recent struggle in the SCS, if China was dealing with Vietnam, the Viets would have already fired a shot leading to armed altercation with many casualties on the Viet's side by now...

In this respect, the Pinoys seem a lot more restrained towards China (hence smarter) than Viets or Indians when dealing with territorial issues.
Marcus is in contemp of Hawaiian court. This case involves billions stolen by his father. This is no secret.

Why die for a corrupt Marcus.
Better to just surrender to China.

Filipino US trained Special forces did the right thing. 👏


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Dec 11, 2023
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I dunno, these Pinoys seem a lot smarter than the dirty Viets occupying the SCS.

With the recent struggle in the SCS, if China was dealing with Vietnam, the Viets would have already fired a shot leading to armed altercation with many casualties on the Viet's side by now...

In this respect, the Pinoys seem a lot more restrained towards China (hence smarter) than Viets or Indians when dealing with territorial issues.
But, Filipinos are thugs too, they do kidnapping and murdering of foreigners all the time.


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Dec 28, 2023
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But, Filipinos are thugs too, they do kidnapping and murdering of foreigners all the time.
I never understood why Chinese or other foreigners have to go to the Philippines or South Africa, or India to do business and get kidnapped/murdered/robbed (aka see Xiaomi case).

The 7 deadly sins: Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

It's almost like these travelers are too naive to think everywhere in the world is as safe or as welcoming to them as their homeland! Everywhere in the world is within their rights to mine for "gold"/ to profit from. Clearly their lives are worth more than some digits in a bank account no?


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Dec 11, 2023
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I never understood why Chinese or other foreigners have to go to the Philippines or South Africa, or India to do business and get kidnapped/murdered.

The 7 deadly sins: Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

It's almost like these travelers are too naive to think everywhere in the world is as safe or as welcoming to them as their homeland! Everywhere in the world is within their rights to mine for "gold"/ to profit from. Clearly their lives are worth more than some digits in a bank account no?
Exactly, I don't understand either why so many Chinese want to travel to the crime lands Filipin and some African countries despite hearing the murdering/kidnappings news there all the time. And I don't know why Chinese companies want to invest in India to get robbed.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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The Pinoys needed a whack on the head for they to come to senses.

During Duterte administration, Philippine economy was growing massively.

Even almost catching Thailand economy.

Today everything is being destroyed for the interest of foreign country, aka USA.

Everytime USA has an interest, it will be followed with conflicts and hatred down to fanatical level.

I hope Filipino to grow up, be mature people. Focus on economy and development. No more being sacrificed for the sake of other countries.

Nan Yang

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Jan 7, 2024
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Backlash rising to Marcos Jr’s US-friendly policy pivot

Critical voices getting louder as speculation swirls US has positioned a potent missile system aimed at China on Philippine soil

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr is welcomed by Armed Forces of the Philippines on September 25, 2022. Photo: Armed Forces of the Philippines Facebook page

MANILA – Following last month’s near-fatal showdown over the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, the Philippines and China have resumed diplomatic contacts in a bid to defuse dangerously rising tensions in the South China Sea.

On July 2, at the latest round of the so-called Bilateral Consultation Mechanism (BCM), Philippine Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Ma Theresa Lazaro and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong had “frank and constructive” discussions, according to a statement issued after the meeting by the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs.

During their first BCM in six months, a perilous period that has seen multiple near-collisions in the disputed waters and ramped up bellicose rhetoric, both sides “affirmed their commitment to deescalate tensions without prejudice to their respective positions” and “recognized that there is a need to restore trust.” Nevertheless, the statement said, “[despite] substantial progress on developing measures to manage the situation at sea…significant differences remain.”

Amid the deadlock and escalation, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr faces growing pressure on multiple fronts in response to his hard pivot back to the United States and other traditional allies in response to China’s rising maritime assertiveness in the South China Sea. Manila is increasingly seen as joining America’s bloc of like-minded democracies against a rival bloc led by China and Russia.

During his most recent televised address, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned smaller states against turning into America’s “satellite states” or face the risk of countermeasures by Moscow.

“Today, it is known that the United States not only produces these missile systems but has already brought them to Europe for exercises, to Denmark. Quite recently, it was announced that they are [also] in the Philippines,” Putin said, referring to the Pentagon’s unprecedented deployment of the US Typhon Weapon System in the Philippines ahead of their joint Balikatan wargames earlier this year.

The state-of-the-art weapons system, capable of firing Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles and SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles, boasts an operational range of up to 2,500 kilometers. Philippine authorities have remained mum on the status and current location of the potent missile system.

Some suspect it may be permanently positioned in the country under the two sides recently expanded Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), which gives the US rotational access to a growing number of Philippine military bases and facilities.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (R) and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr (L) stride to a meeting at the Pentagon on May 3, 2023. Photo: US Defense Department / Jack Sanders

In response, a rising chorus of Filipino voices has stepped up criticism of the US Pentagon’s expanding military footprint in the country. Certain progressive forces have accused the Marcos Jr administration of undermining the country’s sovereignty by overtly siding with the West and Japan against China.

Former legislator Carlos Isagani Zarate, who hails from the left-leaning party-list Bayan Muna, recently lambasted the government for its “US satellite-like foreign policy [which] has contributed to bringing the world to the brink of a renewed nuclear arms race.”

“We demand that the Marcos … administration abide by the constitutional edicts of pursuing an independent foreign policy and making the Philippines free of nuclear arms and foreign troops,” Zarate said in a statement. Pro-Beijing elements have also stepped up their critique of the current administration’s foreign policy.

Main among them is former president Rodrigo Duterte, who has gone so far as to accuse his successor of allowing the Philippines to be “used” by Washington in a supposed “proxy war” against China. With his daughter, Vice President Sara Duterte, recently resigning from Marcos Jr’s cabinet, the former president has effectively positioned himself as the leader of the opposition.

In a nationwide National Day of Protest Rally, which was held in Tacloban City in the central islands of Visayas, Duterte hailed Chinese paramount leader Xi Jinping as a “very close friend” and effectively pushed the blame for recent escalating sea tensions to his compatriots in the government rather than China.

“We were not fighting with China before. We were free to fish in and out of the area, nobody was bugging us and there was no issue of territory. We were not molested, we were there to fish, to make a living. It only happens when a leader changes his strategy,” Duterte claimed, referring to his comparatively Beijing-friendly diplomacy (though the two sides had their own share of tensions in the South China Sea during his six-year tenure.)

In 2019, while Duterte was in power, a suspected Chinese militia vessel rammed and sunk a Filipino fishing vessel off the hotly disputed Reed Bank, triggering a nationwide anti-Beijing backlash in the Philippines. Two years later, Duterte himself publicly criticized China for its swarming of the Philippine-claimed Whitsun Reef in the South China Sea.

“I don’t know if I would tell the story behind it but I’m sure you know it well. The Philippines was used by the US and the Philippines allowed itself to be used. But it is what it is, every leader has a different strategy,” Duterte added in his recent speech, underscoring the risk of overreliance on America as a counter to China’s expanding footprint in the South China Sea.

Interestingly, even Marcos Jr’s own sister, Imee, who heads the foreign affairs committee at the Philippine Senate, has joined the critical chorus. In a recent interview, the presidential sister, who is known for her longtime proximity to both the Dutertes and China, warned of dangerous military escalation if the Philippines continues on its current policy path.

“Let’s admit that the problem is that China thinks we have already sided with their enemy [America]. We gave 17 [Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement] sites, which China thinks are [America] military bases. So they were incensed [by our decisions],” Imee Marcos said, referring to a series of Philippine military facilities that were opened to the Pentagon under EDCA.

Similar to Duterte, Imee Marcos’ statement didn’t reflect reality since the Philippines has only opened up nine EDCA sites to the Pentagon. Under the Philippine constitution, foreign powers are barred from setting up permanent bases in the country, in response to the US use of the country during the previous Cold War era.

“Based on what we read, there are [American] missiles in Batanes and in Subic so those two would be the first targets together with Ilocos because of Balikatan live-fire drills. It’s scary, what is that, we are talking of 25 here, that is not a joke,” Imee Marcos added, warning of China’s possible military strike plans against American assets on Philippine soil in any armed conflict scenario.

“I’m really scared because while tensions are brewing in the [South China Sea], I saw [reports] about China’s plans to use hypersonic missiles… The US said they could not thwart hypersonic missiles. I became more nervous because I thought that when it comes to missiles, other countries have this thing called the Iron Dome, which prevents missiles from entering. But when it comes to hypersonic missiles, it could enter easily. Everything [in the Philippines] will be crushed,” she added.

In response, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) simply asked the senator to share any helpful information she may have in order for the government to “take appropriate actions to ensure our nation’s security.” Top defense experts and officials have broadly dismissed Imee Marcos’ statement as hyperbolic, if not misleading.

With a strong majority of Filipinos broadly backing Marcos Jr’s foreign policy, including his alignment with the US, there is little sign of a major policy shift on the horizon. If anything, the Philippine military has signaled that it will stand its ground should China continue to employ aggressive tactics, including a potential plan to forcibly overtake the Second Thomas Shoal.

The beached Philippine ship at Second Thomas Reef has become the hottest flash point in the South China Sea. Image: Twitter

“What we’ll do is we will apply the same level of force that would allow us to defend ourselves,” declared AFP Chief of Staff General Brawner, referring to the prospect of more collisions with Chinese vessels in the disputed waters.

“If a knife is used, for example, our personnel will also use a knife, nothing more, under the concept of proportionality,” he added, clarifying the rules of engagement for Philippine servicemen resupplying and sustaining the country’s de facto military base on the contested shoal.

“When I said that we’ll fight back, I meant we won’t allow ourselves to be bullied just like that, just like what happened the last time because, of course, our adversaries had weapons,” Brawner added, underscoring the military’s commitment to stay its current course despite growing risks of armed confrontation as well as criticism from high-profile politicians at home.

Follow Richard Javad Heydarian on X at @Richeydarian


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Dec 24, 2023
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During Duterte administration, Philippine economy was growing massively.

Even almost catching Thailand economy.

Today everything is being destroyed for the interest of foreign country, aka USA.

Everytime USA has an interest, it will be followed with conflicts and hatred down to fanatical level.

I hope Filipino to grow up, be mature people. Focus on economy and development. No more being sacrificed for the sake of other countries.
Marcos Jr. won the Philippine presidential election with popular and party support as Duterte's political heir apparent. If Marcos Jr. wants to capture Duterte's influence in his party and in the country, he will have to purge the officials left behind by Duterte. This will require the support of the United States.

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