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China could match US in military conflict thanks to shipbuilding strength, analysts say


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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China could match US in military conflict thanks to shipbuilding strength, analysts say​

  • Observers said China’s ability to rapidly reconstitute its combat losses may give it an advantage, including against ‘hellscape’ strategy

Published: 10:00pm, 17 Jun 2024


China has launched its 10th Type 055 destroyer, the country’s most advanced warship and prime escort of its aircraft carriers. Photo: Weibo

China’s naval expansion and bolstering of its shipbuilding capabilities may give the PLA a strategic edge in a potential conflict, including the “hellscape strategy” floated recently by the US, military analysts said.

Raymond Kuo, director of the Rand Corporation’s Taiwan Initiative, said that China, alongside Japan and South Korea, has the “largest shipbuilding industry in the world” and can produce completed hulls at a faster rate than the US.

While “American ships tend to be more complex and have greater displacement … China’s ability to relatively rapidly produce naval ships means that it can reconstitute any combat losses more quickly than the United States can,” he said.

“[The PLA] have an additional advantage in that any conflict over, say, Taiwan or the South China Sea would be much closer to their shores.”

According to an analysis of satellite imagery published by the Paris-based Naval News in late May, China’s 10th Type 055 destroyer – its most advanced warship and prime aircraft carrier escort – was recently launched by naval builder Dalian Shipbuilding.

Since the first Type 055 was commissioned in 2020, the first batch of eight are in service and construction of the second batch is well under way, with the ninth reportedly launched late last year.

The Naval News said the shipbuilder has also launched five Type 052 destroyers, all assembled in a single large dry dock, while the same yard was also responsible for modernisation work on the Liaoning, China’s first aircraft carrier, until the middle of April.


Satellite image of Dalian Shipbuilding’s Dagushan in late April, with China’s 10th Type 055 destroyer in dry dock (top green box). Modules for a second Type 055 are also visible (lower green box), as well as multiple Type 052D modules (red boxes). Photo: Airbus

A report earlier this month from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies said China’s “massive shipbuilding industry would provide a strategic advantage in a war that stretches beyond a few weeks”.

According to the report, China would be able to repair damaged vessels or construct replacements much faster than the US, “which continues to face a significant maintenance backlog”.

The report noted that the US “would probably be unable to quickly construct many new ships or to repair damaged fighting ships in a great power conflict”.
The launch of China’s new destroyer coincided with a ramping up of US efforts to develop a drone strategy to create what Admiral Samuel Paparo described this month as a “hellscape” in the Taiwan Strait to counter any mainland attack on the island.

Beijing regards Taiwan as part of China, to be reunited by force if necessary. Like most countries, the US does not recognise Taipei’s government but is committed to supplying arms for the island’s defence.

Paparo, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, said the US plans to use a large, lethal drone force to distract China’s military and buy time for the US to defend Taiwan in the case of an attack.

But Washington would have “a lot of work to do” before it could carry out the strategy, including ramping up military stockpiles and increasing production of drone swarms, said Collin Koh, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.

“One shouldn’t forget that you still need to neutralise the Chinese ability to project force on Taiwan … you have to even take out the Chinese ability to sustain the war,” he said.

“For example, you would have to, say, destroy the shipyards if necessary. There will still [be a requirement for] the US to invest in other force projection capabilities, like long-range precision-guided munitions – for example, cruise missiles.”

Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said a Taiwan contingency would depend in part on whether the US reverses its declining shipbuilding capability.

The US Naval Institute said in 2021 that the US has just seven shipyards that can build large warships, while China has more than 20, along with dozens of commercial facilities that dwarf the largest US shipyards in size and throughput.

According to Davis, it’s “conceivable” that a larger, more powerful and well armed PLA Navy could allow China to win a prolonged conflict, simply through its “quantitative and firepower advantage”.

“And geography benefits China with the US having to project force across the Pacific into China’s maritime approaches,” he said.

“Also, the relative strength needs to be considered in a broader context of China’s anti-access and area denial capabilities, including land-based long-range missiles, more advanced air power, counter-space capabilities, and cyber and electromagnetic operations.”

The Type 055 destroyer – also referred to as a missile cruiser because of its size and capabilities – is 180 metres (591ft) in length with a beam of 20 metres (65ft) and has a displacement of around 13,000 tonnes at full load.

It features 112 vertical launch system cells – an advanced system for holding and firing missiles on mobile naval platforms – housing the HHQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missiles and the YJ-18 anti-ship missiles.

Footage revealed in April 2022 showed a Type 055 test-firing China’s latest hypersonic anti-ship missile, the YJ-21.

According to Koh, the import and indigenisation of foreign technology has made Chinese shipyards more “mature” and the increased production of Type 055 destroyers would allow the PLA Navy to deploy them with “greater regularity”.

However, he pointed out that there still remains the question of “how good they are”, with China’s ability to sustain its rapidly growing naval fleets undetermined.
“The only question is that … each of these Type 055 [destroyers] is also quite expensive. So the question of course arises whether China can [even] sustain the construction [with its] current economic issues.”


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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China's efficient state shipbuilding industry will overwhelm the inefficient and corrupt US private shipbuilding industry.

In as little as 10 years from now, China will dominate the western Pacific.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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China could match US in military conflict thanks to shipbuilding strength, analysts say​

  • Observers said China’s ability to rapidly reconstitute its combat losses may give it an advantage, including against ‘hellscape’ strategy

Published: 10:00pm, 17 Jun 2024


China has launched its 10th Type 055 destroyer, the country’s most advanced warship and prime escort of its aircraft carriers. Photo: Weibo

China’s naval expansion and bolstering of its shipbuilding capabilities may give the PLA a strategic edge in a potential conflict, including the “hellscape strategy” floated recently by the US, military analysts said.

Raymond Kuo, director of the Rand Corporation’s Taiwan Initiative, said that China, alongside Japan and South Korea, has the “largest shipbuilding industry in the world” and can produce completed hulls at a faster rate than the US.

While “American ships tend to be more complex and have greater displacement … China’s ability to relatively rapidly produce naval ships means that it can reconstitute any combat losses more quickly than the United States can,” he said.

“[The PLA] have an additional advantage in that any conflict over, say, Taiwan or the South China Sea would be much closer to their shores.”

According to an analysis of satellite imagery published by the Paris-based Naval News in late May, China’s 10th Type 055 destroyer – its most advanced warship and prime aircraft carrier escort – was recently launched by naval builder Dalian Shipbuilding.

Since the first Type 055 was commissioned in 2020, the first batch of eight are in service and construction of the second batch is well under way, with the ninth reportedly launched late last year.

The Naval News said the shipbuilder has also launched five Type 052 destroyers, all assembled in a single large dry dock, while the same yard was also responsible for modernisation work on the Liaoning, China’s first aircraft carrier, until the middle of April.


Satellite image of Dalian Shipbuilding’s Dagushan in late April, with China’s 10th Type 055 destroyer in dry dock (top green box). Modules for a second Type 055 are also visible (lower green box), as well as multiple Type 052D modules (red boxes). Photo: Airbus

A report earlier this month from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies said China’s “massive shipbuilding industry would provide a strategic advantage in a war that stretches beyond a few weeks”.

According to the report, China would be able to repair damaged vessels or construct replacements much faster than the US, “which continues to face a significant maintenance backlog”.

The report noted that the US “would probably be unable to quickly construct many new ships or to repair damaged fighting ships in a great power conflict”.
The launch of China’s new destroyer coincided with a ramping up of US efforts to develop a drone strategy to create what Admiral Samuel Paparo described this month as a “hellscape” in the Taiwan Strait to counter any mainland attack on the island.

Beijing regards Taiwan as part of China, to be reunited by force if necessary. Like most countries, the US does not recognise Taipei’s government but is committed to supplying arms for the island’s defence.

Paparo, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, said the US plans to use a large, lethal drone force to distract China’s military and buy time for the US to defend Taiwan in the case of an attack.

But Washington would have “a lot of work to do” before it could carry out the strategy, including ramping up military stockpiles and increasing production of drone swarms, said Collin Koh, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.

“One shouldn’t forget that you still need to neutralise the Chinese ability to project force on Taiwan … you have to even take out the Chinese ability to sustain the war,” he said.

“For example, you would have to, say, destroy the shipyards if necessary. There will still [be a requirement for] the US to invest in other force projection capabilities, like long-range precision-guided munitions – for example, cruise missiles.”

Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said a Taiwan contingency would depend in part on whether the US reverses its declining shipbuilding capability.

The US Naval Institute said in 2021 that the US has just seven shipyards that can build large warships, while China has more than 20, along with dozens of commercial facilities that dwarf the largest US shipyards in size and throughput.

According to Davis, it’s “conceivable” that a larger, more powerful and well armed PLA Navy could allow China to win a prolonged conflict, simply through its “quantitative and firepower advantage”.

“And geography benefits China with the US having to project force across the Pacific into China’s maritime approaches,” he said.

“Also, the relative strength needs to be considered in a broader context of China’s anti-access and area denial capabilities, including land-based long-range missiles, more advanced air power, counter-space capabilities, and cyber and electromagnetic operations.”

The Type 055 destroyer – also referred to as a missile cruiser because of its size and capabilities – is 180 metres (591ft) in length with a beam of 20 metres (65ft) and has a displacement of around 13,000 tonnes at full load.

It features 112 vertical launch system cells – an advanced system for holding and firing missiles on mobile naval platforms – housing the HHQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missiles and the YJ-18 anti-ship missiles.

Footage revealed in April 2022 showed a Type 055 test-firing China’s latest hypersonic anti-ship missile, the YJ-21.

According to Koh, the import and indigenisation of foreign technology has made Chinese shipyards more “mature” and the increased production of Type 055 destroyers would allow the PLA Navy to deploy them with “greater regularity”.

However, he pointed out that there still remains the question of “how good they are”, with China’s ability to sustain its rapidly growing naval fleets undetermined.
“The only question is that … each of these Type 055 [destroyers] is also quite expensive. So the question of course arises whether China can [even] sustain the construction [with its] current economic issues.”

China's efficient state shipbuilding industry will overwhelm the inefficient and corrupt US private shipbuilding industry.

In as little as 10 years from now, China will dominate the western Pacific.


CSIS understands that most of Chinese major combatants will be sunk including 90% of your amphibious force.

Also, every inch of Chinese naval ports and production facilities have been pre sighted in US war plans.



Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Full Member
Sep 21, 2020
funny assumption that the US will hit the moving Chinese navy ships but will not decimate the shipbuilding facilities to prevent any replenishment ... try harder boi


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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funny assumption that the US will hit the moving Chinese navy ships but will not decimate the shipbuilding facilities to prevent any replenishment ... try harder boi
If the can and China will also retaliate, here is about a future war when China would be well in the dominance of the western Pacific already.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2020
If the can and China will also retaliate, here is about a future war when China would be well in the dominance of the western Pacific already.
US has three chains of islands from where it can and will mount its attack.. what is China's response to that.. the old world powers built a very detailed network on bases across the world from where it can choak China. China will take centuries to build a similar network to even come close to the US Navy.. its not just the US navy ships that china will compete, its the complete US navy global infra that China has to compete to even come close to the USN


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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If the can and China will also retaliate, here is about a future war when China would be well in the dominance of the western Pacific already.
US has three chains of islands from where it can and will mount its attack.. what is China's response to that.. the old world powers built a very detailed network on bases across the world from where it can choak China. China will take centuries to build a similar network to even come close to the US Navy.. its not just the US navy ships that china will compete, its the complete US navy global infra that China has to compete to even come close to the USN

Also important to note the US is now deploying significant land to sea based fires at strategic choke points


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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US has three chains of islands from where it can and will mount its attack.. what is China's response to that.. the old world powers built a very detailed network on bases across the world from where it can choak China. China will take centuries to build a similar network to even come close to the US Navy.. its not just the US navy ships that china will compete, its the complete US navy global infra that China has to compete to even come close to the USN
Then what stop them from attacking China in the past 70 years? you Indians sound more confident about America than Americans about their own country. lol, cheerleaders have the best game.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Some argue that US can bomb China's north east or even Beijing to bring the Korean war and hundreds of thousands of American casualties to an end, but dare they? here we got many big talker Indians and Americans.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Then what stop them from attacking China in the past 70 years? you Indians sound more confident about America than Americans about their own country. lol, cheerleaders have the best game.

Indians cannot even dream of fighting China and so are hoping that US takes it out.

At the start of the war, thousands of Chinese cruise and ballistic missiles will destroy US bases in the region to rubble.

We saw that US missile defence technology could not defend against Iranian ballistic missiles when they attacked the Zionist entity in Palestine recently. The more advanced Chinese missiles will get through US "defence shield" like a knife through butter.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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China had large scale direct military confrontation with US in both Korea and Vietnam, US dares not to touch an inch of the Chinese land.


Dec 26, 2023
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Indians cannot even dream of fighting China and so are hoping that US takes it out.

At the start of the war, thousands of Chinese cruise and ballistic missiles will destroy US bases in the region to rubble.

We saw that US missile defence technology could not defend against Iranian ballistic missiles when they attacked the Zionist entity in Palestine recently. The more advanced Chinese missiles will get through US "defence shield" like a knife through butter.
5 USN, 2 JMSDF, and 1 RAN carriers in the Pacific, alongside new USAF and USMC deployments in the Philippines and Australia, will likely halt PLAN's advances beyond Taiwan and exert pressure against their claims in the South China Sea.

We can deploy 2 carriers along with ASBM and BrahMos batteries to control strategic points from A&N, Minicoy, Agatti, and Agaléga.

Our strength lies in long-range ship-to-ship attacks (from 500 km to 800 km), an advantage others lack. We need air cover for our fleet to unleash our extended-range javelins.

Japan excels in providing air cover from ships and possesses an excellent fleet of SSKs, suitable for the depths of the South China Sea.

A quadrilateral alliance appears increasingly necessary.

By tying down China, they would only be able to spare a few cruisers and destroyers for the Indian Ocean.

We can match them one-to-one in areas away from us, such as the Gulf of Aden, and maintain local superiority near our coast if they attempt to challenge us.

While PLAN may dominate locally near the coast and harass smaller neighbors like Taiwan, they won't be able to counter 8 carriers facing them.

This approach would effectively prevent them from becoming a globally deployed force and reduce the number of ships they could deploy in the Indian Ocean.

It secures our supply lines.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
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We can deploy 2 carriers along with ASBM and BrahMos batteries to control strategic points from A&N, Minicoy, Agatti, and Agaléga.
Big mouth talk of your junk carriers as usual. When is the next time your carriers will be out to the seas instead of sitting at the ports ?


May 15, 2024
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US is technically broke...

they are just a breath away from total collapse

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