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China could match US in military conflict thanks to shipbuilding strength, analysts say


Dec 26, 2023
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Fought against Pakistan navy in the 60's and you here brag about it right now?
At least they've fought and won real-life battles. What about PLAN? What real battles have they fought and decisively won?


Full Member
Mar 12, 2024
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At least they've fought and won real-life battles. What about PLAN? What real battles have they fought and decisively won?
Nah that not a modern naval battle. That didn't count and no one care.


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Mar 12, 2024
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At least they've fought and won real-life battles. What about PLAN? What real battles have they fought and decisively won?
Your country India never fight a modern naval warfare.


Dec 26, 2023
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That is long time ago say pre-modern in tech eh, and IN was against a much smaller and weaker navy.
The same counter reply can be thrown right back at China. Despite all their high-tech warships, fighters and submarines, PLAN still can't invade and take Taiwanβ€”a country with no navy worth a damn. Think about that next time you try to talk down on others.


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Dec 11, 2023
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The same counter reply can be thrown right back at China. Despite all their high-tech warships, fighters and submarines, PLAN still can't invade and take Taiwanβ€”a country with no navy worth a damn. Think about that next time you try to talk down on others.
Lol, Taiwan has no navy, what a foolish statement ?

Chinese are not as stupid as you Indians like to wish, that is to start a war that will destroy the island that is Chinese territory. Stop making big mouth statements then.
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Mar 12, 2024
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US will have absolutely nothing that can go up against a Type-003 carrier with J-31s on board.
US right now can even stop Houthi blockage the Red Sea, US definitely won't have tge military capacity to fight a naval war against China in 2030.


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Mar 12, 2024
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US will have absolutely nothing that can go up against a Type-003 carrier with J-31s on board.
China won't even need any aircraft's carrier to fight a naval war in 2030 across the Taiwan Strait against the US.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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US right now can even stop Houthi blockage the Red Sea, US definitely won't have tge military capacity to fight a naval war against China in 2030.

Type-055 destroyers, Type-095SSN and ASBMs will all work with the carrier to send the USN to the bottom of the Pacific if there is any conflict over Taiwan.

By 2035 PLAN will dominate all the way up to Hawaii as it will also have 2 Type-004 carriers in service.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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China won't even need any aircraft's carrier to fight a naval war in 2030 across the Taiwan Strait against the US.

Demonstration of Chinese naval air power.

China can park this carrier with J-31s east of Taiwan and dare US to send its F-35s against it.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2007
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China doesn't need to match US in anything US is determined to destroy itself regardless

US is soon to be white minority large country like Brazil and is already in ridiculous debt that is causing inflation. US lost its middle class, lost its white majority status and most US households barely can afford their bills. US is done for so let the LGBT woke crowd screw them out of existence.


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Mar 12, 2024
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Demonstration of Chinese naval air power.

China can park this carrier with J-31s east of Taiwan and dare US to send its F-35s against it.
Right now China send over 40 aircraft's of all kind close to Taiwan airspace daily. China can easily destroy Taiwan right now without sending any troops onto Taiwan.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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China doesn't need to match US in anything US is determined to destroy itself regardless

US is soon to be white minority large country like Brazil and is already in ridiculous debt that is causing inflation. US lost its middle class, lost its white majority status and most US households barely can afford their bills. US is done for so let the LGBT woke crowd screw them out of existence.

Food is so expensive in a huge agricultural country like the US.

The country is odd with no universal healthcare.

Right now China send over 40 aircraft's of all kind close to Taiwan airspace daily. China can easily destroy Taiwan right now without sending any troops onto Taiwan.

Yes and the idea that by 2030 US will be in any position to stop China walking into Taiwan will be ridiculous.

Taiwan is part of China as everyone knows and so US best meddle elsewhere or preferably mind its own business.

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