China's SMEE files patent for an EUV chipmaking tool — tool aims to break the shackles of ASML export restrictions


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China's SMEE files patent for an EUV chipmaking tool — tool aims to break the shackles of ASML export restrictions​

Story by Anton Shilov
Sept. 14 2024

China's SMEE files patent for an EUV chipmaking tool — tool aims to break the shackles of ASML export restrictions© ASML

ASML, the world's only maker of EUV lithography chipmaking tools, has never shipped an EUV tool to its primary Chinese customers due to the Wassenaar arrangement and the most recent export regulations, it doesn't mean that Chinese makers will never be able to build their own EUV chipmaking tools. This week, it turned out that Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment (SMEE) had applied for a patent covering an EUV lithography machine, reports the South China Morning Post.

The patent, which was submitted by SMEE in March 2023, focuses on 'extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation generators and lithography equipment.' Based on the SCMP's description, SMEE is attempting to patent the key set of components of an EUV tool: a laser-produced plasma (LPP) EUV source. An LPP EUV source comprises a CO2 light source that is applied to tiny tin droplets around 30 microns in diameter in a special chamber to create ionized gas plasma at electron temperatures of several tens of electron volts, which is then collected with a special mirror coated with several layers of molybdenum and silicon to selectively reflect the of 13.5 nm EUV light.

Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment (SMEE) is China's leading producer of lithography equipment. For now, the company supplies customers in China with its most advanced litho tool, the SSX600, which can be used to make chips on 90nm, 110nm, and 280nm process technologies. Last year, the company said it was on track to demonstrate a 28nm-capable system in 2023, though it is unclear whether it started mass production of this tool.

EUV lithography is used to make chips on advanced process technologies, such as 7nm, 6nm, 5nm, 4nm, and 3nm. Currently, SMIC produces processors on its 2nd Generation 7nm-class process technologies using immersion DUV lithography and multi-patterning, which is inefficient from a production cycle point of view and poses many risks in terms of yields. However, SMIC and its partner Huawei have no choice but to keep using DUV lithography with multi-patterning for 7nm and then for 5nm and maybe even 3nm-class production nodes.

SMEE's patent filing represents a significant step forward in China's efforts to develop its own EUV lithography tools. Though it is hard to say when the company will build at least one production EUV system that can be used to make chips in high volumes, it is evident that it is making strides towards EUV litho tools.

Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment is not the only company in China that has filed a patent concerning EUV lithography. Huawei filed an EUV system-related patent in China back in 2022. These patents mark an important milestone in China's push to develop independent semiconductor manufacturing capabilities. If SMEE ever produces advanced DUV and EUV tools, it will help China reduce its reliance on foreign firms like ASML and strengthen its position in the global semiconductor market.

It should be kept in mind that in many cases, patents are filed well before commercialization. An EUV lithography tool is an ultra-complex machine that uses dozens of high-tech breakthroughs made over three decades. Could SMEE make the same breakthroughs in just several years? Time will tell.
EUV is extreme ultraviolet light. It is extremely powerful.
Becomes the top discussed topic all across Chinese social median today, many people say they break into tears after reading this news.

Becomes the top discussed topic all across Chinese social median today, many people say they break into tears after reading this news.

View attachment 64857
It would be a huge achievement is china’s chip making industry was cutting edge and totally independent.

A lot of china’s future economic prospects now rest on being world class in the cutting edge tech. It’s the only way to avoid being left in the dust the way Japan has been for the last 40 years. Older Chinese probably realize how important this is then younger people who grew up with open trade with the world. But younger people realize their future depends on being competitive globally.

Competition between the west and China will help keep cutting edge products coming and affordable for the world.
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Like I have said many times before, by 2030 China will be the only country in the world with a complete semiconductor eco-system in place.

It will also be able to produce up to the standard of chips that US and its minions combined can do as well.
1.4 billion awaken people, 1/5 of humanity. Did they really think they could stop us? 😄
Soon they will say china has overcapacity in chips too lol give it 5 years.
I don't understand the point of restricting china access to advanced chips and euv chipmaking tool like china is the biggest semiconductor market accounts for almost half of the world demand. Imagine trying to kill your biggest consumer guess what he will build stuff himself if push comes to it china doesn't lack talents in this field. There are over 4.7 stem graduates in china each year the talents are endless. It's just a matter of time before china becomes the leading player in this field too. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger

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