China's Youth Unemployment Soars to Record 18.8% as Graduates Flood Job Market


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Dec 26, 2023
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China’s revised youth unemployment rate rose to the highest level since the data set was reintroduced last year, as career prospects for young people dimmed amid the ongoing economic downturn.

The jobless rates for the 16-24 age group, excluding students, rose to 18.8 per cent in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday, up from 17.1 per cent in July.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for the 25-29 age group, excluding college students, also rose to 6.9 per cent in August from 6.5 per cent a month earlier.

Beijing introduced the revised method for December having suspended the release of youth unemployment data from July last year.

Under the previous approach, the jobless rate for the 16-24 age group, including students, had peaked at 21.3 per cent in June last year.

August was the first month since the record 11.79 million college graduates entered the job market.

They have scaled back their salary expectations with the economy struggling to find momentum.

Last week, China had confirmed its overall urban unemployment rate for August stood at 5.3 per cent, compared with 5.2 per cent a month earlier.

Finding jobs for China’s youth has been made a high priority by Beijing, as the risk of lower incomes puts pressure on consumer spending.

And with lacklustre job prospects, more fresh graduates are choosing to pursue continued education.

A survey of the 39 top- tier universities from Economic Observer media outlet found most institutions in China had enrolled more postgraduates than undergraduate students.

China’s top Tsinghua University admitted 3,800 undergraduates in September, while the number of postgraduate students reached 9,926, the Shandong-based economic publication found.

The government has urged companies to create jobs and absorb fresh graduates.

And to heed the government call, food delivery giant Meituan revealed its plan to recruit 6000 fresh graduates in 2025, according to an internal letter from chief executive Wang Xing on Tuesday.
Official data showed China has 11.79 million college graduates this year, a record high. Or maybe they are just spending time in school instead of looking for a job?? Not like they have to go look for a job at a young age when they have the support of the parents lol.
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The jobless ratio for 30-to-59-years-olds was unchanged, at 3.9%
Chinese students study to become doctors, engineers and a lot of high paying jobs. They have their sight on the future. College tuition in china is dirt cheap and high quality. They don't get into crazy debt unlike those in the US who have to get a job on the side to support themselves. Use logic guys
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China’s revised youth unemployment rate rose to the highest level since the data set was reintroduced last year, as career prospects for young people dimmed amid the ongoing economic downturn.

The jobless rates for the 16-24 age group, excluding students, rose to 18.8 per cent in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday, up from 17.1 per cent in July.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for the 25-29 age group, excluding college students, also rose to 6.9 per cent in August from 6.5 per cent a month earlier.

Beijing introduced the revised method for December having suspended the release of youth unemployment data from July last year.

Under the previous approach, the jobless rate for the 16-24 age group, including students, had peaked at 21.3 per cent in June last year.

August was the first month since the record 11.79 million college graduates entered the job market.

They have scaled back their salary expectations with the economy struggling to find momentum.

Last week, China had confirmed its overall urban unemployment rate for August stood at 5.3 per cent, compared with 5.2 per cent a month earlier.

Finding jobs for China’s youth has been made a high priority by Beijing, as the risk of lower incomes puts pressure on consumer spending.

And with lacklustre job prospects, more fresh graduates are choosing to pursue continued education.

A survey of the 39 top- tier universities from Economic Observer media outlet found most institutions in China had enrolled more postgraduates than undergraduate students.

China’s top Tsinghua University admitted 3,800 undergraduates in September, while the number of postgraduate students reached 9,926, the Shandong-based economic publication found.

The government has urged companies to create jobs and absorb fresh graduates.

And to heed the government call, food delivery giant Meituan revealed its plan to recruit 6000 fresh graduates in 2025, according to an internal letter from chief executive Wang Xing on Tuesday.
Hey RSS b***mbo before worrying about China can you stop these hoards of illegal Indians to follow the law and stop breaking immigration rules in Canada and US.

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Alot of these journalists don't use their brain when writing articles. If the unemployment for 30-59 is higher than 10 percent then it's something to be worried about but for youth they should focus more time in school instead. Also china nation wide jobless was only 5.3 percent for a population of 1.4 billion people. That's pretty normal especially when u include youth employment. Chinese are very productive once they enter the workforce after graduation. Chinese people take education very seriously u think they have the time for work come on people. If lots of people are studying abroad as well u really think they need work for money.
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Hey RSS b***mbo before worrying about China can you stop these hoards of illegal Indians to follow the law and stop breaking immigration rules in Canada and US.

And what’s this talk about illegal immigrants? Half your population is running for the exits, trying to escape the hellhole you call home. Unemployment’s so high, people would rather risk their lives than stay in your pathetic excuse for a country. Your currency’s worth less than toilet paper, your industries are collapsing, and your entire economy is basically a beggar bowl at China’s feet. You’ve got nothing going for you, and you still act like you’re some kind of authority?

Your healthcare’s a disaster, your education system’s a joke, and you can’t even keep the lights on. Power cuts everywhere, and your people are stuck in a cycle of poverty and suffering. Your rivers flood every year, and your government can’t even manage basic infrastructure. You’re drowning in corruption, and the only thing keeping your country afloat is foreign aid and cheap loans. But yeah, you're worried about Indians? Get real.

You debt-ridden parasite, clinging to whatever scraps China throws your way like a dog waiting for table scraps. Your entire leadership is sold out, and your country is slowly being swallowed by China. You’re an economic bottom-feeder, surviving on foreign handouts and empty promises, with no future in sight. Your people are desperate, your government’s a joke, and your economy’s circling the drain.
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And what’s this talk about illegal immigrants? Half your population is running for the exits, trying to escape the hellhole you call home. Unemployment’s so high, people would rather risk their lives than stay in your pathetic excuse for a country. Your currency’s worth less than toilet paper, your industries are collapsing, and your entire economy is basically a beggar bowl at China’s feet. You’ve got nothing going for you, and you still act like you’re some kind of authority?

Your healthcare’s a disaster, your education system’s a joke, and you can’t even keep the lights on. Power cuts everywhere, and your people are stuck in a cycle of poverty and suffering. Your rivers flood every year, and your government can’t even manage basic infrastructure. You’re drowning in corruption, and the only thing keeping your country afloat is foreign aid and cheap loans. But yeah, you're worried about Indians? Get real.

You debt-ridden parasite, clinging to whatever scraps China throws your way like a dog waiting for table scraps. Your entire leadership is sold out, and your country is slowly being swallowed by China. You’re an economic bottom-feeder, surviving on foreign handouts and empty promises, with no future in sight. Your people are desperate, your government’s a joke, and your economy’s circling the drain.
See this is the problem with India. You already think of yourself as some sort of superpower and look down on your neighbors when the country is still in a mess
And what’s this talk about illegal immigrants? Half your population is running for the exits, trying to escape the hellhole you call home. Unemployment’s so high, people would rather risk their lives than stay in your pathetic excuse for a country. Your currency’s worth less than toilet paper, your industries are collapsing, and your entire economy is basically a beggar bowl at China’s feet. You’ve got nothing going for you, and you still act like you’re some kind of authority?

Your healthcare’s a disaster, your education system’s a joke, and you can’t even keep the lights on. Power cuts everywhere, and your people are stuck in a cycle of poverty and suffering. Your rivers flood every year, and your government can’t even manage basic infrastructure. You’re drowning in corruption, and the only thing keeping your country afloat is foreign aid and cheap loans. But yeah, you're worried about Indians? Get real.

You debt-ridden parasite, clinging to whatever scraps China throws your way like a dog waiting for table scraps. Your entire leadership is sold out, and your country is slowly being swallowed by China. You’re an economic bottom-feeder, surviving on foreign handouts and empty promises, with no future in sight. Your people are desperate, your government’s a joke, and your economy’s circling the drain.
Call centre sc****mer looks like you got a brain aneurysm. Instead of worrying about China or Bangladeshis please stop all these illegal Indians who are scamming the immigration system
In US, UK, Canada etc.
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See this is the problem with India. You already think of yourself as some sort of superpower and look down on your neighbors when the country is still in a mess
We don't need validation from anyone to recognize our progress. Our achievements are evident, and they reflect our commitment to development and self-reliance. We’re focused on building a brighter future, regardless of external opinions.

We don't need validation from anyone to recognize our progress. Our achievements are evident, and they reflect our commitment to development and self-reliance. We’re focused on building a brighter future, regardless of external opinions.

Well 90 percent of the country still look like what bald and bankrupt had witnessed. All I'm saying is instead of looking down on others try to improve one self.
We don't need validation from anyone to recognize our progress. Our achievements are evident, and they reflect our commitment to development and self-reliance. We’re focused on building a brighter future, regardless of external opinions.

This city is well-constructed and beautiful.
India also benefited from alot of cheap Russian gas and reselling them to Europe lol India manufacturing output for 2022 was $456.06B, a 0.03% increase from 2021. India manufacturing output 2.9 percent and china is 31.6 percent. India is no different than Bangladesh alot of assembly lines. If u want assembly apple jobs working for pennies than go ahead. China is moving to high end industries and going full domestic anyway lol
We don't need validation from anyone to recognize our progress. Our achievements are evident, and they reflect our commitment to development and self-reliance. We’re focused on building a brighter future, regardless of external opinions.

We’re witnessing a massive transformation in rail infrastructure, with projects like the Vande Bharat, bullet train initiative and the expansion of high-speed rail networks that many didn’t think possible.

Moreover, the construction of new highways, smart cities, and urban transit systems is revolutionizing connectivity. India's focus on renewable energy is also unprecedented, with installation of vast solar parks and wind farms that will significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

From digital infrastructure to healthcare, the scale and ambition of these projects reflect a vision that is reshaping the country. India is not just developing; it’s doing so on a scale that will set benchmarks for the future.
We’re witnessing a massive transformation in rail infrastructure, with projects like the Vande Bharat, bullet train initiative and the expansion of high-speed rail networks that many didn’t think possible.

Moreover, the construction of new highways, smart cities, and urban transit systems is revolutionizing connectivity. India's focus on renewable energy is also unprecedented, with installation of vast solar parks and wind farms that will significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

From digital infrastructure to healthcare, the scale and ambition of these projects reflect a vision that is reshaping the country. India is not just developing; it’s doing so on a scale that will set benchmarks for the future.
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What about this
Many of the railway tracks in India are old and outdated, leading to wear and tear that significantly increases the risk of derailments.

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