China's Youth Unemployment Soars to Record 18.8% as Graduates Flood Job Market

Lol, which self-proclaimed superpower is in self-denial, can't handle the truth ? The number is from Indian source, keep bragging you are a superpower equal to the US now, lol.
China’s busy faking stats and suppressing facts, but you guys can't hide the cracks forever. You’re out here acting like you’re equal to the US—seriously? Wannabe superpower vibes all over! 😂 China’s real unemployment for youth hit 21.3% in 2023 before you all just stopped reporting it. Guess hiding numbers is your solution, huh?
China’s busy faking stats and suppressing facts, but you guys can't hide the cracks forever. You’re out here acting like you’re equal to the US—seriously? Wannabe superpower vibes all over! 😂 China’s real unemployment for youth hit 21.3% in 2023 before you all just stopped reporting it. Guess hiding numbers is your solution, huh?
Keep delusional dream, it's good for you people, lol.
China’s busy faking stats and suppressing facts, but you guys can't hide the cracks forever. You’re out here acting like you’re equal to the US—seriously? Wannabe superpower vibes all over! 😂 China’s real unemployment for youth hit 21.3% in 2023 before you all just stopped reporting it. Guess hiding numbers is your solution, huh?
RSS sca***mer don’t bring fake Indian stats here. If everything is rosy in RSS land why are thousands of Indians running away and entering countries illegally?

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You attacked OP's origin country instead of debating on the article. Then why get butthurt if your fence jumping country is also dragged .
Sorry pal I am not Indian. It is Indians who are migrating by the thousands illegally and through scams to Canada US Uk etc. I mean look at this below, is there no such thing as shame and honour in your country?

It's a false impression, Companies like mine couldn't find employees after paying handsomely to Boss直聘 recruiting flatform for months.
Many young Chinese prefer being a Gig worker over working for a company, tens of millions of Gig workers in China are not counted into the employment data.
RSS sca***mer don’t bring fake Indian stats here. If everything is rosy in RSS land why are thousands of Indians running away and entering countries illegally?

Oh, so now we have a Bangladeshi expert on immigration, huh? You’ve got some nerve trying to talk about Indians when your own country is neck-deep in crisis! Bangladesh is basically a dumpster fire right now—and no, that’s not an exaggeration. Your economy is in freefall, and your government is barely holding it together. Inflation’s skyrocketing, your currency has lost so much value it’s practically monopoly money, and your foreign reserves are drying up faster than your rivers in a drought. No one’s lining up to live in Bangladesh, except maybe mosquitoes.

You’re drowning in debt to China, and your government is basically a puppet to whoever gives the next loan. You wanna talk about immigration? Your people are fleeing to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, doing whatever they can to escape the unemployment, the corruption, and the hopeless future Bangladesh offers.

You’ve got zero control over your borders. Your own people are sneaking into other countries, trying to avoid drowning in the literal and economic floods that define Bangladesh. You’re lecturing about illegal immigrants? You’re sitting in a country that’s basically an exporter of misery, with your youth fleeing faster than your currency is collapsing.

Power cuts are now a daily reality in Bangladesh because you’re so dependent on foreign fuel imports, and guess what? With your foreign reserves running low, you can’t even afford the basics. Your government’s having to beg for loans just to keep the lights on! You’re busy running your mouth about illegal immigration, how about you focus on keeping your own country from going completely dark?

Oh, and what about the food crisis? With inflation hitting hard, prices for basic necessities are going through the roof. People can’t afford to eat, let alone live with any dignity. Your government keeps promising relief, but let’s face it—they’re more concerned with lining their own pockets than actually helping anyone. Corruption is so rampant, it’s basically become part of the national identity at this point. Your officials are too busy stealing from the public to fix any of the problems your country’s facing.

So before you try throwing your weight around about India, how about you focus on not being a failed state? Bangladesh is on the verge of collapse, and your people are the ones suffering. You’ve got no room to talk about anything when your country is a ticking time bomb of crises waiting to explode. China’s not here to help, they’re here to exploit, and they’ve got Bangladesh wrapped around their finger.
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India’s youth unemployment rate dropped from 17.8% in 2017 to 10% by 2022, and our technocrats have ripped apart your CMIE report, exposing its biased nonsense. No amount of mental gymnastics or hand-wringing is going to change the facts. Your wannabe 'superpower' China can't handle the truth lol
Lol, how do you explain the hard fact that China's trade and exports jump year on year but you India's exports just go spiral down the drain? who seems to be the one faking the numbers?

Oh, so now we have a Bangladeshi expert on immigration, huh? You’ve got some nerve trying to talk about Indians when your own country is neck-deep in crisis! Bangladesh is basically a dumpster fire right now—and no, that’s not an exaggeration. Your economy is in freefall, and your government is barely holding it together. Inflation’s skyrocketing, your currency has lost so much value it’s practically monopoly money, and your foreign reserves are drying up faster than your rivers in a drought. No one’s lining up to live in Bangladesh, except maybe mosquitoes.

Let’s break it down for you: your entire economy is a joke. Your currency's worth less than a pack of gum, and you’re surviving on handouts from foreign countries. You’re drowning in debt to China, and your government is basically a puppet to whoever gives the next loan. You wanna talk about immigration? Your people are fleeing to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, doing whatever they can to escape the unemployment, the corruption, and the hopeless future Bangladesh offers. The only thing more common in your country than poverty is floodwater, and let’s not forget how every year, your infrastructure crumbles with the first sign of rain.

You’ve got zero control over your borders. Your own people are sneaking into other countries, trying to avoid drowning in the literal and economic floods that define Bangladesh. You’re lecturing about illegal immigrants? You’re sitting in a country that’s basically an exporter of misery, with your youth fleeing faster than your currency is collapsing.

And let’s not ignore the energy crisis. Power cuts are now a daily reality in Bangladesh because you’re so dependent on foreign fuel imports, and guess what? With your foreign reserves running low, you can’t even afford the basics. Your government’s having to beg for loans just to keep the lights on! So, while you’re busy running your mouth about illegal immigration, how about you focus on keeping your own country from going completely dark?

So before you try throwing your weight around about India, how about you focus on not being a failed state? Your rivers are flooding, your economy’s collapsing, and your people are trying to get out faster than rats on a sinking ship. Keep obsessing over Indians while your country drowns in its own incompetence. Maybe if you spent more time worrying about fixing Bangladesh, you wouldn’t be so desperate to point fingers at others.
Dude please tell your stupid countrymen to stop immigrating illegally and give them jobs in your country. They are single handedly destroying your reputation in the west.

Indians pooping on the beach

Dude please tell your stupid countrymen to stop immigrating illegally and give them jobs in your country. They are single handedly destroying your reputation in the west.

Indians pooping on the beach

Before worrying about immigration or throwing around stereotypes, perhaps you should focus on the fact that over 5 crore illegal Bangladeshis are living in India. If you're so concerned about illegal immigration, maybe start by taking back those millions who crossed the border. When the NRC is fully enforced, every single illegal Bangladeshi and Rohingya will be shown the way out—likely to be thrown into the Bay of Bengal if there's no room elsewhere.

Just ask the folks who got caught by the BSF – they’re treated no better than mosquitoes getting slapped down. And let's not forget how many Bangladeshis in foreign countries use Indian identities just to blend in, including opening restaurants under Indian names to mask their inferiority complex. Instead of taking potshots, maybe work on your own country's issues before pointing fingers at others.
If you have a brain, use it.
India has more people than China now espeically the number of young working age population, and India doesn't have much manufacturing industry which aborbs most working population in all country.
This is the general picture of how abysmal Indian unemployment must be and it will only get worse in the future.
Lol, how do you explain the hard fact that China's trade and exports jump year on year but you India's exports just go spiral down the drain? who seems to be the one faking the numbers?

View attachment 66143
We're currently facing issues with container shortages and the crisis in the Red Sea. Last year, our petroleum exports were about $10 billion, but that figure has dropped significantly due to these challenges. On the bright side, our services exports are on the rise and contributing to a trade surplus. We're also attracting substantial foreign investments through FDI and FII—just look at India's latest forex reserves throughout CY 2024. With the extensive reforms implemented across the country, our economy is expected to maintain a consistent growth rate of 7-8%.
If you have a brain, use it.
India has more people than China now espeically the number of young working age population, and India doesn't have much manufacturing industry which aborbs most working population in all country.
This is the general picture of how abysmal Indian unemployment must be and it will only get worse in the future.
Your youth unemployment is skyrocketing, and the CCP is totally hiding the numbers, even though they’re claiming to be a manufacturing superpower. Like, seriously? Lmao!
LOl, do yo know China's foreign reserves? I guess not.

$3.288 trillion
Your youth unemployment is skyrocketing, and the CCP is totally hiding the numbers, even though they’re claiming to be a manufacturing superpower. Like, seriously? Lmao!
If you have a brain, use it.
India has more people than China now espeically the number of young working age population, and India doesn't have much manufacturing industry which aborbs most working population in all country.
This is the general picture of how abysmal Indian unemployment must be and it will only get worse in the future.

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