China's Youth Unemployment Soars to Record 18.8% as Graduates Flood Job Market

If you have a brain, use it.
India has more people than China now espeically the number of young working age population, and India doesn't have much manufacturing industry which aborbs most working population in all country.
This is the general picture of how abysmal Indian unemployment must be and it will only get worse in the future.
The CCP’s stopped sending cash to your account, so you’re out of comments.
Your youth unemployment is skyrocketing, and the CCP is totally hiding the numbers, even though they’re claiming to be a manufacturing superpower. Like, seriously? Lmao!
lol, then how do you explain this, this number was registered and verified by many countries, not only China.

lol, then how do you explain this, this number was registered and verified by many countries, not only China.

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Your exporters are dumping goods due to a lack of demand in China, supported by higher subsidies from the CCP, even at the cost of losing money. This is a key factor contributing to the alarming unemployment rate among Chinese youth and the general population.
Your exporters are dumping goods due to a lack of demand in China, supported by higher subsidies from the CCP, even at the cost of losing money. This is a key factor contributing to the alarming unemployment rate among Chinese youth and the general population.
Goods need workers to produce them, that means employment. What happens to your Indian goods? why they become less and less in the global market?

Chinese exporters are underhiring because they’re relying on machines for production. Their priority is making money, even if it means incurring losses, which doesn’t benefit them or China as a whole.
Chinese exporters are underhiring because they’re relying on machines for production. Their priority is making money, even if it means incurring losses, which doesn’t benefit them or China as a whole.
Ok, we Chinese use machines to produce, Indians don't? how do you explain you produce less and less and how can a country sustain itself by just buying but not selling? you are not US, you can't just depend on printing dollars like US has been doing.
Goods need workers to produce them, that means employment. What happens to your Indian goods? why they become less and less in the global market?

India generated $560 billion from manufacturing output in 2023. That’s an impressive net addition of $103.94 billion from the 2022 numbers.
Ok, we Chinese use machines to produce, Indians don't? how do you explain you produce less and less and how can a country sustain itself by just buying but not selling? you are not US, you can't just depend on printing dollars like US has been doing.
India generated $560 billion from manufacturing output in 2023. That’s an impressive net addition of $103.94 billion from the 2022 numbers.
This is the trend you have been going, not a rosy picture as you painted, where is your bloated GDP from? by just buying but not selling?
India's economic data is a big farce, making no sense in front of real hard numbers.

This is the trend you have been going, not a rosy picture as you painted, where is your bloated GDP from? by just buying but not selling?
The decline in petroleum exports can be attributed to container shortages and disruptions in the Red Sea. Indian industrialists are finding greater profit in catering to the domestic market, driven by the massive demand from our booming economy. As for imports, they largely stem from substantial crude oil purchases necessary for our growing economy, along with gold imports due to festivities and electronic components that support our nascent electronics industry. Meanwhile, we’re seeing notable success stories in manufacturing, particularly in the auto components industry, engineering sector, and rising pharmaceutical exports.
As for imports, they largely stem from substantial crude oil purchases necessary for our growing economy, along with gold imports due to festivities and electronic components that support our nascent electronics industry. Meanwhile, we’re seeing notable success stories in manufacturing, particularly in the auto components industry, engineering sector, and rising pharmaceutical exports.
China doesn't import crude oil? and you biggest trade deficit country is China and we don't export crude oil.
India's economic data is a big farce, making no sense in front of real hard numbers.

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If we’re doing so poorly, how are our forex reserves consistently rising and our economy maintaining a growth rate of 7-8%? Arrogance towards India won’t benefit China in the long run, especially as it faces ongoing issues like massive unemployment, which will only worsen. China may enjoy trade surpluses by dumping subsidised goods to foregin countries, but that’s largely due to a lack of internal demand. Meanwhile, India is experiencing trade deficits because of weak global demand and significant container shortages and disruptions in the Red Sea. However, we expect conditions to improve later in the year.
China doesn't import crude oil? and you biggest trade deficit country is China and we don't export crude oil.

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