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Chinese Aircraft Carriers - Liaoning, Shandong, Fujian and the future


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Nov 4, 2011
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Upgrade Aircraft carrier Liaoning to be completed, mockup of J-35 stealth fighter spotted on deck​

A mockup of a stealth fighter jet, reportedly the J-35, was recently spotted on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Liaoning, prompting experts to say on Monday that China's next generation carrier-based fighter jet is not exclusive to the catapult-equipped carrier Fujian, but can also be used on ramp-equipped carriers Liaoning and Shandong.


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Nov 4, 2011
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China Navy to deploy J-35 fighter jets on its aircraft carrier Liaoning​

Naval News February 2024 Navy Forces Maritime Defense Industry

According to information published by Global Times on February 19, 2024, China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, is on the verge of completing a significant upgrade, with recent reports revealing the presence of a stealth fighter jet mockup, identified as the J-35, on its deck.

Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001
Chinese PLA Navy's aircraft carrier Liaoning. (Picture source: China MoD)

This development indicates that China's advanced carrier-based fighter jet will not only be deployed on the new, catapult-equipped Fujian carrier but also on the ramp-assisted Liaoning and Shandong carriers.

This move indicates a strategic endeavor by China to close the technological and operational gap between its naval aviation capabilities and those of the leading naval powers, particularly the United States.

Despite the extensive work, external modifications to the Liaoning appear minimal. The focus of the upgrade has been on internal enhancements, including support for new aircraft types and advancements in command and control systems.

This extensive maintenance period, surpassing the typical duration, suggests a comprehensive upgrade beyond regular upkeep. The testing of both the J-35 and the J-15 models on the Liaoning's deck highlights a strategic diversification in the carrier's aircraft lineup.

The J-35 is poised to take on roles requiring air superiority and deep penetration into enemy defenses, while the J-15 continues to serve as a crucial component for anti-ship and attack missions due to its large payload capacity.

Technical data of the J-35 Stealth Fighter
The J-35 stealth fighter features a design for a single pilot and measures 17.3 meters in length. Its dimensions, including an 11.5-meter wingspan and a height of 4.8 meters, are optimized for both aerodynamic efficiency and compatibility with aircraft carriers. The aircraft has a wing area of 50 square meters, enhancing its lift capabilities and maneuverability.

It has a maximum takeoff weight of 28,000 kg and is propelled by two WS-13 afterburning turbofan engines. Each engine delivers a dry thrust of 56.75 kN, which increases to 87.2 kN with afterburner, allowing the aircraft to achieve speeds up to Mach 1.8 at high altitudes and Mach 1.14 at sea level.

The J-35's operational range is 1,200 km on internal fuel, which extends to 1,900 km with in-flight refueling, offering considerable versatility in mission planning.

It can operate at altitudes up to 16,000 meters, facilitating engagements above most ground-based defense systems.
Equipped with six external hardpoints and an internal weapons bay, the J-35 has the capacity to carry up to 8,000 kilograms of munitions.

Its payload includes an assortment of medium-range air-to-air missiles, supersonic air-to-ground missiles, and bombs.

The aircraft's advanced avionics suite encompasses the KLJ-7A AESA radar, a distributed aperture system for situational awareness, and an electro-optical targeting system, enhancing its combat effectiveness.



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Nov 4, 2011
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Chinese aircraft carriers are getting 5G super stealth fighters

The PLAN will quite literally ramp up its fighter jets
DAVID AXE25 February 2024 • 7:43am

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The surprise appearance of China’s newest stealth fighter on China’s oldest aircraft carrier raised eyebrows this month. Is the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy planning to deploy the Shenyang J-35 aboard the aging flattop Liaoning and her sister vessel Shandong, and not just on the newer – and much bigger – carrier Fujian?

If so, it could complicate US Navy war plans as the Americans factor in the growing capability of the PLAN’s growing carrier fleet.


At present, the PLAN – which by some measures is the world’s biggest navy – has just two operational carriers, compared to the US Navy’s 11. The 61,000-ton Liaoning, a rebuilt ex-Soviet carrier that entered Chinese service in 2012, was the first. The slightly improved and newly-built sister ship Shandong joined the fleet in 2019.

The non-nuclear Liaoning and Shandong represent huge leaps forward for the Chinese fleet, but they’re not without their liabilities. Most seriously, both lack the steam- or electrically-powered catapults that are standard on the Americans’ 100,000-ton, nuclear-powered carriers.

The Chinese carriers launch their planes under their own power via an angled ramp on their bows. That method imparts much less energy than a catapult does, and that in turn weighs on a plane’s payload. The Boeing F/A-18E/F, the US Navy’s main carrier-borne fighter, can launch with eight tons of weapons under its wings. A J-15 can launch with just 1.5 tons of weapons.

All that is to say, China’s carriers are much less useful than America’s carriers, because China’s carrier planes can’t carry very much and still get safely off their carriers’ decks.


A Chinese J-20 land based fifth generation stealth fighter. The new J-35 will be able to operate from aircraft carriers at sea CREDIT: Wang Zhao/AFP

The PLAN’s newest carrier, the 80,000-ton Fujian, promises to change that when she finally completes sea trials and joins the fleet sometime in the next few years.

The non-nuclear Fujian has catapults. So she can launch older, non-stealthy J-15 fighters with heavier payloads. And she can safely operate a wider array of aircraft, as well – including heavy radar-early-warning planes. It’s not for no reason that Chinese industry is racing to develop new carrier plane types for Fujian.

The still-in-development J-35 is the most advanced of these new planes. A rough analogue to the Americans’ Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter, the J-35 appears to possess impressive radar-evading features and should be compatible with all of the PLAN’s best munitions.

Fujian embarking J-35s should be a tough opponent for US carriers, which are just beginning to embark their own F-35C stealth fighters. And the appearance of a non-flying J-35 mock-up on Liaoning’s deck this winter hints that the Chinese plan to fly the new jet from their older carriers, too – compounding the threat. If China ever makes good on its threats and invades Taiwan, and the United States honors its commitment to defend the island democracy – far from a foregone conclusion, given the increasing isolationism of the US Republican Party – American and Chinese flattops and their stealth fighters could clash in the western Pacific.


The Americans could face Chinese carrier-borne stealth fighters coming from three directions. If there’s any comfort to be found in this dire scenario, it’s that J-35s flying from Liaoning and Shandong will suffer the same constraints the older vessels’ current J-15 fighter suffer.

Specifically, they might carry modest loads of weapons in order to ensure they can get into the air via a simple ramp. So J-35s operating from Liaoning and Shandong might not haul heavy anti-ship missiles and make a run at American vessels. Instead, they might stick to lighter air-to-air missiles – and focus on fighting American aircraft – or carry a few precision bombs for strike missions.

This is an impairment, but not necessarily a crippling one. Just ask the Royal Navy, which flies vertical-landing F-35B jump jets from its two 72,000-ton, non-nuclear carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales. The British carriers have ramps, not catapults, just like the older Chinese carriers do.

Better yet, ask the US Marine Corps, which flies vertical-landing F-35B jump jets from nine US Navy amphibious assault ships, all of which burn conventional fuel and none of which have catapults or ramps.

Launching without assistance, a Marine F-35B usually carries just a few tons of weapons, and counts on its stealth to compensate for its relative lack of firepower. A J-35 flying from Liaoning or Shandong could do the same.

All that is to say, the Americans should assume all of China’s aircraft carriers are about to embark stealth fighters. They should get ready to fight them.



Full Member
Dec 28, 2023
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My money is on the 4th carrier being nuclear powered. This isn't about being economical or practical but fukking with the US psychologically. Only BIG BOYS play with CVNs. The smaller and medium fishes are happy with their CV's!!

Once you attack their ego and sense of superiority, they fall apart mentally and lose their will to fight! Plus it's not the Chinese style to settle for 2nd best after all technologies are available and ready to use. The only best kind of carrier is the CVN!!


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Jan 11, 2024
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I've seen this pic , can't trust without video. Why can't they release pics of test dummy in mid air or close-ups of deck.

For world knows it can be CCP blowing a dynamite in water for propaganda .
Why they would do that? It doesn't make sense Don't they have to test the system? You have a lively imagination. The photo is taken by a passenger of an airline It would be almost impossible to synchronize the arrival of the plane and the detonation of dynamite
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Full Member
Feb 9, 2024
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Why they would do that? It doesn't make sense Don't they have to test the system? You have a lively imagination. The photo is taken by a passenger of an airline It would be almost impossible to synchronize the arrival of the plane and the detonation of dynamite

Airlines passenger?? Capturing at the exact timing when splashes appeared. And You are calling me with lively imagination.
There are dozens of pictures of test dummy and aircraft mockup on deck but no visual record of catapult test.


Dec 27, 2023
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Airlines passenger?? Capturing at the exact timing when splashes appeared. And You are calling me with lively imagination.
There are dozens of pictures of test dummy and aircraft mockup on deck but no visual record of catapult test.
I feel sorry for him trying to provide you with any evidence.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2024
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Airlines passenger?? Capturing at the exact timing when splashes appeared. And You are calling me with lively imagination.
There are dozens of pictures of test dummy and aircraft mockup on deck but no visual record of catapult test.
And who are you to demand a video of the test? Jiangnan Shipyard doesn't owe you anything Take what you got and count your blessing that someone takes this photoshoot from a traveling plane


Nov 9, 2014
Most recent - albeit not recent - very clear image of the PLANS-18 „Fujian“.
According to the orange part on the rear deck still visible, it seems to be taken at around 11th March.

(Image via @开天辟地2024 from Weibo)


Han Patriot

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Jan 23, 2024
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Airlines passenger?? Capturing at the exact timing when splashes appeared. And You are calling me with lively imagination.
There are dozens of pictures of test dummy and aircraft mockup on deck but no visual record of catapult test.

uuuu, the acid is strong. Yes, we are building a billion dollar ship that does not work, now you can sleep in peace. lol

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