Chinese foreign ministry says Front-line armies of India, China have "realized disengagement in four areas"

Taiwan Adiz covers part of china why should china give a **** about it lol we can fly wherever near our coast fk them little cry babies.
ASEAN is China's top trading partner, with total trade between the two reaching USD911. 7 billion in 2023. China and ASEAN relations are fine just not with the Philippines lol who cares about the Philippines a weak pathetic country with no industrial power. Without china investment in Vietnam u really think it would become a powerhouse exporter today??? Lol they sure know how to lure Chinese businesses into the country which is fine as long as they don't lean toward the United States we can give them a good life. Win win. I'm sorry to say but Chinese oversea businesses in Southeast Asia are huge we are basically moving lots of production to them and invest a crazy amount of FDI don't bite the hands that feed you. Even Thai military a traditional American ally is also pro China especially the Royal family of Thailand they do have Chinese lineage afterall.
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The only countries china have disputes with currently are japan (manageable), Philippines, and India(manageable). But name me a indian friendly state in South Asia except for maybe Bhutan.
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No ..China has territorial disputes with Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Japan , Taiwan.

These are separate from maritime disputes China has with Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Brunei , Vietnam.
Bhutan? Which is India's vassal. Land dispute with this country is no different than with India . Taiwan belongs to China. Even your government admits that. Others are all water and island disputes
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Bhutan? Which is India's vassal. Land dispute with this country is no different than with India . Taiwan belongs to China. Even your government admits that. Others are all water and island disputes
What Nonsense are your spouting.. I have clearly mentioned the countries with which China has territorial disputes and those with which it has maritime disputes.

How does it matter if it's over islands or not, a terrirtoraial dispute is territorial dispute.

Entire country of Australia is island, so if tomorrow China stated claiming entire Australia as it's own, wouldn't it be territorial dispute?

Taiwan does not belong to People's Republic of China.
What Nonsense are your spouting.. I have clearly mentioned the countries with which China has territorial disputes and those with which it has maritime disputes.

How does it matter if it's over islands or not, a terrirtoraial dispute is territorial dispute.

Entire country of Australia is island, so if tomorrow China stated claiming entire Australia as it's own, wouldn't it be territorial dispute?

Taiwan does not belong to People's Republic of China.
Almost all countries around South China sea have disputes with each other. Sea territory dispute emerged in just recent decdes. It is totally different with land dispute. It became a problem after UN passed UNCLOS. Which caused conflicts with tradional historical ownerships. Some countries use UNCLOS to draw their water territory. Some countries use historical ownerships to draw the lines.

You shouldn't bring land dispute with water disput together. They are not same

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Taiwan does not belong to People's Republic of China.

Map of The Republic of China


ROC (Taiwan)'s territorial claim. Taiwan always accuses PRC of ceding large tracts of Chinese territories to foreign countries and refuses to recognize them

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