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Another Historic Year for the PLA Navy

By Captain James E. Fanell, U.S. Navy (Retired)
May 2024

For the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the biggest surprise of 2023 was the end-of-year announcement that Admiral Dong Jun, chief of the PLA Navy (PLAN), had been appointed as the 14th Minister of Defense.1 News of Admiral Dong’s appointment was overshadowed in Western media by the mystery surrounding the removal of his predecessor, Army General Li Shangfu. But the first-ever appointment of a career PLAN officer as head of the PLA is a testament to the importance Chairman Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have placed on transforming China into a great naval power to achieve the so-called Great Rejuvenation of China. Toward that end, growth has continued in the number of ships, submarines, and naval aircraft and their operations at sea.

An Admiral at the Helm of the PLA

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The significance of Admiral Dong’s appointment should not be underestimated, as it represents the culmination of 25 years of PLAN modernization and growth—from being a brown-water force to an institution whose top officer is now leading China’s entire military. The appointment is important for two principal reasons.

First, Admiral Dong is one of the PLA’s most experienced joint commanders, having deep expertise at the operational level of war in the Eastern and Southern Theater Commands that provides him with unique understanding and perspectives regarding China’s disputed sovereignty claims—cross-domain but fundamentally maritime issues.2

Second, and perhaps more important, Admiral Dong has the distinction of being the first Commander of the East China Sea Joint Operations Command Center (ECS JOCC), having served from July 2013 to November 2014 while he served as one of the deputy commanders of the East Sea Fleet. Established in 2013, the ECS JOCC was the PLA’s first joint operations command headquarters responsible for the operational coordination of the PLAN, PLA Air Force (PLAAF), and other forces—including the China Coast Guard and Strategic Rocket Forces—against Taiwan.3 Admiral Dong’s various appointments should be a reminder of the importance the CCP places on the PLAN and the PLA’s overall capability to take Taiwan by kinetic means should other efforts fail.

Growth Continues

While recent economic problems have slowed PLAN ship production over the past two years, Chinese reporting indicates the PLAN commissioned its eighth Type 055/Renhai-class cruiser, eight more Type 054A/Jiangkai II frigates, and one comprehensive submarine rescue ship.4 In addition, the PLAN launched one Type 075/Yushen-class amphibious assault ship, five cruisers and destroyers, two newer Type 054B frigates, and three nuclear-powered submarines. The total tonnage launched and commissioned in 2023 was about 170,000 tons, compared with 110,000 tons in 2022, although still somewhat lower than the 200,000-ton annual average prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While China acknowledged this slight decrease, it claims to have achieved a “significant increase in quality,” particularly with the Type 054B frigates that began sea trials in January 2024.5 Despite producing fewer hulls and less tonnage, the PLAN remains the world’s leader in new commissionings by tonnage—as it has for at least five years. Expected U.S. shipbuilding growth in the coming years probably will not improve this worrying strategic trendline.

The Workhorse Shandong

While PLAN carrier strike groups (CSGs) today are not of the same caliber as the U.S. Navy’s, a mere 11 years after the first PLANAF fighter recovered on the deck of the Liaoning, China’s second aircraft carrier, the Shandong, was conducting “live-fire confrontation drills” in the South China Sea in January 2023.6 Operations included nighttime launch-and-recoveries as the carrier achieved the first of what would become an unprecedented number of at-sea periods for any PLAN carrier, rivaling days at sea by any U.S. carrier in the western Pacific for the year.

In April, the Shandong CSG—which included a Type 055 cruiser, a Type 052D destroyer, two Type 054A frigates, and two comprehensive replenishment ships (a Type 901 and a Type 903)—was back at sea passing through the Bashi Channel and into the waters east of Taiwan. There, it participated in exercise Joint Sword with the PLAAF, PLA Strategic Rocket Forces, and surface combatants that encircled the island of Taiwan from 8 to 10 April.7 Following Joint Sword, the Shandong moved to an area 350 nautical miles west of Guam, close to where the Liaoning had operated just four months prior.8

According to observations by Japan’s Ministry of Defense, during 18 days of operations in the western Pacific, the Shandong conducted 620 aircraft sorties (fixed-wing and helicopter), far exceeding the 320 sorties the Liaoning conducted over 15 days in December 2022.9

Then, in September, the Shandong CSG entered the western Pacific via the Bashi Channel at the same time as a large number of PLAN warships were observed passing through the Miyako Strait into the Philippine Sea. Overall, some 20 PLAN warships were detected, the most ever tracked around Taiwan in a single day.10

A little more than a month later, the Shandong CSG was back at sea in the western Pacific, where it conducted nine days of operations that included 570 aircraft sorties—an average of around 63 aircraft sorties a day. This is nearly twice the number carried out in April and three times the sortie rate recorded by the Liaoning in January.11

Not done, in December the Shandong CSG returned to its homeport in the South China Sea via the Taiwan Strait following a month-long operation in the Bohai Sea, where the Shandong had helped train pilots from the Liaoning while the latter was in port for maintenance.12 While not as rigorous as that of the U.S. Navy’s carrier force, this level of at-sea training is evidence of the PLAN’s rapid growth in capability.

The PLAN’s third carrier, the Fujian, completed mooring trials and began dead-load testing of her three electromagnetic catapults in November. She will likely begin sea trials in summer 2024. It seems clear that, while much of the world questions the efficacy of aircraft carriers because of the proliferation of anticarrier missile systems, the PLAN is doubling down on them.

Russia and Iran

Over the course of 2023, the PLAN continued its long-standing coordinated operations with the Russian Navy. In July, the two navies held joint exercises in the Sea of Japan. For the second year in a row, PLAN and Russian warships conducted a “show of force” when 11 warships transited eastward through the first island chain in August. Ties between Xi and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have grown, and these combined naval operations have expanded, even as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.13

In addition, the PLAN conducted two trilateral exercises with the Russian and other navies. The first occurred in February, when the PLAN’s 42nd Escort Task Force (ETF) participated in exercise “Mosi II” along with host South Africa’s Navy.14 Then in March, the PLAN’s 43rd ETF conducted the trilateral exercise “Security Belt” with the Russian and Iranian navies. These events are a stark reminder of the alternative international order Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran want to establish in the name of anything but maritime economic security.

Preparing for War at Sea

The appointment of Admiral Dong to lead China’s Ministry of Defense means that Xi and the CCP have undeniably recognized the importance of maritime power to complete the Great Rejuvenation of China. The CCP has handed over the leadership of the PLA to a man who views the world through the lens of war at sea. Recall that, in December 2022 while still head of the navy, Dong held a conclave of senior PLAN officers. The gathering could be reduced to a single, critically important theme: “Make all necessary preparations to defeat the U.S. Navy in great power war at sea.”15 Admiral Dong’s appointment will affect the entire PLA in the next year and throughout the remainder of this so-called decade of concern.
The only part I disagree with is the assetion the PLAN is doubling down on carriers. I see a slow and methodical approach in the development of China's carrier arm, with no sign of a large-scale build-up despite the technological progress achieved. We have a third carrier and a fourth on the way and potentially a fifth one planned, but it would be surprising at this rate if the PLAN is to commission more than 5 or 6 carriers by 2035. There is self-evidently the recognition that carriers are key to naval power projection and exerting influence. However, the PLAN seems to be hedging its bets given concerns about the usefulness of carriers in a great power war at sea.

If anything, there are signs the PLAN is putting more focus on both nuclear and conventional attack submarines, with boats coming out of the new assembly halls at the Bohai Shipyard.
Can you make a video about the latest update on Chinese progress in Submarine construction? They completed the new Bohai shipyard years ago But so far no type 95 shown up
I think China should focus on unmanned drones for naval warfare. Large surface warships will likely become a thing of the past.
Organisation and discipline is a sign of great abilities that China possesses.
Every little behaviour of organisation and discipline is a sign of China’s abilities.
Your beloved PM has proclaimed to follow Chinese model of development.
Your beloved PM has proclaimed to follow Chinese model of development.

InshAllah. Great model. 👍 No doubt that China Pakistan cooperation is carved in stone.

We have seen what the American model brought to Pakistan. Death and destruction.
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Your beloved PM has proclaimed to follow Chinese model of development.
China model of development is a example for every developing country of this world.

Yang Shaoqing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: China's terminal-sensitive missile is the best in the world, destroying a group of tanks in milliseconds​

2024-06-27 00:14 Source: Science Knowledge Point Show
Published in: Zhejiang Province

The research and development of high-tech weapons has difficulties that are not understood by the outside world. Take the development of new terminal-sensitive bombs as an example. The United States' research and development in this field has been unable to accelerate the shells to reach the expected design and the strike accuracy is insufficient. As a result, the United States believes that the idea of creating a super terminal-sensitive bomb has failed at this stage.


As a military power, Russia encountered the same difficulties in the development of terminal-guided munitions and was unable to solve them. Similar to the United States, it had to shelve the research and development work and it still failed.

China has caught up with the rest. According to Academician Yang Shaoqing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the terminal-sensitive bombs developed by China have achieved important technological breakthroughs and have become the world's leading level. This new type of weapon has an amazing strike efficiency. At a speed of milliseconds, it can destroy enemy tanks and armored groups, achieving a terrifying strike effect.


The terminal-sensitive munitions weapons provided by the United States played a very powerful role on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, blowing up many tanks of the Russian army and causing serious losses to the Russian side. It also brought the terminal-sensitive munitions into the world's vision. Many military experts have stated that this weapon will bring greater variables to the battlefield.

However, the United States' terminal-guided missiles have not yet reached the research and development results of the US military. Once further combat effectiveness can be improved, they will have even more terrifying power.

What is the actual situation of the terminal-sensitive munitions developed by China?

Our military experts once said that if we want to compare, we must compare with the strongest level, and see if we can surpass the research and development level of the United States in the field of terminal-guided missiles. What is the result? Has China's terminal-guided missile research and development achieved such an achievement that the world is amazed?

The world's development of terminal-sensitive munitions began in the 1970s, when the Soviet Union was anxious to develop a new type of weapon to counter enemy tank armor.

Therefore, the Soviet military-industrial institutions developed terminally guided munitions to destroy the enemy's tank armor. Although it went through a trial-and-error process with many detours, it laid a certain foundation for terminal-sensitive munitions.


The infrared guidance method used has certain technical defects, and different changes will occur when encountering different weather conditions. The influence of visibility and climate temperature will cause unstable strike effects, thus bringing variables to the weapon.

Once encountering thick fog or other bad weather, the infrared guidance will fail, and the destructive capability of this weapon will be significantly reduced.

my country began to develop terminal-sensitive munitions in the 1980s. Taking into account the lessons learned from the past, my country's terminal-sensitive munitions technology must solve the same problems encountered by infrared guidance, that is, how to deal with the impact of adverse factors such as extreme weather and severe climate.


The technical team faced many problems, but they continued to research and develop and overcome difficulties. By the 1990s, the technology had made a certain degree of progress, and they also increased their research and development on terminal-sensitive bombs.

In this technical field, my country has achieved a breakthrough in far-infrared detection technology for the first time, accurately locating the target coordinates to be hit, and being able to lock and accurately achieve high-speed strikes. It has achieved a composite guidance of millimeter waves and laser scanning. The accuracy is amazing, reaching an 85% accuracy rate of strikes, directly surpassing the United States' inaccurate positioning and strike accuracy of only 60%, and has leapt to the capabilities of the world's most advanced terminal-sensitive munitions.


The terminal-sensitive bomb developed by my country uses three composite guidance modes, which has a greater degree of accuracy improvement and a stronger strike effect. It can break through the situation of insufficient visibility at night and use far-infrared precise scanning to achieve all-weather defense and combat. It directly improves combat strength, tracks the locked target until the strike is completed, and enhances the strike power and effect.

So far, the unknown bomb developed by China has surpassed the United States in terms of comprehensive performance and has leapt to the world's leading level, and can achieve a millisecond-level strike speed. After continuous upgrades by the scientific research team, it has been able to achieve a millisecond-level strike speed.


The withdrawal force can directly hit the enemy's tank battle group and armored vehicles, achieving efficient destruction. China's pastoralists have upgraded their research and development from a single mode of infrared guidance to three forms of composite guidance, which has improved the accuracy and demonstrated innovation and rising comprehensive strength in the field of technological upgrading of China's military industry.

Even more terrifying is the Momin bullet developed by China, which can splash like a continuous downpour of rain and steel needles. Its speed is dozens of times more powerful than similar weapons in other countries, truly becoming the nemesis of tanks and armor.

Behind this technology is the breakthrough of multiple patented technologies of my country's terminal-sensitive projectiles, which have achieved the improvement of destructive intensity, including how to make the terminal-sensitive projectiles launch accurately, strike accurately, achieve armor-piercing effect, and quickly kill the protective layer of armor. These are the strike effects that can only be achieved by high-tech means. After armor-piercing, the explosives are detonated, resulting in further enhancement of the destructive power. These are the technical upgrades achieved by my country's military industry, and also the further development of my country's research and development of military weapons.

Yang Shaoqing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: China's terminal-sensitive missile is the best in the world, destroying a group of tanks in milliseconds​

2024-06-27 00:14 Source: Science Knowledge Point Show
Published in: Zhejiang Province

The research and development of high-tech weapons has difficulties that are not understood by the outside world. Take the development of new terminal-sensitive bombs as an example. The United States' research and development in this field has been unable to accelerate the shells to reach the expected design and the strike accuracy is insufficient. As a result, the United States believes that the idea of creating a super terminal-sensitive bomb has failed at this stage.


As a military power, Russia encountered the same difficulties in the development of terminal-guided munitions and was unable to solve them. Similar to the United States, it had to shelve the research and development work and it still failed.

China has caught up with the rest. According to Academician Yang Shaoqing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the terminal-sensitive bombs developed by China have achieved important technological breakthroughs and have become the world's leading level. This new type of weapon has an amazing strike efficiency. At a speed of milliseconds, it can destroy enemy tanks and armored groups, achieving a terrifying strike effect.


The terminal-sensitive munitions weapons provided by the United States played a very powerful role on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, blowing up many tanks of the Russian army and causing serious losses to the Russian side. It also brought the terminal-sensitive munitions into the world's vision. Many military experts have stated that this weapon will bring greater variables to the battlefield.

However, the United States' terminal-guided missiles have not yet reached the research and development results of the US military. Once further combat effectiveness can be improved, they will have even more terrifying power.

What is the actual situation of the terminal-sensitive munitions developed by China?

Our military experts once said that if we want to compare, we must compare with the strongest level, and see if we can surpass the research and development level of the United States in the field of terminal-guided missiles. What is the result? Has China's terminal-guided missile research and development achieved such an achievement that the world is amazed?

The world's development of terminal-sensitive munitions began in the 1970s, when the Soviet Union was anxious to develop a new type of weapon to counter enemy tank armor.

Therefore, the Soviet military-industrial institutions developed terminally guided munitions to destroy the enemy's tank armor. Although it went through a trial-and-error process with many detours, it laid a certain foundation for terminal-sensitive munitions.


The infrared guidance method used has certain technical defects, and different changes will occur when encountering different weather conditions. The influence of visibility and climate temperature will cause unstable strike effects, thus bringing variables to the weapon.

Once encountering thick fog or other bad weather, the infrared guidance will fail, and the destructive capability of this weapon will be significantly reduced.

my country began to develop terminal-sensitive munitions in the 1980s. Taking into account the lessons learned from the past, my country's terminal-sensitive munitions technology must solve the same problems encountered by infrared guidance, that is, how to deal with the impact of adverse factors such as extreme weather and severe climate.


The technical team faced many problems, but they continued to research and develop and overcome difficulties. By the 1990s, the technology had made a certain degree of progress, and they also increased their research and development on terminal-sensitive bombs.

In this technical field, my country has achieved a breakthrough in far-infrared detection technology for the first time, accurately locating the target coordinates to be hit, and being able to lock and accurately achieve high-speed strikes. It has achieved a composite guidance of millimeter waves and laser scanning. The accuracy is amazing, reaching an 85% accuracy rate of strikes, directly surpassing the United States' inaccurate positioning and strike accuracy of only 60%, and has leapt to the capabilities of the world's most advanced terminal-sensitive munitions.


The terminal-sensitive bomb developed by my country uses three composite guidance modes, which has a greater degree of accuracy improvement and a stronger strike effect. It can break through the situation of insufficient visibility at night and use far-infrared precise scanning to achieve all-weather defense and combat. It directly improves combat strength, tracks the locked target until the strike is completed, and enhances the strike power and effect.

So far, the unknown bomb developed by China has surpassed the United States in terms of comprehensive performance and has leapt to the world's leading level, and can achieve a millisecond-level strike speed. After continuous upgrades by the scientific research team, it has been able to achieve a millisecond-level strike speed.


The withdrawal force can directly hit the enemy's tank battle group and armored vehicles, achieving efficient destruction. China's pastoralists have upgraded their research and development from a single mode of infrared guidance to three forms of composite guidance, which has improved the accuracy and demonstrated innovation and rising comprehensive strength in the field of technological upgrading of China's military industry.

Even more terrifying is the Momin bullet developed by China, which can splash like a continuous downpour of rain and steel needles. Its speed is dozens of times more powerful than similar weapons in other countries, truly becoming the nemesis of tanks and armor.

Behind this technology is the breakthrough of multiple patented technologies of my country's terminal-sensitive projectiles, which have achieved the improvement of destructive intensity, including how to make the terminal-sensitive projectiles launch accurately, strike accurately, achieve armor-piercing effect, and quickly kill the protective layer of armor. These are the strike effects that can only be achieved by high-tech means. After armor-piercing, the explosives are detonated, resulting in further enhancement of the destructive power. These are the technical upgrades achieved by my country's military industry, and also the further development of my country's research and development of military weapons.
We should be humble.

As far as I know, the most powerful heavy missile in the history of mankind was manufactured by the United States, with a maximum weight of up to 187 tons, which can also carry 91 tons of fuel and is capable of generating a devastating flame explosion. More than two decades ago, in a special military operation related to the Middle East, one of its attacks killed more than 2,900 people and injured more than 6,200.
We should be humble.

As far as I know, the most powerful heavy missile in the history of mankind was manufactured by the United States, with a maximum weight of up to 187 tons, which can also carry 91 tons of fuel and is capable of generating a devastating flame explosion. More than two decades ago, in a special military operation related to the Middle East, one of its attacks killed more than 2,900 people and injured more than 6,200.
Americans always opt for maximum power in everything.

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