Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

If you use the strategem of Chanakya, the chief millitary adviser of Chandragupta Maurya. Then countries sourround a center power in layers of «cocentric ring».
According to this layering if youre the center power(layer 0): India, you support Afghanistan (a land in the 2nd layer) to put pressure on on a land in the 1st Layer: Pakistan.

So in BDs’ case India would use Myanmar to put pressure on Bangladesh.

But the main issue for India is that Afghanistan is under heavy Pakistan influence, plus they are essentially divided by a artificial border. So that didnt work and India was kicked out when Americans left Afghanistan.

In BD’s case, Myanmar also cant be used against BD because Myanmar is under heavy Chinese influence.

Which means India is Strategically isolated in the terrestrial domain.

Another interesting thing is that according to the same Model of Chanakya, Pakistan and Bangladesh is eachothers 2nd Layer countries.
Thing is, both Mayanmar and Afghanistan are antagonists to Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively. While neither countries will strictly follow India, given a chance to acquire leverage over Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively, they will take it with open arms.
I mean if B'desh has to take refuge from India, it would rather choose China or USA. Depending upon who is in power in Bangladesh.

Its not an either or.

The US doesn't make sense, b/c its an extraregional party, i.e. there are no vested interests to permanently stay in alignment due to geography, those elements also change when it tries to court India against Pakistan and prioritizes India above Pakistan, regardless of the cold war relations. Pakistan learned this the hard way. Similarly there is no innate reason for them to pick Bangladesh over India, their interests in the region are via a vis China. Thats the lens/axiom from which the US functions in the region, especially post war on terror era.
The US doesn't make sense, b/c its an extraregional party, i.e. there are no vested interests to permanently stay in alignment due to geography, those elements also change when it tries to court India against Pakistan and prioritizes India above Pakistan, regardless of the cold war relations. Pakistan learned this the hard way. Similarly there is no innate reason for them to pick Bangladesh over India, their interests in the region are via a vis China. Thats the lens/axiom from which the US functions in the region, especially post war on terror era.
US is a world level player with bases in all corners of the world. It has interests in each and every damn place. Otherwise, why will they poke their nose in Afghanistan and Vietnam of all places?

As far as this region goes, Bay of Bengal is pretty stretegic. It allows choking of Malacca Strait. With its presence near horn of Africa (Djibouti), US can control supply lines of China if it has control of Malacca Strait too.

So yeah, I can see US being very interested in this region and it is not impossible that they will try to get Bangladesh in their sphere fully.

If that happens, Bangladesh can kiss any other military alliances good bye. That will not happen. But then if Bangladeshis are clever enough, they can get enough investment and industrialisation to become a middle income country much much faster than India.

Being US allie is fatal only if your country is stupid.
Thing is, both Mayanmar and Afghanistan are antagonists to Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively. While neither countries will strictly follow India, given a chance to acquire leverage over Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively, they will take it with open arms.
Pakistanis and Afghans are interwined in many ways, stop commenting about Af-Pak as if you know anything.
And what is your bullshit of giving Nukes to the Talibs lmfao 😆. Most of the planet doesn't even recognize Talibs, you think you can share Nukes with such an entity? Stop having wet dreams on an online forum dawg.
Pakistanis and Afghans are interwined in many ways, stop commenting about Af-Pak as if you know anything.
And what is your bullshit of giving Nukes to the Talibs lmfao 😆. Most of the planet doesn't even recognize Talibs, you think you can share Nukes with such an entity? Stop having wet dreams on an online forum dawg.
Give a real reason what will stop India from giving Talibs nukes if Pakistan gives Bangladeshi nukes. A real reason not a wishy washy one.
Complete delusion if you think there isn't a second strike option. We saw what happened with the "Surgical Strike". lol, you don't seem to understand how second strike capability works.
There is no possibility of a second strike once Pakistan launches a nuclear missile against India. Not only will the missile be neutralized, but all of Pakistan’s nuclear installations will also be taken out by the Indian military. The entry of 12 Mirage-2000s, escorted by 4 Su-30 MKIs and drones, deep into Pakistani territory to bomb Balakot and return undetected has proven that Pakistan has no credible nuclear deterrence against India. Even the Indian MiG-21 that was downed the next day was inside Pakistani airspace and also managed to down a Pakistani F-16.

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