Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Maybe keep Gaza thread but add / to include regional war resistance axis front or something

It's too early to tell if it evolves into something bigger . But Lebanon situation deserves it's own thread. It can go into Gaza since it's linked but if we can deal with spammers posting junk there it would help.

We aren't getting updates well in the Gaza front it's spam and off topic discussions.
this would be separate to Gaza thread and in the Iranian section. I am not a very tolerant moderator so there would not be spam and off topic discussions from the usual trolls

but feel free to start the thread that you see fit and I will support it and keep the trolls away
Israeli war minister Yoav Gallant: "Hezbollah is showing signs of weakness, and our sequence of operations will proceed."
Israeli war minister Yoav Gallant: "Hezbollah is showing signs of weakness, and our sequence of operations will proceed."

The only language Israel understands is force. And chance for deterrence was destroyed in the past 9 months.

Nah Nasrallah is still sitting on his hands claiming he is “hoping” Israel enters south Lebanon.

Meanwhile Israel has conducted another several rounds of concentrated air strikes again HZ in South Lebanon. South Lebanon is beginning to look like Gaza.

Also I hope this is fake news


So he admits the attack crossed all red lines, is a war crime, AND a declaration of war.

And then says he will do nothing about it and continue the same escalation ladder level of attacks.

This man will never learn. Israel knows that outside of detonating a nuke on Beruit or a direct land invasion, they got free reign to hit HZ like a punching bug in whatever ways they wish.
What is the purpose of Hezbollah's arsenal if they will just wait for Israel to 'gradually' invade and occupy southern Lebanon? Israel is announcing and doing things in steps. Doesn't make it less severe. It's just to see if Hezbollah allows it's arsenal to be degraded and doesn't push them to deploy any of it.

Hurt the enemy while they wage war on you. Otherwise these weapons just rot in depots like weapons of those of many armies in the region.

Thank God for Hamas. Using everything to their max available capability to execute a brilliant operation against Israel. Hamas is built different.
What is the purpose of Hezbollah's arsenal if they will just wait for Israel to 'gradually' invade and occupy southern Lebanon? Israel is announcing and doing things in steps. Doesn't make it less severe. It's just to see if Hezbollah allows it's arsenal to be degraded and doesn't push them to deploy any of it.

Hurt the enemy while they wage war on you. Otherwise these weapons just rot in depots like weapons of those of many armies in the region.

Thank God for Hamas. Using everything to their max available capability to execute a brilliant operation against Israel. Hamas is built different.
Hezbollah's heavy assets are buried deep under mountains in the Beqaa, they are much more survivable than anything in Gaza, so they don't need to use them all yet. And Israel did not step foot in Lebanon yet. That said, we saw Israel conduct months of vicious airstrikes to flatten north Gaza before it entered with ground forces, we could be seeing the same now with south Lebanon.
So he admits the attack crossed all red lines, is a war crime, AND a declaration of war.

And then says he will do nothing about it and continue the same escalation ladder level of attacks.

This man will never learn. Israel knows that outside of detonating a nuke on Beruit or a direct land invasion, they got free reign to hit HZ like a punching bug in whatever ways they wish.
It's a courageous stand to tie the front to Gaza -- and assert the front will remain active till the war on Gaza stops.

The issue is the Israeli attacks are getting larger and more brazen. They can't be met with small intensity few barrages on areas in the north. Otherwise it invites Israeli aggression.

At same time, does Hezbollah have capability/confidence to keep this going until end of Biden's term? This is where Iran and other resistance axis players have to step in and have their back. Iraqi's, do they actually have capability to strike Israel on a daily basis ? They're not deploying these capabilities if they do. Which doesn't make any sense. Essentially the only resistance factions that can directly threaten Israel in a more formidable manner were Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. Now due to situation in Gaza, it's essentially only Hezbollah. And they're alone. So what happens from here?
Hezbollah's heavy assets are buried deep under mountains in the Beqaa, they are much more survivable than anything in Gaza, so they don't need to use them all yet. And Israel did not step foot in Lebanon yet. That said, we saw Israel conduct months of vicious airstrikes to flatten north Gaza before it entered with ground forces, we could be seeing the same now with south Lebanon.
That's good to hear. But I don't think you should wait for a ground invasion. Because it degraded your ability to deploy firepower. Look at it like this:

Without ground invasion, Hezbollah has capacity to fire 2,000 katuysha/grad variant rockets a day at settlements in the north. That kind of volume of fire is one form of a deterrent. If you don't deploy more than 100 a day ever, and wait till Israeli ground invasion, then they take away your capacity to fire 2,000 a day and strip that deterrent away from you. At that point I don't believe they have enough long range missile firepower to deter Israel.

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