Indian general praises professionalism of Pakistani peacekeepers in South Sudan

His vocabulary seems quite limited, after all Bootiyas aren't the brightest of the lot.
His vocabulary seems quite limited, after all Bootiyas aren't the brightest of the lot.
You got confused by co-mingling with Yindus false flaggers. I rest my case.. The biggest weakness of youthias is that they think they are the smartest guys in the room. This is part of the psychological warfare they are victim to.. you guys are being used. Grow up.
Lt-Gen S Mohan acknowledges leadership of Brig Shafqat Iqbal and Lt-Col Shahbaz Aslam in a letter to COAS
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The professionalism of Pakistan's peacekeeping contingent in South Sudan has been recognised by the Indian Force Commander of the United Nations Mission, Lieutenant General S Mohan, according to a statement from Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Thursday.

In a letter addressed to Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, the Indian general commended the dedication and unwavering commitment of the Pakistani peacekeepers. He particularly acknowledged the leadership of Brigadier Shafqat Iqbal as Sector Commander and Lieutenant Colonel Shahbaz Aslam as Commanding Officer.

The Force Commander's praise highlights Pakistan Army's reputation as a reliable and capable partner in international peacekeeping efforts.

Pakistan continues to play a pivotal role in supporting global peace and security through its active participation in UN peacekeeping missions.

In South Sudan, Pakistani peacekeepers have been instrumental in maintaining peace and security, in line with the mandate assigned by the UN Security Council.

The Pakistani contingent has undertaken challenging engineering tasks in complex operational environments, prioritising the protection of civilians. Their efforts have included working tirelessly to safeguard over 250,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in flood-affected areas.
We need our peace keepers in Palestine.
Oh no, didn't Indians praise IK and jamedars and noonies got bent out of shape?

Now that Indian generals are praising jamedars, it must be that jamedars have sold out to Indians and are traitors to Pakistan....

This culture of name calling introduced by IK is not a poor reflection on the the people who are targeted but on the person doing the name calling. A sign of poor upbringing.

Nobody has sold out to anyone. Either your paranoia or pure misinformation

MC Bajwa was praised too for his mercenary services in Congo by the former Indian Chief. Later on, after slithering through to become CoHS, Mc Bajwa validated the qualities observed & praised by his superior officer of the Indian Army.
It’s the same episode repeating itself here too. More Mc Bajwa’s in the making.
We need our peace keepers in Palestine.

You want them to murder & defeat the poor Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims once again ? Just like their grandfathers did a century ago for White Sahab ?

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