Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

I remember in the first few weeks of the war there was a very strong debate about whether Israel would even launch a ground invasion into Gaza. the most respected historians in the West were arguing it would not. only the rabid Zionists were confident that Israel would. they were right in ways none of us could have expected.

Iran needs nuclear weapons and the worst chemical and biological weapons ever assembled. and endless quantities of ballistic missiles buried deep under mountains, both within Iran but also proliferated across the entire region. This is achieved in Iran already (every few weeks someone on twitter discovers a new missile base buried even deeper under a massive mountain than before, Iran is full of huge mountains so this is not a concern), it's in progress in Yemen (Iran helping Yemen to build underground storages), and Iran is trying in Syria (though its proximity to Israel and weakness of central government makes it vulnerable to Israeli commando raids).

But this is not enough. North Lebanon near the Beqaa is extremely mountainous and Hezbollah should have dozens of deeply buried missile bases (likely it does, we saw some footage for the first time recently). and scattered across Syria, not just one in Maysaf. Iraq too, which should be the easiest one of all given huge land border with Iran and PMU influence. West Iraq to Tel Aviv is 450-500km. South Syria and Lebanese Beqaa to Tel Aviv is <300km. So these countries don't need larger missiles like Yemen does.

Once Iran has proliferated thousands of ballistic missiles scattered across underground bases in all of these territories (with maximum localised underground production) then the Axis can pack a real punch against Israel.

It is tempting to say this war came too soon for the Axis but there is never a perfect time so we must adapt yesterday and get on with it.
I think there are totally exaggerated reactions at this moment, which always happens after a great demonstration of power by a State/nation.
didn't you tell us a few weeks ago that Mashregh posted about Iranian ballistic missiles so that means something is imminent because they wouldn't post something like that if it wasn't
No I didn't.
Also, Iran's response is certain. I am only worried that Iran's response will be limited. I hope we attack Israel strongly.
Yes the wait for the big attack from Iran, Yemen Hezbollah is long overdue which allows Israel to make many victims.

When we see the big response we all tell ourselves that the wait was worth the cost then our perceptions will change on this war

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