Chongqing - Nightlife in the Chinese megacity | DW Documentary

Speaking of girls, actually girls in Chongqing are quite attracting. They have very slick and firm calves, thanks to the hilly terrain they have to tackle.

Unfortunately beyond the flashy tall buildings focused on in the previous's not all sunshine and roses.

Not all the "Chongqing gangs" are doing nice things.
Chongqing "Massage" right out in the open.
I meant: No prostitutes in the streets.

Yeah, in China it exists prostitution, although it's illegal, it seems tolerated.

It exists drugs too, but it's not to the level of normality of Western societies.

Here it's common smell to weed near to bars in the night.
I meant: No prostitutes in the streets.

Yeah, in China it exists prostitution, although it's illegal, it seems tolerated.

It exists drugs too, but it's not to the level of normality of Western societies.

Here it's common smell to weed near to bars in the night.

As China seems to look the other way in certain cities the same happens in place like the US. In LA they are openly walking the streets in certain areas without much worry while in other places in the US it is all very well hidden from sight as they are perpetually trying to stay 10 steps ahead of the police.
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One detail that shows how Chinese big cities are strongly different from Western cities is the common thing of when elderly Chinese people come out to street in pajamas, they feel safe, and secure, they feel their city is their home and belongs to them.

None of that happens in the West, it can happen in small towns, never in big cities.
One detail that shows how Chinese big cities are strongly different from Western cities is the common thing of when elderly Chinese people come out to street in pajamas, they feel safe, and secure, they feel their city is their home and belongs to them.

None of that happens in the West.

Aren't you making generalizations?

They would only feel unsafe in US cities where the poor are concentrated.

But in places where the poor aren' is perfectly safe.

this from 3 weeks ago
Aren't you making generalizations?

They would only feel unsafe in US cities where the poor are concentrated.

But in places where they aren' is perfectly safe.

this from 3 weeks ago
Generalizations are needed to understand a little the world that surrounds us.
Generalizations are needed to understand a little the world that surrounds us.

The problem is the US is mostly the opposite of much of the world in terms of preferred lifestyle.
While many successful people flock to old big city centers around the world to live and the US they mostly move out of old big cities. Big US cities like NYC/Chicago/Detroit/Philadelphia which were once home to a large percentage of the US 100 years ago are seeing their population rates not grow anywhere near as much as the overall population.

Once their city subways were full of people in they aren't. They are home to people whose median household income is only half as much as the nearby suburbs. So do you think the elderly want to dance out in the open in those cities....

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