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Classified MQ-9 cloaking pods bring enhanced capability to US Marine Corps MLRs


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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A cloaking pod equipped on the Marine Corps' MQ-9 Reaper drones, making them "mostly undetectable" to enemy radar, is enhancing the surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the service's new Marine Littoral Regiments, according to Commandant Gen. Eric Smith. Lowering the MQ-9’s signature improves the MLR’s ability to sense and make sense of its surroundings, Smith said today at a Brookings Institution event, labelling the classified system a “T-SOAR pod” but declining to provide detailed information on its capabilities. “What it...


Mar 28, 2009
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Active cancellation :ROFLMAO:


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Rather spun up headline - this isn’t star trek.

But what it is an advanced DFRM pod - possibly from Mercury systems

The electronic warfare pod “can mimic, I’ll be careful here, it can mimic things that are sent to it that it detects, turn it around and send it back,” Gen. Eric M. Smith, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, told a Brookings Institution forum on Tuesday. “So it becomes a hole. A black hole. It becomes mostly undetectable.”

The Reaper Defense Electronic Support System / Scalable Open Architecture Reconnaissance (RDESS/SOAR) pod gives the MQ-9s “the ability to somewhat disappear off of enemy radar,” Smith added, declining to elaborate for security reasons because it is a classified device. Sensing an enemy’s radar emissions and sending false signals back to the receiver is a core tenant of electronic warfare, one capability of many a system like this is likely to possess.



Full Member
May 20, 2009
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Maybe they should use this cloaking device over Yemen and Syria as their mq9s are being shot down with regular frequency

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