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Classified MQ-9 cloaking pods bring enhanced capability to US Marine Corps MLRs


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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A cloaking pod equipped on the Marine Corps' MQ-9 Reaper drones, making them "mostly undetectable" to enemy radar, is enhancing the surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the service's new Marine Littoral Regiments, according to Commandant Gen. Eric Smith. Lowering the MQ-9’s signature improves the MLR’s ability to sense and make sense of its surroundings, Smith said today at a Brookings Institution event, labelling the classified system a “T-SOAR pod” but declining to provide detailed information on its capabilities. “What it...


Mar 28, 2009
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Active cancellation :ROFLMAO:


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Rather spun up headline - this isn’t star trek.

But what it is an advanced DFRM pod - possibly from Mercury systems

The electronic warfare pod “can mimic, I’ll be careful here, it can mimic things that are sent to it that it detects, turn it around and send it back,” Gen. Eric M. Smith, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, told a Brookings Institution forum on Tuesday. “So it becomes a hole. A black hole. It becomes mostly undetectable.”

The Reaper Defense Electronic Support System / Scalable Open Architecture Reconnaissance (RDESS/SOAR) pod gives the MQ-9s “the ability to somewhat disappear off of enemy radar,” Smith added, declining to elaborate for security reasons because it is a classified device. Sensing an enemy’s radar emissions and sending false signals back to the receiver is a core tenant of electronic warfare, one capability of many a system like this is likely to possess.



Full Member
May 20, 2009
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Maybe they should use this cloaking device over Yemen and Syria as their mq9s are being shot down with regular frequency


Full Member
Nov 21, 2018
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Is it the norm to take all declarations of USA military prowess to be truer than gospel truth?

A bit of joke at we all seen gospel to be the product of genocidal lebensrauming liars JEWS more inclined to hewn GOD PROMISED LAND to be given to they themselves as CHOSEN PEOPLE

That miltary gadget of USA will be supreme all over not withstanding seeing USA forces running away from battles and wars with s**t running down legs of pants

After all, USA forces got state of art game changer weaponary compared to those that they fought armed with single shot bolt action rifles just a stage above muzzle loader black powder or AKs at best and crude home made IEDs and satchel charges.


And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.
America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia

Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🤣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq

The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading “the Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:


And of course, we seen how their much talked about super duper game changer PATRIOT AEGIS protected against sub mach handful of home made Houthi drones

and likely in many many other countries and regions, such as in the Red Sea where a USA carrier was clobbered by a DIY home made Houthi missile.

And as demonstrated so clearly in KSA the Aegis and Patriot systems defending Saudi a joke as the Aegis and Patriot cannot even detect a few sub Mach cruise missiles not to talk of taking them down. Even to now, no one sure where those came from and who flown them. Despite overlapping coverage of those Patriot and Aegis systems.



The American systems dunno where the slow poke missiles came from and if missiles did not go off with bangs leaving smoke and fire, might not even have existed at all

New sales pitch? US makes the world’s ‘finest’ anti-air systems, but sometimes they just don’t work, Pompeo explains
Saudi air defenses like Patriot & Aegis don’t match their advertised properties, unfit for real combat – Russian Army (MAP)


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