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Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates


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Jul 14, 2019
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If Ukraine cedes the territory it can’t survive. it’s better to fight to the death than ending in gulags. At least you reserve the honor.
What kind of honor under jewlensky???
The guy already sold his entire nation to the devil.
What we have seen so far Russia has treated her prisoners of war and civilians under her control a lot better than USA or any other allies.
We have seen israhell (under the shadow protection of USA) committing horrible crimes to the people of occupied lands and Russia has not comparison..... Not at all.


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Jul 14, 2019
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Putin only wants NATO not to encircle Russia and not to threaten her integrity.
Jewlensky made a grave mistake by selling his nation for dollars.
Russia was too patient for a long time, we all know that.
No matter how much you babble you can't change the reality most of the sane world knows now.
The likelihood Ukraine cedes territory in exchange for settlement is 0.
Let’s say Ukraine cedes this and that parts of Ukraine to Russia the war will stop? No. Putin has made clear from the beginning he wants to exterminate Ukraine as state.


Oct 24, 2012
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Putin only wants NATO not to encircle Russia and not to threaten her integrity.
Well, then Putin did a very good job by invading Ukraine, now Finland join NATO which adding another border and completed the EAST to WEST encirclement and sandwich Russia between Finland and Alaska.

And then added Sweden to make sure Baltic Sea into NATO Lake, further strangling Kaliningrad

But that's okay, because Russia now has 60% of Donbas....and a very pissed off neighbor



Full Member
Jul 14, 2019
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Well, then Putin did a very good job by invading Ukraine, now Finland join NATO which adding another border and completed the EAST to WEST encirclement and sandwich Russia between Finland and Alaska.

And then added Sweden to make sure Baltic Sea into NATO Lake, further strangling Kaliningrad

But that's okay, because Russia now has 60% of Donbas....and a very pissed off neighbor

You seem agitated and pissed off.
By your logic Russia should have waited, either, when NATO missiles were stationed in Ukraine.
Well in current scenario Putin has harmed NATO well enough so they will be ready for any other mischief in other countries, especially Muslim countries,in near future. Axis of evil is weakened.
Nato's actions has brought world on the brink of nuclear war (which is inevitable anyway and will happen) which for some reason which I am not gonna explain you will be beneficial in the end for a certain world/community.


Oct 24, 2012
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You seem agitated and pissed off.
By your logic Russia should have waited, either, when NATO missiles were stationed in Ukraine.
Well in current scenario Putin has harmed NATO well enough so they will be ready for any other mischief in other countries, especially Muslim countries,in near future. Axis of evil is weakened.
Nato's actions has brought world on the brink of nuclear war (which is inevitable anyway and will happen) which for some reason which I am not gonna explain you will be beneficial in the end for a certain world/community.
Well, you seem to be agitated and pissed off. I am merely stating the facts here, was Finland not joined NATO? Did Russia just add another NATO border, a whole 1200km from Finland with NATO? Was Sweden not joined NATO? Did it just basically close off the Baltic Sea for Russia? Now Russia ship needs to navigate thru Denmark Strait between Denmark and Sweden before coming in contact with Kaliningrad? Does any of that of what I just said is NOT TRUE??

On the other hand, had Russia conquered Ukraine yet? What say you if NATO were to position Nuclear Weapon in Kyiv tomorrow? Does Russia now have any say about that? I can tell you the likelihood for Ukraine joining NATO now after this war is multiple fold than it was before this war. The chances of missile being deployed on an independent Ukraine is more likely than before when Russia invaded. Your assumption is that NATO provoke a nuclear war with Russia, a war, before this, this war is not even a materialised threat, now, instead of Ukraine, NATO can deploy nuclear missile in Finland, which is next to Russia, in Estonia after they dropped the START II treaty, NATO can even give Ukraine to Russia, yet NATO missile WILL move multiple time CLOSER to Russia than before this war. I don't know what kind of language you use to describe this, what I call is "dumb." Trying to annex 580 miles of border in Ukraine instead of adding a 800-mile border form Finland. And you know what? Now Russia REALLY is surrounded.

And lol, if there is a nuclear war, so be it, I don't mind as we all die anyway, what? Do you think you will be spared When Russia and America destroy each other?? If you think a nuclear war is the way, then good luck surviving post-apocalyptic world scavenging for food.

Finally, last I check NATO loses 0 soldier in this war, Russia from 300,000 to 600,000. Sure if you believe NATO is weaken by this........LOL By what? Losing 200 Bradley, a few HIMARS, a few hundred Tanks?? LOLZ

Dude, you are more of a comedian than Zelenskyy could EVER be. You crack me up son. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Putin only wants NATO not to encircle Russia and not to threaten her integrity.
Jewlensky made a grave mistake by selling his nation for dollars.
Russia was too patient for a long time, we all know that.
No matter how much you babble you can't change the reality most of the sane world knows now.
Man, stop cheap propaganda
The russians are known as thieves, hooligans and rapists. That’s why all European countries run into the NATO. They seek protection. Simple. Poland, Baltic states now erect high fences to keep the russians away. Nobody want anything from Putin’s empire. He can rule Russia until he falls out of the window.



Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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The 1,000km wonderful border wall isolating Russia from Europe, built by Poland and Baltic states is almost complete. Europe treats the russians like the Israelis treat the Hamas. The higher the wall, the better.
The French liken the wall to former French defense line of maginot.



Full Member
Jul 14, 2019
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Man, stop cheap propaganda
The russians are known as thieves, hooligans and rapists. That’s why all European countries run into the NATO. They seek protection. Simple. Poland, Baltic states now erect high fences to keep the russians away. Nobody want anything from Putin’s empire. He can rule Russia until he falls out of the window.

Yes NATO are angels. 😂
See, they all are bad.... it's just who is worse.
For you I got you same day when you cheered for Zionists and justified Isra-hell's genocide and baby killing by just saying that they are God's chosen people.
You people are even worst of all creations and not even ashamed of your hypocrisy and twelve faces.
Yet again here you are for babbling who Russians are hooligans, rapists and evil. 👀


Full Member
Jul 14, 2019
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The 1,000km wonderful border wall isolating Russia from Europe, built by Poland and Baltic states is almost complete. Europe treats the russians like the Israelis treat the Hamas. The higher the wall, the better.
The French liken the wall to former French defense line of maginot.

Like it will protect Europe from Russian wrath. 🤣
Until Europe leaves atrocities under the evil master USA there is no chance of her.
But like I said before this time NATO made a very bad move. Consequences are a win win for oppressed World. 😎


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Italy will buy 550 German tanks including 200 Panthers for 20 billion euros. Bullets instead of butter. Ready for a great war. Thank you Putin.


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