Covid-19 News and Discussions

they could engineer it to..

A deadly virus has never cause a pandemic. Only a mild virus can. Only a mild virus can spread widely.

The reason SARS failed to spread is because it's too deadly. SARS-CoV-2 is only a common cold. That's why it spread quickly.

The reason bird flu failed to spread is because it's too deadly. Swine flu is only a common cold. That's why it spread quickly.
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they could engineer it to..

A deadly virus can't spread, so they would have to engineer lots and lots of them and release them repeatedly and that could make it look suspicious.

Right now they only engineer a new Betacoronavirus pandemicum variant every summer and winter to make a wave which is not deadly.

COVID levels on the rise across the country​

@Sharma Ji

What do you think of this Asperger's guy posting a pandemic update every single day?

Sunday's Pandemic Update: Covid And Other Viruses In Wastewater Data​

@Sharma Ji

What do you think of this Asperger's guy posting a pandemic update every single day?

Sunday's Pandemic Update: Covid And Other Viruses In Wastewater Data​

will have to check later

Asperger's is just dyslexia or something but, right ?
will have to check later

Asperger's is just dyslexia or something but, right ?

It's a kind of autism with uncontrollable repetition of the same actions over and over and over. It often develops in childhood.

Health officials say now is the time to plan COVID, flu and RSV vaccinations​


Ex-FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb says "timing is about right" for new COVID booster rollout​




Infertility Vax Nightmare - Introduction​

@Sharma Ji

I'm guessing long covid is mostly caused by stress and anxiety. Long covid symptoms are mostly in the head rather than in the body.

@Sharma Ji

I'm guessing long covid is mostly caused by stress and anxiety. Long covid symptoms are mostly in the head rather than in the body.

whole thing is a psyop

there is no covid
whole thing is a psyop

there is no covid

Exactly. They are masquerading every cold as covid. It's a scam to steal trillions of dollars from the working class and make the working class poor.
whole thing is a psyop

there is no covid

And don't forget Project 2020: The Great Reset. The government takes away your rights and freedoms.

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