Dark Warning from Maulana Fazlur Rahman: 'Two Provinces Could Break Away if Crisis Continues

If this carries on then only Punjab and Sindh will be left as Pakistan.

Pakistan is heading straight for a break up much worse than 1971.
If that really happens, then it will be Punjab alone all the way.
The biggest province by population, needs to be broken down into atleast 5 provinces.

The hegemony of the biggest province, on the basis of the population majority, can no longer carry forward, if democracy is to prevail, and less density population areas given more representation In the parliament and senate.

The majority of the hiring done to serve as the servants of the people, is localised to a few towns / cities / districts, of the biggest populated province.

It becomes apparent when the same institution, interferes and occupies civilian institutions and positions, it leads to the establishment of the fact that a specific province, in the name of the servants of the people, is establishing its hegemony over the country.

Be it Karachi, Gawadar, Quetta, Swat etc .....billions of rupees spent each year to maintain security but still protests and killings have continued.

On the other hand, peace and prosperity persists in the largest populated province of the country.

How is this stark contrast possible?

Unless the largest province, doesn't want the smaller provinces to prosper , want the poverty and illiteracy to continue and stop them from leading the country?

The relevancy of the smaller provinces in the federation is such that all the smaller provinces combined, can't Outnumber or out outvote the single largest province by population.

Similar thing they did to counter the shift of power from west pakistan to east pakistan, by combining all the provinces in the west pakistan into a single unit, but many years later and politics aside, the result was disastrous.

Is this real democracy or hegemony ?
The biggest province by population, needs to be broken down into atleast 5 provinces.

The hegemony of the biggest province, on the basis of the population majority, can no longer carry forward, if democracy is to prevail, and less density population areas given more representation In the parliament and senate.

The majority of the hiring done to serve as the servants of the people, is localised to a few towns / cities / districts, of the biggest populated province.

It becomes apparent when the same institution, interferes and occupies civilian institutions and positions, it leads to the establishment of the fact that a specific province, in the name of the servants of the people, is establishing its hegemony over the country.

Be it Karachi, Gawadar, Quetta, Swat etc .....billions of rupees spent each year to maintain security but still protests and killings have continued.

On the other hand, peace and prosperity persists in the largest populated province of the country.

How is this stark contrast possible?

Unless the largest province, doesn't want the smaller provinces to prosper , want the poverty and illiteracy to continue and stop them from leading the country?

The relevancy of the smaller provinces in the federation is such that all the smaller provinces combined, can't Outnumber or out outvote the single largest province by population.

Similar thing they did to counter the shift of power from west pakistan to east pakistan, by combining all the provinces in the west pakistan into a single unit, but many years later and politics aside, the result was disastrous.

Is this real democracy or hegemony ?
Why I feel only enemy can do this thing to enemies. No patriot will do this.
The biggest province by population, needs to be broken down into atleast 5 provinces.

The hegemony of the biggest province, on the basis of the population majority, can no longer carry forward, if democracy is to prevail, and less density population areas given more representation In the parliament and senate.

The majority of the hiring done to serve as the servants of the people, is localised to a few towns / cities / districts, of the biggest populated province.

It becomes apparent when the same institution, interferes and occupies civilian institutions and positions, it leads to the establishment of the fact that a specific province, in the name of the servants of the people, is establishing its hegemony over the country.

Be it Karachi, Gawadar, Quetta, Swat etc .....billions of rupees spent each year to maintain security but still protests and killings have continued.

On the other hand, peace and prosperity persists in the largest populated province of the country.

How is this stark contrast possible?

Unless the largest province, doesn't want the smaller provinces to prosper , want the poverty and illiteracy to continue and stop them from leading the country?

The relevancy of the smaller provinces in the federation is such that all the smaller provinces combined, can't Outnumber or out outvote the single largest province by population.

Similar thing they did to counter the shift of power from west pakistan to east pakistan, by combining all the provinces in the west pakistan into a single unit, but many years later and politics aside, the result was disastrous.

Is this real democracy or hegemony ?

It's because people in Punjab don't tend to keep blowing stuff up and causing fassad, it's only natural for development to center around peacefull areas
The biggest province by population, needs to be broken down into atleast 5 provinces.

The hegemony of the biggest province, on the basis of the population majority, can no longer carry forward, if democracy is to prevail, and less density population areas given more representation In the parliament and senate.

The majority of the hiring done to serve as the servants of the people, is localised to a few towns / cities / districts, of the biggest populated province.

It becomes apparent when the same institution, interferes and occupies civilian institutions and positions, it leads to the establishment of the fact that a specific province, in the name of the servants of the people, is establishing its hegemony over the country.

Be it Karachi, Gawadar, Quetta, Swat etc .....billions of rupees spent each year to maintain security but still protests and killings have continued.

On the other hand, peace and prosperity persists in the largest populated province of the country.

How is this stark contrast possible?

Unless the largest province, doesn't want the smaller provinces to prosper , want the poverty and illiteracy to continue and stop them from leading the country?

The relevancy of the smaller provinces in the federation is such that all the smaller provinces combined, can't Outnumber or out outvote the single largest province by population.

Similar thing they did to counter the shift of power from west pakistan to east pakistan, by combining all the provinces in the west pakistan into a single unit, but many years later and politics aside, the result was disastrous.

Is this real democracy or hegemony ?
More provinces = more chief ministers = more expenditure = more issues

Punjab was already split as North and South when Buzdar was CM. What difference did it make? Punjab should not be blamed for Pakistan's troubles.

Constitutional limits of all institutions should be in focus.
While our nation teeters on the edge of collapse, people are wasting time debating trivial matters. It's heartbreaking to witness such blindness to the bigger picture. Asim Munir's greed for power is tearing the country apart, yet some remain fixated on distractions. This refusal to acknowledge the broader catastrophe unfolding before us is not just ignorance—it's a betrayal of Pakistan’s future.
Maulana Fazlur Rahman has stated that the current situation mirrors that of 1971, warning that establishment and government is creating conditions that could lead to the separation of two provinces from the country.

What are the conditions he is alleging are being created by the establishment and government? BTW, is there a significance that establishment is considered separate and distinct from the government? Is it a shorthand for civil and military governments
we can’t allow discussion about scenarios of dividing Pakistan.

You can discuss the political situation and its possible outcomes but make sure to not start releasing your frustration otherwise expect a straight ban
Why do members think the solution to the problem is splitting Punjab province into multiple provinces? Please educate yourself , internet exist and learn to use it.

Canadian provinces and American states are almost as big if not bigger than entire Pakistan. Issue was and is the corruption - by breaking a province into smaller provinces you are inviting more crooks to the table.

Accountability is the answer. Actually believing in your country and standing up for it is the solution.

People of KP and Balochistan have been ignored and treated like strangers in their own country, instead of realizing and learning from the mistake we are doubling down. What we are seeing in Punjab now, has been going on in Balochistan for ages.

if every institution stays in their defined boundary, we can fix the country. People need to come out on the streets and stand up for their rights .
Why do members think the solution to the problem is splitting Punjab province into multiple provinces? Please educate yourself , internet exist and learn to use it.

Canadian provinces and American states are almost as big if not bigger than entire Pakistan. Issue was and is the corruption - by breaking a province into smaller provinces you are inviting more crooks to the table.

Accountability is the answer. Actually believing in your country and standing up for it is the solution.

People of KP and Balochistan have been ignored and treated like strangers in their own country, instead of realizing and learning from the mistake we are doubling down. What we are seeing in Punjab now, has been going on in Balochistan for ages.

if every institution stays in their defined boundary, we can fix the country. People need to come out on the streets and stand up for their rights .
Bilkul. Lack of proper governance, accountability, ownership and decades of mismanagement/ corruption. The chaudhry, wadera, sardar establishment don't allow change and push the army up to cop it all like a patsy and then hide behind it.
The biggest province by population, needs to be broken down into atleast 5 provinces.

The hegemony of the biggest province, on the basis of the population majority, can no longer carry forward, if democracy is to prevail, and less density population areas given more representation In the parliament and senate.

The majority of the hiring done to serve as the servants of the people, is localised to a few towns / cities / districts, of the biggest populated province.

It becomes apparent when the same institution, interferes and occupies civilian institutions and positions, it leads to the establishment of the fact that a specific province, in the name of the servants of the people, is establishing its hegemony over the country.

Be it Karachi, Gawadar, Quetta, Swat etc .....billions of rupees spent each year to maintain security but still protests and killings have continued.

On the other hand, peace and prosperity persists in the largest populated province of the country.

How is this stark contrast possible?

Unless the largest province, doesn't want the smaller provinces to prosper , want the poverty and illiteracy to continue and stop them from leading the country?

The relevancy of the smaller provinces in the federation is such that all the smaller provinces combined, can't Outnumber or out outvote the single largest province by population.

Similar thing they did to counter the shift of power from west pakistan to east pakistan, by combining all the provinces in the west pakistan into a single unit, but many years later and politics aside, the result was disastrous.

Is this real democracy or hegemony ?
It's not the size but devolution of power from the Feudals and corrupts to the masses that is required. Real democracy , Chinese style is the need of the day, time for us to discard the colonial pseudo democracy of the British empire. Accountability and transparency , rule of law and distribution of wealth and power is the need of the day.

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