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Dassult and Lockheed looking at Indian assembly


Dec 16, 2023
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Sure, they have been expecting big orders for last 20 years, posters on this forum have so much mud on their face from past claims I think we have come to the point that 20th or 21st layer of mud on the face makes no difference to them.....

Did not see Rafale Scorpene mirage2000
Globemasters predators Romeo
helicopters posedions etc in our military already

You a keyboard civilian seem to know more than the heads of Lockheed and Dassult who are in meeting dialogue with military from India for years planning these initiatives..They want to set up assembly here not just for India but global supply chain

Like Apple have ....you understand India is being set up to be global manufacturer for the world soon

Sounds like bitterness because some are stuck with sub standard equipment from other sources won't mention names

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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We buy ten times the amount of weapons from USA and France do than Pakistan ...
Did not see Rafale Scorpene mirage2000
Globemasters predators Romeo
helicopters posedions etc

You a keyboard civilian seem to know more than the heads of Lockheed and Dassult who are in meeting dialogue with military from India for years planning these initiatives

Sounds like bitterness because some are stuck with sub standard equipment from other sources won't mention names
download (2).jpg


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Jul 15, 2015
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I don’t know enough about Agneveer but what I do know Indian nation cannot handle OROP without reducing head count and also make army modern.


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Jan 3, 2024
Did not see Rafale Scorpene mirage2000
Globemasters predators Romeo
helicopters posedions etc in our military already

You a keyboard civilian seem to know more than the heads of Lockheed and Dassult who are in meeting dialogue with military from India for years planning these initiatives..They want to set up assembly here not just for India but global supply chain

Like Apple have ....you understand India is being set up to be global manufacturer for the world soon

Sounds like bitterness because some are stuck with sub standard equipment from other sources won't mention names

Dude, what happened to follow on Rafale order? order for tankers? Order for new subs? Order for MRFA fighters? India is like one of those Indians who turns up at a car showroom, loves all the attention from sales people, pretends he is going to buy, and at last minute always walks away.

Go through all the threads and see the fancy claims? Right now you were supposed to have 200 Tejas MK1s/MK1As, 114 Rafales, 12 Tankers, 12 AWACS.

Give us a break, maybe jump up and down when order is actually placed. Till then it is all hot air....

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Dude, what happened to follow on Rafale order? order for tankers? Order for new subs? Order for MRFA fighters? India is like one of those Indians who turns up at a car showroom, loves all the attention from sales people, pretends he is going to buy, and at last minute always walks away.

Go through all the threads and see the fancy claims? Right now you were supposed to have 200 Tejas MK1s/MK1As, 114 Rafales, 12 Tankers, 12 AWACS.

Give us a break, maybe jump up and down when order is actually placed. Till then it is all hot air....
well and what kind of customer you are the one who is not allowed to enter any german or french or US made car /wepon showroom hence goes to or can afford only Chinese EASY LOAN showlooom ;) :p


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Jun 11, 2024
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Dude, what happened to follow on Rafale order? order for tankers? Order for new subs? Order for MRFA fighters? India is like one of those Indians who turns up at a car showroom, loves all the attention from sales people, pretends he is going to buy, and at last minute always walks away.

Go through all the threads and see the fancy claims? Right now you were supposed to have 200 Tejas MK1s/MK1As, 114 Rafales, 12 Tankers, 12 AWACS.

Give us a break, maybe jump up and down when order is actually placed. Till then it is all hot air....
Leave it dude, this character spends all day on a Pakistani forum patting his own backside but will dig up a year old video to show Pakistan in negative. Besides it's now become Habitual for these folks to make a song and dance of every decimal while Pakistan Quitely goes about it buisness. We are ok with that.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Leave it dude, this character spends all day on a Pakistani forum patting his own backside but will dig up a year old video to show Pakistan in negative. Besides it's now become Habitual for these folks to make a song and dance of every decimal while Pakistan Quitely goes about it buisness. We are ok with that.

Well put


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Do You Even Know the so called AgniVEER scheme which Congi Chamcha brigate is calling Fancy names ??

There is a problem with Age in Indian Army

deu to ever increasing pressure on student and other activities and avrage age of a officer or JCO or infantry soldier is rissing and reached almost 24 years

so as per need of the forces which forces have themselfs devised need young men in infantry and JCO ranks so age of armed forces comes down

now an avrage agniveer who is selected at an avrage age of 18 years in the force for a period of FOUR YEARS if shows capability or passes his Major tests at 22 is sent for LONG SERVICE COMMISSION rest who fail get SISTEEN LAKH RUPEES and ONE CRORE if he losses his life during service specially during combat while those who could not make into service wille be obsorbed in CRPF , State police or Intellegnce or Raiway Police or related goverment posts

in short Agniveer is for recruiting Miltarry trained rpofessionals in CRPF/State Police/Local Beurocracy and Goverment Distribeution Like Ration Shop executives or Mother dairy or Safal Counters operatives or in State Transport services in Highway Toll Collection or maintainence there are endless places where goverment wants to place these militarry background agniveers and it is already hapenning all across the globe under various names

as for Dassault and Lokheed they want to produce and assembell in india as there is no shortage of educated and qulified /trained machenical engineers and ITI mlike skilled machenical staff in India besides a very very huge demand and of course money to buy them ... so why not

The ground reality.

Cheers, Doc


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Dec 31, 2023
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I really hope we start to manufacture rafale in India as second production line and sign off a big order for the airforce

For me if we get Vishal carrier I would love to see 60 plus Rafale Marine in
And at least 80 Rafale in Airforce
This rumour mill about land sourcing is a good sign

Marine Rafales are ad-hoc purchase , once TEDBF matures by 2040s those 26 Rafales should either be transferred to Naval landbase or to Airforce.


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Dec 31, 2023
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The ground reality.

Cheers, Doc

Fake Doc stop lying. Get yourself updated.


Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Fake Doc stop lying. Get yourself updated.

No wonder they call him Pappu and his own partymen dont take him seriusly but then he is the only HOPE for MODI haters in Pakistan aswell as they know MODSI will never aknowledge them or there claims or make peace with them like they want nor dose he belives in onse sided "AMAN KI ASHA"
download (2).jpg


Jan 30, 2024
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problem with France is that they don’t allow their platforms to be modified with Indian systems and subsystems. They charged $40 million to upgrade each Mirage 2000, and that too without an engine. On the other hand, Su-30MKIs are being upgraded with Indian avionics. If IAF decides to buy Su-57, it can be equipped with Indian avionics, and India can also manufacture it locally and modify it as needed. However, this would require a royalty payment to Russia for each fighter jet.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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No wonder they call him Pappu and his own partymen dont take him seriusly but then he is the only HOPE for MODI haters in Pakistan aswell as they know MODSI will never aknowledge them or there claims or make peace with them like they want nor dose he belives in onse sided "AMAN KI ASHA"
View attachment 53424

Dont know about the joker Cryptonian, but I know you in person, and know that you are surely not a kid.

We both know how it works, even in the auto industry.

Money is paid, vehicle or part/assembly totally replaced, and complainants asked to shut up, take down their videos/posts, and say all ijj well.

Cmon Guru. At least listen to actual faujis who put their lives on the line and have always said this is a shitty idea for a country like India. We are not Israel.

Cheers, Doc


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Feb 20, 2024
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India can afford 114 Rafales, in fact it can probably afford 2x that without breaking a sweat ...

Not without substantially increasing the capital expenditure portion of it's Defence budget. which is unlikely to happen given the Indian National Congress party and it's allies (which are in the Opposition of Indian Parliament) in states have made freebies "the thing" to give.

Which means even a party like the BJP which doesn't believe in freebies will have to compete with ludicrous freebie promises made by the opposition. I fully expect the money to be tight for massive procurements like MRFA.


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Feb 20, 2024
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If there were a "buy now, pay later" arrangement between France and India, India could have potentially bought 300 Rafale jets. India had such an agreement with the Soviet Union in the past, and Pakistan has a similar arrangement with China, allowing them to buy J-10C and J-31 aircraft and pay in installments. Currently, the only option for the Indian Air Force to achieve the required numbers for a two-front war is to purchase Tejas MK1A and MK2 in large quantities.

all airplanes are bought in instalments. No one can pay the entire deal cost up front. There is a portion of the deal price paid up front, a portion paid as deliveries start and then continued till deliveries are on-going.

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