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Dassult and Lockheed looking at Indian assembly

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Dont know about the joker Cryptonian, but I know you in person, and know that you are surely not a kid.

We both know how it works, even in the auto industry.

Money is paid, vehicle or part/assembly totally replaced, and complainants asked to shut up, take down their videos/posts, and say all ijj well.

Cmon Guru. At least listen to actual faujis who put their lives on the line and have always said this is a shitty idea for a country like India. We are not Israel.

Cheers, Doc
Guess what Doc in 2003 Atal Bihari Govt had done two major deals one with russians where russians gave away Admiral Groshkov for ONE RUPEES but asked for 1.35 Billion US Dollar for its refit and another Billion for 45 Mig29Ks which deal was signed in 2004 simillar deal was also on almost siging stage with Dassault when they were to tranfer entire toolings and rigs and assembally appratus to India for assmebally and systmes manufacturing of Mirage 2000 as they dint hade soace for it as they wanted Rafale to take up that spaces in there diffrent factories

but the MMS and anotonia maino led UPA govt came and 2.34-2.4 Biillion Groshkov/Mig27K deal went up to almost 4.6 Billion and assembally line transfer never hapenned for Mirage2000 but UPA in 2008-2009 agreed in principal to pay for upgrade of Mirage2000 in tune of 40Million per peice which was 15% more than the actual cost of complete new fighter had costed us if the line would have been tranferred to india

and there is another fact GAIT industries of France had also agreed to supply and then Manufacture its CEASER 155 Gun System in India and also transfer rifle ammo manufacture plant to india as Euro norms were troubling them which they later did among many other to brazil

so brother all things are not that simple sometimes we for easy way curruption do such a loss that then we blame every one else but end up looser ... cheers doc


Nov 9, 2014
problem with France is that they don’t allow their platforms to be modified with Indian systems and subsystems. They charged $40 million to upgrade each Mirage 2000, and that too without an engine. On the other hand, Su-30MKIs are being upgraded with Indian avionics. If IAF decides to buy Su-57, it can be equipped with Indian avionics, and India can also manufacture it locally and modify it as needed. However, this would require a royalty payment to Russia for each fighter jet.

... and again my over-enthusiastic friend you again forget: it will immediately end all future use of high-end US systems. The

Like I said so often and in fact I'm not sure if you simply don't want or cannot understand: India must decide what it wants ... if it continues this way of "trying to get the best from all sides" it will only be milked and gain nothing, especially not any for of self-reliance. And if India could re-equip any such Su-57I with Indian systems is also yet another question.

But again, keep on dreaming ...

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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... and again my over-enthusiastic friend you again forget: it will immediately end all future use of high-end US systems. The

Like I said so often and in fact I'm not sure if you simply don't want or cannot understand: India must decide what it wants ... if it continues this way of "trying to get the best from all sides" it will only be milked and gain nothing, especially not any for of self-reliance. And if India could re-equip any such Su-57I with Indian systems is also yet another question.

But again, keep on dreaming ...
totally agreed with you but the actual problem is sothing else

Indian MOD dose not want to splurge way too much on Foriegn Mall and for that they kept dragging and changing goal posts of internally made weapons like Arjun MBT or LCA Tejas

But IAF/IA loves that only and is hystarical like a 12 year old girl about it while the corrupt babboons sensing a kill there keep on postponning by sending the relevent files in a confusing round robin game thus ever increasing the prices and Govt then back tracking and the IAF & IA sulking over the loss or missed opportunity


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Guess what Doc in 2003 Atal Bihari Govt had done two major deals one with russians where russians gave away Admiral Groshkov for ONE RUPEES but asked for 1.35 Billion US Dollar for its refit and another Billion for 45 Mig29Ks which deal was signed in 2004 simillar deal was also on almost siging stage with Dassault when they were to tranfer entire toolings and rigs and assembally appratus to India for assmebally and systmes manufacturing of Mirage 2000 as they dint hade soace for it as they wanted Rafale to take up that spaces in there diffrent factories

but the MMS and anotonia maino led UPA govt came and 2.34-2.4 Biillion Groshkov/Mig27K deal went up to almost 4.6 Billion and assembally line transfer never hapenned for Mirage2000 but UPA in 2008-2009 agreed in principal to pay for upgrade of Mirage2000 in tune of 40Million per peice which was 15% more than the actual cost of complete new fighter had costed us if the line would have been tranferred to india

and there is another fact GAIT industries of France had also agreed to supply and then Manufacture its CEASER 155 Gun System in India and also transfer rifle ammo manufacture plant to india as Euro norms were troubling them which they later did among many other to brazil

so brother all things are not that simple sometimes we for easy way curruption do such a loss that then we blame every one else but end up looser ... cheers doc

Its no surprise to me that Sanghi ecosystem is inimical to our longterm Russian friends and cosy with the Americans.

It does not take a genius to figure out why.

I had a mallu girlfriend in college. She is married into a top RSS family now. I told you about the guy in passing last night on the phone. Please dont repeat here ....

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Its no surprise to me that Sanghi ecosystem is inimical to our longterm Russian friends and cosy with the Americans.

It does not take a genius to figure out why.

I had a mallu girlfriend in college. She is married into a top RSS family now. I told you about the guy in passing last night on the phone. Please dont repeat here ....
its not my style brother

point is congress for its small corruption money and trying to keep beurocrats happy done more harm to Indian Union than China and pakistan combined but you will never aklowledge that and thats the main reason why internation establishment funds congress and its ecosystem cause they know these guys can be very easily bought and controlled while they kept trying to buy and control RSS or BJP guys since 1998 and failed and then tried even using dirty games and many top RSS and BJP ministers and office bearers died by mysterious ailments or were killed in accidents or shown like there relatives killed them but still BJP came into power and still they are not able to sell there pharma or auito mobiles or weapon systems like they wanted in india even after 10 years ... funny na ;) :p


Full Member
Jan 30, 2024
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... and again my over-enthusiastic friend you again forget: it will immediately end all future use of high-end US systems. The

Like I said so often and in fact I'm not sure if you simply don't want or cannot understand: India must decide what it wants ... if it continues this way of "trying to get the best from all sides" it will only be milked and gain nothing, especially not any for of self-reliance. And if India could re-equip any such Su-57I with Indian systems is also yet another question.

But again, keep on dreaming ...
Indian systems are more compatible with Russian platforms. If Su-57 comes to India, it will likely be equipped with Indian missiles, radar, mission computer, fly-by-wire systems, and essentially everything Indian except for the airframe and engine. This transition won't occur all at once but will happen gradually over a period of 8-10 years.


Nov 9, 2014
Indian systems are more compatible with Russian platforms. If Su-57 comes to India, it will likely be equipped with Indian missiles, radar, mission computer, fly-by-wire systems, and essentially everything Indian except for the airframe and engine. This transition won't occur all at once but will happen gradually over a period of 8-10 years.

Minor correction… wet dreams again!
You don’t change a FC/FBW system when its established only since it is an Indian one available and even this is questionable… as such I would change this to:

over a period of 80-100 years (aka never). 🤡 It simply makes no sense and the US will never allow the use of their own high end types within a Rusdian-infected ecosystem aka using a high end Russian fighter. This will immediately led to an end of any further US support
Last edited:


Jul 4, 2024
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Minor correction… wet dreams again!
You don’t change a FC/FBW system when its established only since it is an Indian one available and even this is questionable… as such I would change this to:

over a period of 80-100 years (aka never). 🤡 It simply makes no sense and the US will never allow the use of their own high end types within a Rusdian-infected ecosystem aka using a high end Russian fighter. This will immediately led to an end of any further US support
Which high end US System are you talking about? I don't think US has transferred any high end technology to India


Full Member
Jan 30, 2024
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Minor correction… wet dreams again!
You don’t change a FC/FBW system when its established only since it is an Indian one available and even this is questionable… as such I would change this to:

over a period of 80-100 years (aka never). 🤡 It simply makes no sense and the US will never allow the use of their own high end types within a Rusdian-infected ecosystem aka using a high end Russian fighter. This will immediately led to an end of any further US support
What has US got to do with an Indo-Russian Joint Venture?


Full Member
Feb 24, 2024
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Like I said so often and in fact I'm not sure if you simply don't want or cannot understand: India must decide what it wants ... if it continues this way of "trying to get the best from all sides" it will only be milked and gain nothing, especially not any for of self-reliance. And if India could re-equip any such Su-57I with Indian systems is also yet another question.

But again, keep on dreaming ...
Not sure if you are serious or otherwise. For a def analyst your argument is very very obviously colored by some sort of bias against India or a sense of white superiority/white savior syndrome.

What do you mean India will be milked if we try to get best from both sides? As opposed being helped by the west (or Russia) in self reliance if we choose one over the other? Are you a def analyst dealing in geo political ground realities or trying to sell us a narrative that suits your (west's) interest here? For someone who keeps saying don't live in lala land, you seem to be very very comfortable selling the same lala land to others. Why would anyone think the only two way for Inida are either get milked by both sides trying to get best of both worlds or as you insinuate in your post choose a side and suddenly the side turns altruistic and lo and behold India will be self reliant because of your benevolence?
India will do what it feels is best for her. Granted some of the choices will back fire and some will be clouded by the corrupt trying to make a quick buck. At the end of the day, Indian leaders will choose something that is not as simple as you put it above - get milked buying from both sides or "else".

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