De-risking from west supply chain


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Dec 23, 2023
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Orders from Middle East flooded to Chinese communication companies. One of them, Hytera, who is in US entity list, has to subcontract some orders to other Chinese companies due to limited capacity.

All the orders have one specific request: 100% made in China. Free from imported parts. And shipment should be directly from China to destination ports.

US has been asking other countries to de-risk from China for at least 5 years. Ironically Middle East countries gave an opposite answer. They are de-risking from west. Reality beats all narratives. The world didn't see any risk from China but risks from US and its pawns are real.

Will this de-risking from west movement spread to other regions? Will this no-buy spread from communication products to other electronic appliances, or even other products such as phones, cars, weapons?

Huawei will soon luanch pureblood Harmony OS. Which is supposed to be widely used in phones, computers, cars, and other appliances. After de-risking from west in hardwares. What about softwares?

Let's wait and see.
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