Deceiver asim and and anjam set the game now isa is playing. Pakistan is Laughing stock


Elite Member
Jan 20, 2016
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Without Mushy and his purging of officer corp of the so called "extremists" AKA anyone with a beard...mediocre small men like Bajwa, Kiyani and Munir wouldn't have risen to the top....

I agree, this cancer of "Tony generals" was all Mushy doing. One of my near and dear one had to leave army because of the same beard issue back in the days.


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Jan 20, 2016
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Bolivian army chief arrested for attempted coup after deploying tanks​

Bolivian President meet with Putin and within days there was coup attempt. Even tiny country like Boliva and its institution have more morality and courage to nip the evil in the bud, I wish Bajwa was apprehended like this when he was planning the regime change and Asim dragged by his throat from his office by civilian police.


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Apr 18, 2011
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Bolivian President meet with Putin and within days there was coup attempt. Even tiny country like Boliva and its institution have more morality and courage to nip the evil in the bud, I wish Bajwa was apprehended like this when he was planning the regime change and Asim dragged by his throat from his office by civilian police.

We are born salves......Even though we gained independence from the UK in 1947, we quickly turned into salves for our military establishment. Here is an example:

"Trainers kept baby elephants bound from the beginning in the same chain that is difficult for him to break and stays in that chain for the rest of his life, even if in adulthood he can easily break this chain, but from the beginning he gets an impression that this chain is difficult that he can't break"



Elite Member
Jan 20, 2016
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We are born salves......Even though we gained independence from the UK in 1947, we quickly turned into salves for our military establishment. Here is an example:

"Trainers kept baby elephants bound from the beginning in the same chain that is difficult for him to break and stays in that chain for the rest of his life, even if in adulthood he can easily break this chain, but from the beginning he gets an impression that this chain is difficult that he can't break"

View attachment 51219

We never got independence because Pakistani military establishment always been B team of international establishment. Through these rats they control Pakistan. And this link must be broken at all costs.


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Apr 18, 2011
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We never got independence because Pakistani military establishment always been B team of international establishment. Through these rats they control Pakistan. And this link must be broken at all costs.

To do that, as was already mentioned, we as a nation must break the mental block that is the slavery chain.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2022
Its pretty clear how low these scums of the earth are willing to go to keep Imran Khan in jail.

Keeping him in jail with cooked up corruption charges is one thing but stooping to the level of invalidating his marriage is very low.

May Allah’s curse be upon them and they rot in hell.


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Nov 22, 2017
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The patriots within the Army need to learn from Türkiye and Bolivia.
Dec 17, 2023
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Sorry to say but this is a dumbest question ever.

If you bother to use some of your brain cells, then you should have asked that why ECP went against only PTI? The one party which was facing onslaught from army establishment. Why you couldn't develop such common sense? ECP just not went against them, they went against them like a mission with full dedication. They pursued them from high courts to supreme court. If PTI acted 99.8% on ECP guidelines, then ECP went after that 0.2% and psychopath Qazi also pathetically as a lawyer of ECP focused on that 0.2% with microscope and cross every limit to actually kick out the largest party of the country out of elections on petty points. But if PPP & PMLN only acted 30% on ECP guidelines then ECP won' t even dare to touch them. It is biggest treachery by ECP or a CJP, if they go "selective" against a particular party using selective points But failing to realize that how many other fundamental rights they are going to trample & destroy by doing so.

In a normal society, ECP head & Qazi Issa would be facing Article 6. They have done severe treachery. They have intentionally insulted & destroyed the national mandate which should be the most sacred & important. Now these a-holes wants to further insult national mandate by giving reserve seats which should have been of PTI to others. This is called treachery. The nation clearly voted for PTI-backed candidates, they absolutely rejected PMLN / PPP but Qazi moron wants to give reserve seats of PTI candidates to rejected parties and make their minority as majority just because Qazi earlier had himself kicked out PTI out of elections.

PTI did intra elections not once but twice unlike any other party and on the times when ARMY was unleashed on them. Still they were punished because it was already decided. It was matter of 'excuses'. IF angels drop from the heaven and do everything absolutely with law and precision even then Qazi & ECP would find any excuses. They would say, why intra party elections held between 9:00 to 5:01. The elections should have closed by 4:59, Angels did a mistake here, so let's kick out the party. Its pity that you are unable to understand the amount of injustice done to the nation and national mandate by ECP / Qazi on army's behest.

You need to think on real issues, real human / citizen rights, the reason of democracy, why law & constitution is created at first place. Basic principle of law is that it should be equally applied to all. Selective criteria is utter dishonesty. When you start thinking on these lines, then you will realize why elections were postponed several times by army establishment until they got their man in the supreme court. The one tout who can kick out largest representation of Pakistanis from the elections and all that shamelessly.
your answer is based on IFFFFFS. my question is still unanswered.


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Dec 25, 2023
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"Bolivia... Military coup failed due to people's power...

Three weeks ago, the Bolivian President visited Russia, and since yesterday, on American orders, the military had started a regime change operation there. However, the people thwarted the coup. The cipher against our leader also came after his visit to Russia...!!!"

PTI' awami taqat (i.e. illegal Afghans) has gone back to Afghanistan. PTI has no support in Pakistani awam. If it had that support, youthiyas wouldn't have to rely on social media, lies, and trends.

13 Assassins

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Dec 25, 2016
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Pak Generals are the hired guns of the Americans. It is their loyal duty and obligation to obey their Prophet Uncle Sam and destroy Pakistan. If not, the free whiskey tap will be turned off.

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