Deceiver asim and and anjam set the game now isa is playing. Pakistan is Laughing stock


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Dec 25, 2023
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We are born salves......Even though we gained independence from the UK in 1947, we quickly turned into salves for our military establishment. Here is an example:

"Trainers kept baby elephants bound from the beginning in the same chain that is difficult for him to break and stays in that chain for the rest of his life, even if in adulthood he can easily break this chain, but from the beginning he gets an impression that this chain is difficult that he can't break"

View attachment 51219
Not we. Only youthiyas and some other Pakistanis (i.e. those ghaddar ibne ghaddar ibne ghaddar who been spying for gora against Muslims of India). The evidence is clear. These Uncle Sam's slaves were jumping like mad monkeys when US congress passed a resolution (after PTI's lobbying and foot-licking) against Pakistan's recent general elections and were found vehemently opposing a tit-for-tat resolution in Pakistan's NA against American interference in Pakistan's internal affairs. These America’s slaves have been falsely and deceptively claiming ‘ham qoi Amrika ke Ghulam hein?’ in not too distant past.

Cash gk

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Sep 20, 2015
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PTI' awami taqat (i.e. illegal Afghans) has gone back to Afghanistan. PTI has no support in Pakistani awam. If it had that support, youthiyas wouldn't have to rely on social media, lies, and trends.
Have you done your DNA? You must be ***** from your backside


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Apr 18, 2011
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Not we. Only youthiyas and some other Pakistanis (i.e. those ghaddar ibne ghaddar ibne ghaddar who been spying for gora against Muslims of India). The evidence is clear. These Uncle Sam's slaves were jumping like mad monkeys when US congress passed a resolution (after PTI's lobbying and foot-licking) against Pakistan's recent general elections and were found vehemently opposing a tit-for-tat resolution in Pakistan's NA against American interference in Pakistan's internal affairs. These America’s slaves have been falsely and deceptively claiming ‘ham qoi Amrika ke Ghulam hein?’ in not too distant past.


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