Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Let me repeat for you.

- Ayotollah regime fears US is going to overthrow it one day, like they did with Gaddafi.

- Iranian regime cannot hit US, so they attack it's friend Israel.

- Ayotollah's regularly threaten Israel with annihilation, so of course Israel like any other country will defend itself

All Muslim countries want peace, only Iranian regime is blood thirsty.

Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and even KSA were set to normalize relation with Israel but then Iranian regime got 7-Oct done so that peace cannot be achieved.

First you say "Iran has NO QUARREL with Israel more than any other Muslim nation". Now you say "All Muslim countries want peace, only Iranian regime is blood thirsty". So you admit Iran is not in the same category as those Muslim countries that seek peace with Israel. Hence, Iran does have a greater quarrel with Israel than the other Muslim nations.

And everything else you said was demonstrably false. Turkey, UAE, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan have ALREADY normalised relations with Israel.
There are corrections I like to make, first, the northern kingdom of Isreal and Southern Kingdom of judah did not coexist but rather were at war for nearly hundred years before Assyrians ransacked the Isreal, the northern kingdom. Secondly, the two calamity upon "Bani Israel", not Jews , as mentioned in holy Quran are by most accounts are referring to the Assayrian and babylonian invasion. Not the Romans.

These are not semantics but historical facts that 10 out of 12 tribes of Bani Isreal, Hebrew as you like to call, were pagans. You mentioned archaeology, there are temples in northern Israel , I believe around samaria where they used to worship golden calf. And these ten tribes as per their own beliefs are lost. So A) overwhelming majority of Bani Israel was NOT Jew, B) overwhelming majority of Bani Isreal aka Hebrew are missing or lost as the say. So who is occupying the Holy land ? Simple answer is those converted Jews who got no links with holy lands through ancestry. Hence their claims to land is bogus.

Hope this helps.
Both the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah had common Hebrew roots and were "Children of Israel." Both were doing fine when Assyrians decided to intervene as noted here. Allah Almighty did not distinguish these two kingdoms and confirm that the Kingdom of Judah was better than the Kingdom of Israel in the promised land and was spared:

"And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant." (17:4)

"When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled." (17:5)

"Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them." (17:6)

"If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands." (17:7)

Allah Almighty pointed out that these people became corrupt and arrogant and he punished them by creating conditions of war in the region.

Assyrians and Babylonians are same people and destroyed both the kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in succession but Hebrews regrouped and recovered from this setback and defeated Babylonians in this prolonged war, and established the Hasmonean dynasty in the promised land but Romans destroyed the Hasmonean dynasty in another war.

Two different wars are hinted in the revelations mentioned above - each was a warning to Hebrews to mend their ways. Hebrews lost to the first enemy but regrouped and defeated it at a later stage. But Hebrews could not handle the second enemy. Baybalonians destroyed the First Temple in war while Romans destroyed the Second Temple in war.

Division between the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel was on political grounds like in Muslim-majority countries in modern times (Pakistan vs. Bangladesh), it does not change the fundamental fact that both were created by the "Children of Israel" in the promised land and this is how Allah Almighty mentioned these people.

And it is not surprising that both Hebrew kingdoms fought each other because Muslim-majority countries also fight each other. And we also see corruption and arrogance in some Muslim-majority countries. Therefore, some regions are not peaceful.

I see repeat of same story in current times. If this trend continues then a truly destructive war is possible in which many will die. Think about it.

Therefore, all need to reflect and think about how to solve current disputes in a better way.
More interesting details, pagers contain explosives loaded in....

Iran nuclear centrifuge also infested through Taiwan provided devices ...exactly the same pattern.

In Urdu.
LOL, This is highly concentrated copium at it's best. So can you explain to us why Hezbollah was buying their stuff from Israel and Mossad? :rofl:
Your Shah son, was blubbering on Patrick Bet David show how Israel had a role I'm his father removal. It is known that Shah didn't like Jews very much. 2 weeks later he went and kiss ass of the son of a farmacsist . Of course Bet David too.
As it is known here. I ain't fan of the Mullahs and had more then a couple of clashes with some of Iranians here. But I presented my points and they try to answer.
But you are maggot, truly you are. Apart from your dumb gloating you are too stupid to engage in anything.
All of this because, you father had a shoe shop before Revution and lost it and 1977 you went to Paris and lived a gentile life?
You are such a villager. Obviously a member , recently from village to the city new middle class.
The epitome of mediocrity.
Nothing to say really, just the hate.
Usa is paying 3d chess

First of all usa is largest oil producer in world why the hell would it want oil?

It doesn't but it gives that impression to cover up the real reason.

The real reason, is Zionist control usa and any arab country that is stable is a threat and is not a Zionist is a threat

That's the only criteria not the amount of oil

Current US oil reserves are only enough to last 5 years. After that they'll need to import it from other countries. Also, Anglo-Zionist control over Middle Eastern oil allows Israel to be safe and China to be insecure. It gives them a chokehold on China's throat.
Firstly my post wasn't meant for you , my bad some crosswires.
As for your query, last time we accompanied a certain minister visiting a run down housing estate, ironically we didn't find a single Asian family to interact with but plenty of hoodies and tattooed artists. BTW, that was after doing my own 12 hour shift !!!! So don't read everything on social media.
No worries then, we good.
Israel’s war on Gaza live: Lebanon on edge as new blasts kill 20, wound 450

More communication devices exploded in coordinated attacks across Lebanon, killing at least 20 people and wounding more than 450, officials said, a day after simultaneous explosions of pagers used by Hezbollah killed 12 people and wounded thousands.
Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant declared the start of a “new phase” in the war, saying after months of fighting against Hamas in Gaza, “the centre of gravity is shifting to the north by diverting resources and forces”.
The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories within a year.
At least 41,272 people have been killed and 95,551 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza. In Israel, the number of those killed in the Hamas-led attacks on October 7 was at least 1,139 while more than 200 people were taken captive.

100% all western equipment has kill switches

I agree with that. Most puppet rulers of Muslim countries are probably flying planes rigged with bombs. They disobey their masters they die.

A retired PAF pilot told me that Pakistani F-16s have limitations on them. All the military equipment in Muslim puppet countries is probably rigged to self-destruct.

Only a complete break with the West and becoming self-sufficient or turning to China will save Muslim countries from being destroyed.
The Lebanon pager attack: Israel’s terror playbook strikes again
Indiscriminate violence is a favourite Israeli tactic, whether deployed in Gaza, Lebanon or elsewhere.

Belén Fernández
Al Jazeera columnist

On Tuesday, hundreds of handheld pagers used by members of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah simultaneously exploded across Lebanon, killing at least 12 people, including two children. Nearly 3,000 others were wounded, many of them critically.

No one has claimed responsibility for the operation, but it is not hard to guess who is behind it: Israel, a nation that specialises in terrorising selected Arab civilian populations under the pretence of fighting terror. Since October of last year, this same nation has busied itself carrying out genocide in the Gaza Strip, where officially more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed but the true death toll is likely many times higher.

And while the ostensible targets of Tuesday’s attack were pager-wielding Hezbollah members, it was carried out with the full knowledge that the fallout would be indiscriminate and that massive civilian casualties would ensue. But that is the whole point of terrorism, is it not?

Hezbollah, it bears underscoring, owes its entire existence to the terroristic 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon that slaughtered tens of thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians. Israel’s torture-happy occupation of southern Lebanon persisted until May 2000, when the Israeli military was ignominiously forced to withdraw its forces by the Hezbollah-led Lebanese resistance.

In 2006, Israel returned to Lebanon in a 34-day assault on the country that decimated Lebanese infrastructure and killed an estimated 1,200 people, the majority of them civilians. After all, a nation that thrives on perpetual war cannot afford to let too much time elapse in between blowing things up.

Of course, Israel perpetually claims to be acting in self-defence – and wantonly detonating pagers across Lebanon has apparently now been added to the “defensive” repertoire. But a glance at history reveals that, as in Palestine, Israeli machinations in Lebanon have traditionally been driven by distinctly predatory motives.

Consider a 1955 diary entry courtesy of Moshe Sharett, Israel’s second prime minister, who outlined then-Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan’s vision of finding a Lebanese army officer, “even just a Major,” who could be made sympathetic to the Israeli cause: “We should either win his heart or buy him with money, to make him agree to declare himself the savior of [Lebanon’s] Maronite population”.

After that, things would quickly fall into place: “Then the Israeli army will enter Lebanon, will occupy the necessary territory, and will create a Christian regime which will ally itself with Israel. The territory from the Litani [River] southward will be totally annexed to Israel and everything will be all right”.

Granted, things did not pan out precisely as Dayan had planned. But, hey, annexation can take time.

This particular diary entry, translated into English, appears in a 1980 book titled Israel’s Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary and Other Documents. The manuscript author is Livia Rokach, daughter of former Israeli Interior Minister Israel Rokach.

A 1985 review of the book observed that David Ben Gurion, Israel’s inaugural prime minister who ceded the premiership to Sharett, had “carried out a policy he described as ‘retaliation’, but which Sharett saw as one of regular provocations designed to bring about a new war in which Israel could seize more territory from the Arabs in Gaza, the West Bank, Sinai, Syria and Lebanon”.

Fast forward nearly seven decades from that 1955 diary entry, and provocation – pardon, “retaliation” – is still the name of Israel’s game.

Since the onset of all-out genocide in Gaza in October, almost 600 people have been killed in Lebanon in a sort of side war being waged by Israel, which also undertook to assassinate Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut in July – an attack that killed three civilians, including two children, and wounded 74 others.

But the mass bloodshed occasioned by exploding pagers takes provocation to a new level. Lebanese hospitals are overwhelmed, and Lebanon’s health ministry is scrambling to collect blood donations for the wounded. Meanwhile the United States is, as ever, standing by to ensure that the situation remains as flammable as possible.

Speaking to the press on Tuesday following the pager attack, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller fielded a question from a journalist regarding “reports that Israel will declare soon that the northern front [with Lebanon] is the main front in this war” and the capacity of the US to keep the conflict from “exploding into a regional war”.

According to Miller’s eloquently coherent response, the US would “continue to push for a diplomatic resolution” while talking to its “partners in the region about the need to do – to avoid any type of steps that would avoid escalation of the conflict”. Ultimately, however, he stressed that “this is a question for parties in the region and what kind of world and what kind – they want to live in and what kind of future that they want to have”.

And yet it’s rather difficult to push for a diplomatic resolution to anything while you are simultaneously funneling billions of dollars and all manner of weaponry to a regional partner who happens to be perpetrating genocide.

Rest assured that however Hezbollah responds to Israel’s latest provocation, the Israeli military will have yet another bloody “retaliation” on hand. And this, to be frank, is not the kind of world anyone should want to live in.

Current US oil reserves are only enough to last 5 years. After that they'll need to import it from other countries. Also, Anglo-Zionist control over Middle Eastern oil allows Israel to be safe and China to be insecure. It gives them a chokehold on China's throat.

USA has oil reserves same as Saudi Arabia , however for now they are buying oil from outside use that first before they use their own reserve. After Saudi Arabia will run out of oil USA will still have oil for another 200-500 years

There is abundance of oil for another 1,000-2,000 years in world folks just don't admit it but there is plenty of it

I think they also have a underground bunker to store oil , when oil market crashes ("artificially") they normally load up oil barrels in that reserve under ground bunker.

In greater war with Russia they see value to control oil and gas in Middle east for their own ambitions also major sea route passes thru Swiss canal

For USA they don't want Russia/China to have controlling stake in region over the oil ability to attain it to grow their economy
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Good video about the companies used for this operation
Well, this is where it gets complicated. I feel sorry for young Israelis who are born there and are doing nothing more than what anyone else would do - defend their country. We can't blame them for their parents' or grandparents' role in a military colonization but they must also be told the reality. Same as how German children learn of their recent past.
Exactly but I don't think educating Israelis is what Palestinians are looking for here.
Two state solution is a meaningless canard and will make no difference to the situation on the ground. Israel bombs and kills with impunity in Lebanon or Syria, so international boundaries mean nothing to it.

The only solution is a single Palestinian state. Israel is a military colony masquerading as a state. That leaves the question of what to do with Jews in Israel and I would advocate full citizenship for them in a Palestinian state.

There is every likelihood that Jews would then form a de facto ruling elite, given their Western connections and generations of privilege in education and wealth compared to Palestinians, so something to balance it out would be needed. Perhaps something like the Affirmative Action program in the US?
By that logic two state or one state, what difference does it make? If you create a Jewish elite in Palestine that'll simply be a military colony. It's not a South Africa like situation because Jews would still form a majority of the population. I don't see that working out given the current situation. But I do hope one peace prevail 🤞 someday
Israeli Animals have proven , by their actions they are a cult who has Superficial Superiority complex at Racial Level

They don't understand how to live alongside other Nationalities

Their inhumane behavior is exposed how they deal with Elderly , women & children or Victims of war suffering already

Nor they value life

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