Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

Two brutal wars in Iraq and Libya and it seems some people dont know yet what is the main target of USA empire.

Create mayhem in oil rich countries.

The richest oil zone in the world is Middle East.

And the perfect tool to destabilize Middle East is Israel.

War can escalate from Hezbollah to Iran and Persian Gulf in a blink of eye.
There is something called Sykes-Picot Agreement, between British and French. Its a interesting read, something that goes back to before World war One.

Then there was another exercise, done in 2006 by a retired US Army Colonel Ralph Peters

While Oil or any other resource might be additional advantage, the main aim is Control and sphere of influence. Same thing that has been aim of major powers (be it Royal or Aristocratic or Nation States), through out history of mankind.
Exactly but I don't think educating Israelis is what Palestinians are looking for here.

Education is the first step towards reconciliation and peace. Many Jews and others who are decent people otherwise have been brainwashed into believing that Israel has the moral high ground in this conflict. That claim can be debunked by objective historical facts but, as long as they keep believing it, the conflict will endure. Religiously observant Jews are told three times a day that they have the -- literally God given -- right to return to the land of Israel which has been promised to them by God.

It's tempting for those of us far away to feel compassion for Jewish suffering and say they should have a safe place to live, but we have no right to tell Palestinians to suffer just so we can feel good. Charity is only good if a person is giving something of themselves.

By that logic two state or one state, what difference does it make? If you create a Jewish elite in Palestine that'll simply be a military colony. It's not a South Africa like situation because Jews would still form a majority of the population. I don't see that working out given the current situation. But I do hope one peace prevail 🤞 someday

No easy answers here but a step in the right direction. Better for them to discuss income inequality issues within a democracy rather than shooting at each other.
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Israeli are already surrendering, remember they have to be a viable state, not a state under constant pressure, conflict and hatred
That impossible

Next U.N resolution is coming and will demand Israel vacate all occupied territory within 12 months

It will be used amongst multiple other resolutionss to target government, companies and boycott and isolate Israel

The Jews will eventually be forced to leave all of the middle east and even today they are become a minority
U.N are useless.
In a century Israel will always be there, with a bright economy, surronded by bitter arab states. that's all.
The earlier they cound understand that, the less blood, mainly arab one, will flow.
lol yes from handouts and money provided to them by western countries out of guilt for torturing them for centuries.
Gaza received a lot of international money.
Money embezzled by Hamas not to built school, hospital, company, not even a shield for civilian people in case of, but for tunnels, rockets, fortune of a hand full Hamas leaders.

By nature Israel is now eternel.
As long as the neighbors are only jealous of the israel prosperity, they go to an end. See what happend to Lebanon : it was the ME swutzerland and now a mess under the Hezbollah dictature.
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Lets not forget that report of IRGC members being killed and hurt during Israel's electronic attack. Why would Iran Ambassador have a hezbo pager? Hmm... Also I call BS on this pic.

I don't think these are hezbo members but IRGC.
Think about the fucked up situation for Iran...

If they make a lot of noise about this and call that their people got hurt, it will implicate them of being hand in glove with Hezbo.

If not then they will miss another opportunity to attack Israel.

Its a very interesting situation. I will say serves them right, those piece of shit Irani Mullahs.
U.N are useless.
In a century Israel will always be there, with a bright economy, surronded by bitter arab states. that's all.
The earlier they cound understand that, the less blood, mainly arab one, will flow.

The U.N is indeed useless, but it's the same U.n that bought Israel into existence

And international law is CLEAR, Israel has been declared by all international bodies as being a occupational apartheid state

You can't get around that

So you will face constant pressure on all fronts, business, national and protest and blockade across the world using ACTUAL INTERNATIONAL LAW AND RULINGS

The next generation of educated youth is heavily pro Palestine across the world

And if that wasn't enough the AVERAGE AGE of the Palestinians is 19,,
Let me repeat that it's FREAKING 19

aS of today the Palestinians/Arabs form a MAJORITY population across Gaza, Israel and the west bank

That's NOW, it's happened after decades of Jew occupation

So gradually that will increase MASSIVELY because the Palestinians are heading towards a demographic boon

The Jews can't escape what they have done, they can kill and murder and cause havoc but they are trying to hold back a ocean

The Jews won't be tolerated, they won't be accepted, the Jews will need to run, they need to go
Think about the fucked up situation for Iran...

If they make a lot of noise about this and call that their people got hurt, it will implicate them of being hand in glove with Hezbo.

If not then they will miss another opportunity to attack Israel.

Its a very interesting situation. I will say serves them right, those piece of shit Irani Mullahs.

Iran is fine, they get to use a proxy force to constantly attack Israel and keep it under attack

For the majority Iran faces no consequences, whilst Israel is empty in the north and south and in a constant battle against a small amount of people

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