Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

I know many Syrian refugees tried to flee to Europe.

For Gazans, there isn't much option sadly. It is like a prison. Israel's tactics in Gaza are expensive and impractical in my view. Given Mossad's competence, they could have just toppled Hamas and allowed Fatah in (after talks) without a single bullet. That way an independent Palestinian state could finally be in the map.

Today, the current Israeli government appears to be dominated by settlers. They are not interested in a Palestinian state and would rather opt for a sea view in Gaza. This partly explains the bloody nature of the war.
I have humanitarian personality. If I ever had the means or resources, I would have offered Palestinian non-combatants including women and children shelter and the option to live a normal life with permission of relevant authorities (legal channels). I read stories of war and I fully understand how terrifying it is. So this is my personal view and some can disagree with it but humanity is in my soul. The state is in the best position to help though. Better than private channels. God bless or reduce pain of innocent and underpriviledged.
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U.N are useless.
In a century Israel will always be there,

Israel's entire existence depends on these guys being the top dogs.


In particular the US, as the head of Western civilization. So because you mention Israel will still there in a century, I'll give you some perspective.

A century = 100 years.

141 years is the time from where the British empire becomes victorious in Trafalgar (1815), becomes the world's sole superpower (1815-1940) and then suddenly realize they're no longer a superpower during the Suez crisis (1955). That's a very significant drop in power and prestige. A country that once control an empire in which the sun never sets, failed to perform against newly established Egypt.

Another perspective for you, an Edwardian era (1900-1914) boy who grew up watching something as complex as the Titanic getting launched from the slipway could only retired in bitterness when he reaches his elderly knowing that Russia, and not UK is the one's launching satellites and men into space.

By the 1960s, it's becoming clear that Europe is no longer in the game of top dogs. They're still a great power, but no longer globe spanning empires like they used to. Only the industrious America saves the West from its declining power vis a vis the Soviets. In fact it could be said, that America does all the heavy lifting to make sure the West stays supreme.

I don't what will happen in 100 years (2124), but whatever it is, it's very likely that the West's standing will not be what they are today. Because the top dog of this society (the US) and the Western society as a whole is on a decline. Every symptoms of a dying empire of the past (Romans, Persians, Arabs, Ottomans, Mamelukes etc etc) is clear for the eyes to judge.

You guys happens to tick ALL the characteristics of the age of Decadence :


So because you are already in the age of decadence. Israel, who depended on being parasite on Western society to advance its interest in the Middle East must've hoped that this age of decadence doesn't translate into collapse, because it eventually will.

Israel could cheer all they want but as long as they are not able to subdue the Islamic world to actually SINCERELY accepts their presence, they are living on borrowed time. And there will be no such thing as Islam accepting them, when our religion clearly defines them as the enemy of the faith.

The Taliban was once quoted as saying " You have the watch, but we have the time".
Some terrible visuals on telegram from hospitals, and injuries are apparently in the thousands. I wonder why they decided to do it now, wonder if someone important was on the line.

Clearly, Israelis were monitoring everything. If they had such intimate access to the Hezbollah comm network.

Two key things out if this:

1. Just shows how dependent Israel’s opponents are on western tech and the primitive nature of them.

2. Israel scored a massive tactical victory but it is a massive strategic failure for the Jews and the west. It will accelerate, even friendly Arab nations, move away from western tech and into Chinese tech. Even countries like Jordan will not trust the zionists now.

The blood thirsty psychopaths could have brought down passenger airlines - if one of those pagers ended up on a flight!!

Hamas has suffered massive casualties but scored a massive strategic victory by destroying the “Abraham accord”. Purpose of which was to normalise the bloodthirsty zionists!!

Waiting for Hezbollah response in the next 24 hours.

Waiting for Hezbollah response in the next 24 hours.

I don’t think Hezbollah has much given how they were so easily hoodwinked by the Zionists!!!

They might as well bought the pagers from eBay!!!

And why can’t a Muslim country make something as basic as a bloody pager!!!

Stop with the Madrasa education and embrace science!!!
I don’t think Hezbollah has much given how they were so easily hoodwinked by the Zionists!!!

They might as well bought the pagers from eBay!!!

And why can’t a Muslim country make something as basic as a bloody pager!!!

Stop with the Madrasa education and embrace science!!!
There are open source designs

I think it's not a problem of know-how, it's a problem of price.

Only some Asian countries can build some electronic devices in affordable price.
scored a massive strategic victory by destroying the “Abraham accord”. Purpose of which was to normalise the bloodthirsty zionists!!

Sadly, no.

These GCC rulers will be standing in line with flowers in hand, waiting in the servants' quarters for American orders to bow to Israel.

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