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Egyptian Mukhabarat

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Al Mukhabarat
The complete life story of Juma Al-Shawan (Episode 1 from 12 episodes : Documentary)



Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
Al Mukhabarat
The complete life story of Juma Al-Shawan (Episode 1 from 12 episodes : Documentary)

"From the Egyptian General Intelligence to the Israeli intelligence.. We thank you for your cooperation with us throughout the past period" "من المخابرات العامة المصرية إلى المخابرات الإسرائيلية.. نشكركم على حسن تعاونكم معنا طوال الفترة الماضية"= The most savage thing hahaha. I want to see the reaction of the Mossad hahaha


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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So speaking of Egyptian Mukhabarat, has anyone seen the recently leaked videos of Morsi engaging Tantawi & Sisi prior to the announcement of his presidential election victory?

If anyone has the video, pls post it. I will try to do it myself also. There seems to be a 3-part series of that specific meeting and it is REMARKABLE to say the least! Fantastic stuff and shows how the intelligence apparatus works in Egypt and who really holds the cards to the entire power structure even back then when SCAF was in charge of everything and had the responsibility of making or breaking Egypt. And Sisi's presence at the meeting is phenomenal, just his aura and how quiet he was taking notes and only speaking when needed. Tantawi carried the entire discussion and it actually got quite heated at one point between him & Morsi.

Sisi coming from not only a significant military background but being the minister of Intelligence (essentially El Mukhabarat) just shows how powerful, enigmatic and intelligent on another level the man is. His only limitation is he never spoke English very well.

Tantawi, on the other hand, his aura is even scarier. It's on another level entirely. His command of the meeting (which BTW, was obviously quite secretively at the time) and Morsi has nooooo idea he was being recorded lol. To watch it, listen to the dialogue and the specific topics being discussed and the way it was recorded gives you an entirely clear view into the Egyptian intelligence.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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So speaking of Egyptian Mukhabarat, has anyone seen the recently leaked videos of Morsi engaging Tantawi & Sisi prior to the announcement of his presidential election victory?

If anyone has the video, pls post it. I will try to do it myself also. There seems to be a 3-part series of that specific meeting and it is REMARKABLE to say the least! Fantastic stuff and shows how the intelligence apparatus works in Egypt and who really holds the cards to the entire power structure even back then when SCAF was in charge of everything and had the responsibility of making or breaking Egypt. And Sisi's presence at the meeting is phenomenal, just his aura and how quiet he was taking notes and only speaking when needed. Tantawi carried the entire discussion and it actually got quite heated at one point between him & Morsi.

Sisi coming from not only a significant military background but being the minister of Intelligence (essentially El Mukhabarat) just shows how powerful, enigmatic and intelligent on another level the man is. His only limitation is he never spoke English very well.

Tantawi, on the other hand, his aura is even scarier. It's on another level entirely. His command of the meeting (which BTW, was obviously quite secretively at the time) and Morsi has nooooo idea he was being recorded lol. To watch it, listen to the dialogue and the specific topics being discussed and the way it was recorded gives you an entirely clear view into the Egyptian intelligence.

حصريا في 30 دقيقة جميع التسريبات الحقيقية​


The whole leak is disturbing ..starting with who are speaking and Morsi looking like a little student.. to a very heated discussion between Marshal Tantawi and Morsi..in the presence of minister of defense Sisi..

Here is a very good read about all these events..

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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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starting with who are speaking and Morsi looking like a little student..

More like Tantawi speaking to Morsi about how he recognized Sisi's potential as a young man and took him under his wings and Morsi agreeing with him. That just goes to show you the power Tantawy yielded & wielded and really was the main figurehead behind SCAF of course and the head boss if you really think about it. Hence when he passed, it was only a matter of procedure that Sisi would become bossman.

Too bad many of the fellas on this forum and all the outside critics of Sisi don't understand Arabic and can listen to what is being said and how mischievous -- not so much Morsi, he just peddled the MB line of thinking -- those Brotherhood gangsters are/were. Then they would understand why many of us have no problem with the coup, takeover, dictatorship whatever they want to call it. Getting rid of those mobsters who were intentionally taking the country down was the best thing that happened and what saved Egypt from becoming an extremist disaster. We don't want that for our country anyone who has a problem with that can eat it.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2023

حصريا في 30 دقيقة جميع التسريبات الحقيقية​


The whole leak is disturbing ..starting with who are speaking and Morsi looking like a little student.. to a very heated discussion between Marshal Tantawi and Morsi..in the presence of minister of defense Sisi..

Here is a very good read about all these events..


More like Tantawi speaking to Morsi about how he recognized Sisi's potential as a young man and took him under his wings and Morsi agreeing with him. That just goes to show you the power Tantawy yielded & wielded and really was the main figurehead behind SCAF of course and the head boss if you really think about it. Hence when he passed, it was only a matter of procedure that Sisi would become bossman.

Too bad many of the fellas on this forum and all the outside critics of Sisi don't understand Arabic and can listen to what is being said and how mischievous -- not so much Morsi, he just peddled the MB line of thinking -- those Brotherhood gangsters are/were. Then they would understand why many of us have no problem with the coup, takeover, dictatorship whatever they want to call it. Getting rid of those mobsters who were intentionally taking the country down was the best thing that happened and what saved Egypt from becoming an extremist disaster. We don't want that for our country anyone who has a problem with that can eat it.
Honestly, I have my own opinions on the whole SCAF Morsi thing. Just watch a movie called The Square on youtube. @The SC when you see the message delete it (I don't want problem hahaha)


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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@Ghostkiller, you think you're the only one who has an opinion on SCAF lol. You didn't even say anything except watch some movie on YT and you didn't even link it. I looked it up just out of curiosity thinking it was an Egyptian or Arab movie and saw some weird thing lol. Didn't waste my time watching possibly the wrong thing. Link it or tell us your opinion who cares you're not the only one would express a negative opinion about SCAF. They weren't exactly angels, and everyone knows it. Tantawi was a ruthless military man turned powerful member of the supreme military council which had more power than the presidency and worked his way up to becoming the head of it with Sisi right under him. He died, Sisi took his place AND became president. Now it puts into perspective how powerful Sisi is lol.

BUT, despite all their shenanigans and how there were many killed during the demonstrations, they were also very patient with the people during the two revolutions. It wasn't until people started protesting Morsi's removal and camping in Tahrir and not allowing business to go back to normal that they started getting busy with what they know how to do and they did it. But before that, they were one with the people everyone saw that.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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حصريا في 30 دقيقة جميع التسريبات الحقيقية​


The whole leak is disturbing ..starting with who are speaking and Morsi looking like a little student.. to a very heated discussion between Marshal Tantawi and Morsi..in the presence of minister of defense Sisi..

Here is a very good read about all these events..


Any chance there's a version with english subtitles?


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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This movie was banned in Egypt by the the State

It's so silly. It's like why? Who cares, right? It's not going to cause either 2 of the scenarios they're worried about, another uprising or the shaming of the military. The former will never happen for a very long time and the latter is already well-known lol. It's no secret what the army did during both uprisings, Mubarak's (which they were seen as saints and part of the people except towards the end) and the 2nd where they showed their authoritarian rule and really clamped down on the Morsi supporters and the presidential palace but especially the Rabaa massacre. This is all well-known and they think this documentary is going to make them look bad. Silly. It's so silly since everyone knows the history it won't cause any strife if it's shown, at least not in any significant way. If it's allowed, it would only make them look better.

If anyone wants to see how to conduct the most efficient, professional and effective coup d'état, there's your manual lmao. :D

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It's so silly. It's like why? Who cares, right? It's not going to cause either 2 of the scenarios they're worried about, another uprising or the shaming of the military. The former will never happen for a very long time and the latter is already well-known lol. It's no secret what the army did during both uprisings, Mubarak's (which they were seen as saints and part of the people except towards the end) and the 2nd where they showed their authoritarian rule and really clamped down on the Morsi supporters and the presidential palace but especially the Rabaa massacre. This is all well-known and they think this documentary is going to make them look bad. Silly. It's so silly since everyone knows the history it won't cause any strife if it's shown, at least not in any significant way. If it's allowed, it would only make them look better.

If anyone wants to see how to conduct the most efficient, professional and effective coup d'état, there's your manual lmao. :D
We've seen all this live on TV..lol..

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