Fear A Militarily Weak China

Not Portugal but UK.... remember UK is still one of the top tier nuclear power and its navy is capable of projecting British power all over world... in 1999 China was actually backward compared to UK and do not forget you actually asked entry in Hong Kong to Chinese military and police 1 day prior of handover so you can take care of law and order and only for 1 day UK refused your request....

In Tawan's case you have to deal with USA which is different beast altogether....
Are you people still has that kind slave mentality to the British ? You think the British still ruled the world in the 1980s and 1990s as it did in the 19th century, lol ? So you think British was able to project power into Chinese mainland and coast and fight PLA to win ? You must be joking. AS a fact, Thatcher before agreeing to hand back HK to China in the 1980s after winning the Falkland war, just asked his military advisor if Britain was able to win a war against China in HK, her advisor told her not, so she gave up HK. Keep dreaming that Britain is still the great, the sun had set on the island since WW II.
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Their is a stark difference in the mentality of Chinese Soldiers between 1960s and 2020s

Earlier you had seasoned Soldiers and comanders having fought the Japanese in world war 2 , and USA in the Korean war.

Now the Majority is made up of one child policy Princelings.
Who will start crying while being sent to the border.

Their are videos on Youtube supporting the same.

Today's Pakistan Army is more professional and Courageous than PLA
Which only knows how to look good in military exercises
Lol, like the Chinese soldiers in Galwan clash in 2020 eh ? You people never learn anything.
Are you people still has that kind slave mentality to the British ? You think the British still ruled the world in the 1980s and 1990s as it did in the 19th century, lol ? So you think British was able to project power into Chinese mainland and coast and fight PLA to win ? You must be joking. AS a fact, Thatcher before agreeing to hand back HK to China in the 1980s after winning the Falkland war, just asked his military advisor if Britain was able to win a war against China in HK, her advisor told her not, so she gave up HK. Keep dreaming that Britain is still the great, the sun had set on the island since WW II.
In 80s it was not because UK was unable to fight China... 1982 Falkland war UK bombed vast Argentina so badly and they could easily do the same with backward China in 80s with more ease...

Only factor Thatcher's advisor said no was a Soviet Union who would have strongly supported China in case of a fight with UK in its eastern backyard.... even today UK's Vanguard class single submarine is capable of hitting 11 major Chinese cities comfortably sitting in English channel....

Am I scaring you???
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In 80s it was not because UK was unable to fight China... 1982 Falkland war UK bombed vast Argentina so badly and they could easily do the same with backward China in 80s with more ease...

Only factor Thatcher's advisor said no was a Soviet Union who would have strongly supported China in case of a fight with UK in its eastern backyard.... even today UK's Vanguard class single submarine is capable of hitting 11 major Chinese cities comfortably sitting in English channel....

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Am I scaring you???
Are you dreaming saying that Britain would be able to do to Chinese mainland as it did to Argentina in Falklands, if British could fight PLA to win a war in HK, they would not gave up HK definitely. Are you totally out of your mind ? China and Soviet Union in the 80s since 60s were mortal enemies, China was allied with US and the West in 80s to contain and fight Soviet Union, how delusional are you people, you can keep worshipping the British. Soviet Union would not get in help China to fight UK anyway, not in the 50s, 60s and totally impossible in the 70s and 80s. Know the history before you comment. By the way, China also had nukes and intercontinental ballistic missiles in early 80s.
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In 80s it was not because UK was unable to fight China... 1982 Falkland war UK bombed vast Argentina so badly and they could easily do the same with backward China in 80s with more ease...

Only factor Thatcher's advisor said no was a Soviet Union who would have strongly supported China in case of a fight with UK in its eastern backyard.... even today UK's Vanguard class single submarine is capable of hitting 11 major Chinese cities comfortably sitting in English channel....
So dumb, you know where Hong kong is, do you? Are you for real? China fought US in Korea the second year after it was established just because US moved too close to Chinese border and you claim China can't take over a tiny city of Hong kong which water and all daily necessities need to be supplied from Guangdong province, what's wrong with your brain?



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